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1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose
name was Jo! and that man was "erfe#t and
$"ri%ht, and one that feared &od, and
es#hewed e'il(
2 And there were orn $nto him se'en sons
and three da$%hters(
3 His s$stan#e also was se'en tho$sand
shee", and three tho$sand #amels, and fi'e
h$ndred )o*e of o+en, and fi'e h$ndred she
asses, and a 'er) %reat ho$sehold! so that this
man was the %reatest of all the men of the east(
4 And his sons went and feasted in their
ho$ses, e'er) one his da)! and sent and #alled
for their three sisters to eat and to drin* with
5 And it was so, when the da)s of their
feastin% were %one ao$t, that Jo sent and
san#tified them, and rose $" earl) in the
mornin%, and offered $rnt offerin%s
according to the n$mer of them all, for Jo
said, -t ma) e that m) sons ha'e sinned, and
#$rsed &od in their hearts( Th$s did Jo
6 . /ow there was a da) when the sons of
&od #ame to "resent themsel'es efore the
0OR1, and 2atan #ame also amon% them(
7 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, 3hen#e
#omest tho$4 Then 2atan answered the 0OR1,
and said, From %oin% to and fro in the earth,
and from wal*in% $" and down in it(
8 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, Hast tho$
#onsidered m) ser'ant Jo, that there is none
li*e him in the earth, a "erfe#t and an $"ri%ht
man, one that feareth &od, and es#heweth
9 Then 2atan answered the 0OR1, and said,
1oth Jo fear &od for no$%ht4
10 Hast not tho$ made an hed%e ao$t him,
and ao$t his ho$se, and ao$t all that he hath
on e'er) side4 tho$ hast lessed the wor* of
his hands, and his s$stan#e is in#reased in the
11 B$t "$t forth thine hand now, and to$#h
all that he hath, and he will #$rse thee to th)
12 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, Behold,
all that he hath is in th) "ower! onl) $"on
himself "$t not forth thine hand( 2o 2atan
went forth from the "resen#e of the 0OR1(
13 . And there was a da) when his sons and
his da$%hters were eatin% and drin*in% wine in
their eldest rother5s ho$se,
14 And there #ame a messen%er $nto Jo,
and said, The o+en were "lowin%, and the
asses feedin% eside them,
15 And the 2aeans fell upon them, and too*
them awa)! )ea, the) ha'e slain the ser'ants
with the ed%e of the sword! and - onl) am
es#a"ed alone to tell thee(
16 3hile he was )et s"ea*in%, there #ame
also another, and said, The fire of &od is fallen
from hea'en, and hath $rned $" the shee",
and the ser'ants, and #ons$med them! and -
onl) am es#a"ed alone to tell thee(
17 3hile he was )et s"ea*in%, there #ame
also another, and said, The Chaldeans made
o$t three ands, and fell $"on the #amels, and
ha'e #arried them awa), )ea, and slain the
ser'ants with the ed%e of the sword! and - onl)
am es#a"ed alone to tell thee(
18 3hile he was )et s"ea*in%, there #ame
also another, and said, Th) sons and th)
da$%hters were eatin% and drin*in% wine in
their eldest rother5s ho$se,
19 And, ehold, there #ame a %reat wind
from the wilderness, and smote the fo$r
#orners of the ho$se, and it fell $"on the
)o$n% men, and the) are dead! and - onl) am
es#a"ed alone to tell thee(
20 Then Jo arose, and rent his mantle, and
sha'ed his head, and fell down $"on the
%ro$nd, and worshi""ed,
21 And said, /a*ed #ame - o$t of m)
mother5s wom, and na*ed shall - ret$rn
thither, the 0OR1 %a'e, and the 0OR1 hath
ta*en awa)! lessed e the name of the
22 -n all this Jo sinned not, nor #har%ed
&od foolishl)(
1 A%ain there was a da) when the sons of
&od #ame to "resent themsel'es efore the
0OR1, and 2atan #ame also amon% them to
"resent himself efore the 0OR1(
2 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, From
