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Thank you for your interest in DoubleCAD XT from IMSIDesi!n"

#ou may $o%nloa$ the &ro$u't at
Durin! installation use the follo%in! serial number(
Serial Number( CE+,)-,.+)+,,,)/0-1
2hen you first laun'h the &ro$u't it %ill &rom&t for you to A'ti3ate"
#ou must a'ti3ate the &ro$u't %ithin -, $ays or it %ill sto& runnin!
until a'ti3ate$" Cli'k 4A'ti3ate4 in the $ialo!, then enter the
follo%in! a'ti3ation 'o$e at the &rom&t(
A'ti3ation Co$e( 5EE6)7,89)8/D9)66.5
#ou 'an fin$ more information about the &ro$u't at
htt&(%%%"DoubleCAD"'om, an$ you may fin$ su&&ort, an$ more information
at the user forums at htt&(forums"$ouble'a$"'om"
2e look for%ar$ to seein! you at the forums, an$ ho&e you %ill tell a
frien$ about this useful free &ro$u't"
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