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The Importance of Using

the Game Sense

Approach when
Teaching Physical

Miss Nadine Fardos
The games sense approach is a student-centred approach based around
physical movement. It allows students to develop their own skills and
understanding, while actively participating in the game.

Students become aware of the particular skills and rules involved, that are
necessary to play the game successfully.

Brookes focuses on three main outcomes when she sets out a game for her students:
To get students to understand the aim or purpose of the game they are playing;
To get students to understand what they need to be successful in the game, such as
skills and tactics; and
To help students to discover how many of
the skills and tactics they learn are
transferable across the sporting area.

This paper by The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
outlines that the Game Sense Model also called Teaching Games for Understanding
Approach emphasizes the strategic application of skills and the manipulation of
game rules to develop tactical awareness and decision making under pressure
(page 10). Meaning that this approach focuses on encouraging students to become
more aware of the skills involved after
they have understood the games rules.

This gets the students involved and
allows them to critically think about
what is involved in different games.
The Game Sense Approach is one that is used by all schools because it focuses on
understanding the skills involved when playing a game, rather than just playing the
game. It is a great teaching approach as it also brings about the 3 Developmental
Stages in Movement Skill Development, which include:
These stages focus on what level of movement
a student can achieve when undertaking
physical education.

The advantages for using this approach when teaching is that it provides a learner-
centred approach as it focuses on the needs and abilities of the students over
playing the game.

It allows students to question themselves as to why they are using certain skills for
different games, rather than just following a set of instructions and giving no input.

This approach will increase the motivation of students when playing a game, they
will also understand the meaning and
context of a game and will then reflect
on the game as they think about tactical
awareness and decision-making.

I really enjoy using this approach with
my students as it allows year 2 to develop responsible
decision making skills where they use their imagination
to brainstorm and come up with skills when
undertaking physical education.

Curriculum Support for PDHPE

How the Game Sense Approach in Physical Education can develop Cognitive
Thinking by Leanne Brookes

Phase Sport Education Module by ACHPER

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