when#e #omest tho$4 And 2atan answered the
0OR1, and said, From %oin% to and fro in the
earth, and from wal*in% $" and down in it(
3 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, Hast tho$
#onsidered m) ser'ant Jo, that there is none
li*e him in the earth, a "erfe#t and an $"ri%ht
man, one that feareth &od, and es#heweth
e'il4 and still he holdeth fast his inte%rit),
altho$%h tho$ mo'edst me a%ainst him, to
destro) him witho$t #a$se(
4 And 2atan answered the 0OR1, and said,
2*in for s*in, )ea, all that a man hath will he
%i'e for his life(
5 B$t "$t forth thine hand now, and to$#h
his one and his flesh, and he will #$rse thee
to th) fa#e(
6 And the 0OR1 said $nto 2atan, Behold,
he is in thine hand! $t sa'e his life(
7 . 2o went 2atan forth from the "resen#e of
the 0OR1, and smote Jo with sore oils from
the sole of his foot $nto his #rown(
8 And he too* him a "otsherd to s#ra"e
himself withal! and he sat down amon% the
9 . Then said his wife $nto him, 1ost tho$
still retain thine inte%rit)4 #$rse &od, and die(
10 B$t he said $nto her, Tho$ s"ea*est as
one of the foolish women s"ea*eth( 3hat4
shall we re#ei'e %ood at the hand of &od, and
shall we not re#ei'e e'il4 -n all this did not
Jo sin with his li"s(
11 . /ow when Jo5s three friends heard of
all this e'il that was #ome $"on him, the)
#ame e'er) one from his own "la#e! Eli"haz
the Temanite, and Bildad the 2h$hite, and
7o"har the /aamathite, for the) had made an
a""ointment to%ether to #ome to mo$rn with
him and to #omfort him(
12 And when the) lifted $" their e)es afar
off, and *new him not, the) lifted $" their
'oi#e, and we"t! and the) rent e'er) one his
mantle, and s"rin*led d$st $"on their heads
toward hea'en(
13 2o the) sat down with him $"on the
%ro$nd se'en da)s and se'en ni%hts, and none
s"a*e a word $nto him, for the) saw that his
%rief was 'er) %reat(
1 After this o"ened Jo his mo$th, and
#$rsed his da)(
2 And Jo s"a*e, and said,
3 0et the da) "erish wherein - was orn, and
the ni%ht in which it was said, There is a man
#hild #on#ei'ed(
4 0et that da) e dar*ness! let not &od
re%ard it from ao'e, neither let the li%ht shine
$"on it(
5 0et dar*ness and the shadow of death stain
it! let a #lo$d dwell $"on it! let the la#*ness
of the da) terrif) it(
6 As for that ni%ht, let dar*ness seize $"on
it! let it not e 9oined $nto the da)s of the )ear,
let it not #ome into the n$mer of the months(
7 0o, let that ni%ht e solitar), let no 9o)f$l
'oi#e #ome therein(
8 0et them #$rse it that #$rse the da), who
are read) to raise $" their mo$rnin%(
9 0et the stars of the twili%ht thereof e
dar*! let it loo* for li%ht, $t have none!
neither let it see the dawnin% of the da),
10 Be#a$se it sh$t not $" the doors of m)
mother's wom, nor hid sorrow from mine
11 3h) died - not from the wom4 why did
- not %i'e $" the %host when - #ame o$t of the
12 3h) did the *nees "re'ent me4 or wh)
the reasts that - sho$ld s$#*4
13 For now sho$ld - ha'e lain still and een
:$iet, - sho$ld ha'e sle"t, then had - een at
14 3ith *in%s and #o$nsellors of the earth,
whi#h $ilt desolate "la#es for themsel'es!
15 Or with "rin#es that had %old, who filled
their ho$ses with sil'er,
16 Or as an hidden $ntimel) irth - had not
een! as infants which ne'er saw li%ht(
17 There the wi#*ed #ease from tro$lin%!
and there the wear) e at rest(
18 There the "risoners rest to%ether! the)
hear not the 'oi#e of the o""ressor(
19 The small and %reat are there! and the
ser'ant is free from his master(
20 3herefore is li%ht %i'en to him that is in
miser), and life $nto the itter in so$l!
21 3hi#h lon% for death, $t it cometh not!
and di% for it more than for hid treas$res!
22 3hi#h re9oi#e e+#eedin%l), and are %lad,
when the) #an find the %ra'e4
23 Why is light given to a man whose wa) is
hid, and whom &od hath hed%ed in4
24 For m) si%hin% #ometh efore - eat, and
m) roarin%s are "o$red o$t li*e the waters(
25 For the thin% whi#h - %reatl) feared is
#ome $"on me, and that whi#h - was afraid of
is #ome $nto me(
26 - was not in safet), neither had - rest,
neither was - :$iet! )et tro$le #ame(
1 Then Eli"haz the Temanite answered and
2 If we assa) to #omm$ne with thee, wilt
tho$ e %rie'ed4 $t who #an withhold
himself from s"ea*in%4
3 Behold, tho$ hast instr$#ted man), and
tho$ hast stren%thened the wea* hands(
4 Th) words ha'e $"holden him that was
fallin%, and tho$ hast stren%thened the feele
5 B$t now it is #ome $"on thee, and tho$
faintest! it to$#heth thee, and tho$ art tro$led(
6 Is not this th) fear, th) #onfiden#e, th)
ho"e, and the $"ri%htness of th) wa)s4
7 Rememer, - "ra) thee, who ever "erished,
ein% inno#ent4 or where were the ri%hteo$s
#$t off4
8 E'en as - ha'e seen, the) that "low
ini:$it), and sow wi#*edness, rea" the same(
9 B) the last of &od the) "erish, and ) the
reath of his nostrils are the) #ons$med(
10 The roarin% of the lion, and the 'oi#e of
the fier#e lion, and the teeth of the )o$n%
lions, are ro*en(
11 The old lion "erisheth for la#* of "re),
and the sto$t lion5s whel"s are s#attered
12 /ow a thin% was se#retl) ro$%ht to me,
and mine ear re#ei'ed a little thereof(
13 -n tho$%hts from the 'isions of the ni%ht,
when dee" slee" falleth on men,
14 Fear #ame $"on me, and tremlin%,
whi#h made all m) ones to sha*e(
15 Then a s"irit "assed efore m) fa#e! the
hair of m) flesh stood $",
16 -t stood still, $t - #o$ld not dis#ern the
form thereof, an ima%e was efore mine e)es,
there was silen#e, and - heard a 'oi#e, saying,
17 2hall mortal man e more 9$st than &od4
shall a man e more "$re than his ma*er4
18 Behold, he "$t no tr$st in his ser'ants!
and his an%els he #har%ed with foll),
19 How m$#h less in them that dwell in
ho$ses of #la), whose fo$ndation is in the
d$st, which are #r$shed efore the moth4
20 The) are destro)ed from mornin% to
e'enin%, the) "erish for e'er witho$t an)
re%ardin% it(
21 1oth not their e+#ellen#) which is in
them %o awa)4 the) die, e'en witho$t
1 Call now, if there e an) that will answer
thee! and to whi#h of the saints wilt tho$ t$rn4
2 For wrath *illeth the foolish man, and
en') sla)eth the sill) one(
3 - ha'e seen the foolish ta*in% root, $t
s$ddenl) - #$rsed his haitation(
4 His #hildren are far from safet), and the)
are #r$shed in the %ate, neither is there an) to
deli'er them(
5 3hose har'est the h$n%r) eateth $", and
ta*eth it e'en o$t of the thorns, and the roer
swalloweth $" their s$stan#e(
6 Altho$%h affli#tion #ometh not forth of the
d$st, neither doth tro$le s"rin% o$t of the
7 =et man is orn $nto tro$le, as the s"ar*s
fl) $"ward(
8 - wo$ld see* $nto &od, and $nto &od
wo$ld - #ommit m) #a$se,
9 3hi#h doeth %reat thin%s and
$nsear#hale! mar'ello$s thin%s witho$t
10 3ho %i'eth rain $"on the earth, and
sendeth waters $"on the fields,
11 To set $" on hi%h those that e low! that
those whi#h mo$rn ma) e e+alted to safet)(
12 He disa""ointeth the de'i#es of the
#raft), so that their hands #annot "erform their
13 He ta*eth the wise in their own
#raftiness, and the #o$nsel of the froward is
#arried headlon%(
14 The) meet with dar*ness in the da)time,
and %ro"e in the noonda) as in the ni%ht(
15 B$t he sa'eth the "oor from the sword,
from their mo$th, and from the hand of the
16 2o the "oor hath ho"e, and ini:$it)
sto""eth her mo$th(
17 Behold, ha"") is the man whom &od
#orre#teth, therefore des"ise not tho$ the
#hastenin% of the Almi%ht),
18 For he ma*eth sore, and indeth $", he
wo$ndeth, and his hands ma*e whole(
19 He shall deli'er thee in si+ tro$les, )ea,
in se'en there shall no e'il to$#h thee(
20 -n famine he shall redeem thee from
death, and in war from the "ower of the
21 Tho$ shalt e hid from the s#o$r%e of the
ton%$e, neither shalt tho$ e afraid of
destr$#tion when it #ometh(
22 At destr$#tion and famine tho$ shalt
la$%h, neither shalt tho$ e afraid of the easts
of the earth(
23 For tho$ shalt e in lea%$e with the
stones of the field, and the easts of the field
shall e at "ea#e with thee(
24 And tho$ shalt *now that th) taerna#le
shall be in "ea#e! and tho$ shalt 'isit th)
haitation, and shalt not sin(
25 Tho$ shalt *now also that th) seed shall
be %reat, and thine offs"rin% as the %rass of the
26 Tho$ shalt #ome to thy %ra'e in a f$ll
a%e, li*e as a sho#* of #orn #ometh in in his
27 0o this, we ha'e sear#hed it, so it is! hear
it, and *now tho$ it for th) %ood(
1 B$t Jo answered and said,
2 Oh that m) %rief were thro$%hl) wei%hed,
and m) #alamit) laid in the alan#es to%ether?
3 For now it wo$ld e hea'ier than the sand
of the sea, therefore m) words are swallowed
4 For the arrows of the Almi%ht) are within
me, the "oison whereof drin*eth $" m) s"irit,
the terrors of &od do set themsel'es in arra)
a%ainst me(
5 1oth the wild ass ra) when he hath
%rass4 or loweth the o+ o'er his fodder4
6 Can that whi#h is $nsa'o$r) e eaten
witho$t salt4 or is there any taste in the white
of an e%%4
7 The thin%s that m) so$l ref$sed to to$#h
are as m) sorrowf$l meat(
8 Oh that - mi%ht ha'e m) re:$est! and that
&od wo$ld %rant me the thin% that - lon% for?
9 E'en that it wo$ld "lease &od to destro)
me! that he wo$ld let loose his hand, and #$t
me off?
10 Then sho$ld - )et ha'e #omfort! )ea, -
wo$ld harden m)self in sorrow, let him not
s"are! for - ha'e not #on#ealed the words of
the Hol) One(
11 3hat is m) stren%th, that - sho$ld ho"e4
and what is mine end, that - sho$ld "rolon%
m) life4
12 Is m) stren%th the stren%th of stones4 or
is m) flesh of rass4
13 Is not m) hel" in me4 and is wisdom
dri'en :$ite from me4
14 To him that is affli#ted "it) should be
shewed from his friend! $t he forsa*eth the
fear of the Almi%ht)(
15 @) rethren ha'e dealt de#eitf$ll) as a
roo*, and as the stream of roo*s the) "ass
16 3hi#h are la#*ish ) reason of the i#e,
and wherein the snow is hid,
17 3hat time the) wa+ warm, the) 'anish,
when it is hot, the) are #ons$med o$t of their
18 The "aths of their wa) are t$rned aside!
the) %o to nothin%, and "erish(
19 The troo"s of Tema loo*ed, the
#om"anies of 2hea waited for them(
20 The) were #onfo$nded e#a$se the) had
ho"ed! the) #ame thither, and were ashamed(
21 For now )e are nothin%! )e see my
#astin% down, and are afraid(
22 1id - sa), Brin% $nto me4 or, &i'e a
reward for me of )o$r s$stan#e4
23 Or, 1eli'er me from the enem)5s hand4
or, Redeem me from the hand of the mi%ht)4
24 Tea#h me, and - will hold m) ton%$e, and
#a$se me to $nderstand wherein - ha'e erred(
25 How for#ile are ri%ht words? $t what
doth )o$r ar%$in% re"ro'e4
26 1o )e ima%ine to re"ro'e words, and the
s"ee#hes of one that is des"erate, which are as
27 =ea, )e o'erwhelm the fatherless, and )e
di% a pit for )o$r friend(
28 /ow therefore e #ontent, loo* $"on me!
for it is e'ident $nto )o$ if - lie(
29 Ret$rn, - "ra) )o$, let it not e ini:$it)!
)ea, ret$rn a%ain, m) ri%hteo$sness is in it(
30 -s there ini:$it) in m) ton%$e4 #annot m)
taste dis#ern "er'erse thin%s4
1 Is there not an a""ointed time to man $"on
earth4 are not his da)s also li*e the da)s of an
2 As a ser'ant earnestl) desireth the shadow,
and as an hirelin% loo*eth for the reward of his
3 2o am - made to "ossess months of 'anit),
and wearisome ni%hts are a""ointed to me(
4 3hen - lie down, - sa), 3hen shall - arise,
and the ni%ht e %one4 and - am f$ll of
tossin%s to and fro $nto the dawnin% of the
5 @) flesh is #lothed with worms and #lods
of d$st! m) s*in is ro*en, and e#ome
6 @) da)s are swifter than a wea'er5s
sh$ttle, and are s"ent witho$t ho"e(
7 O rememer that m) life is wind, mine e)e
shall no more see %ood(
8 The e)e of him that hath seen me shall see
me no more, thine e)es are $"on me, and - am
9 As the #lo$d is #ons$med and 'anisheth
awa), so he that %oeth down to the %ra'e shall
#ome $" no more(
10 He shall ret$rn no more to his ho$se,
neither shall his "la#e *now him an) more(
11 Therefore - will not refrain m) mo$th! -
will s"ea* in the an%$ish of m) s"irit! - will
#om"lain in the itterness of m) so$l(
12 Am - a sea, or a whale, that tho$ settest a
wat#h o'er me4
13 3hen - sa), @) ed shall #omfort me,
m) #o$#h shall ease m) #om"laint!
14 Then tho$ s#arest me with dreams, and
terrifiest me thro$%h 'isions,
15 2o that m) so$l #hooseth stran%lin%, and
death rather than m) life(
16 - loathe it! - wo$ld not li'e alwa), let me
alone! for m) da)s are 'anit)(
17 3hat is man, that tho$ sho$ldest ma%nif)
him4 and that tho$ sho$ldest set thine heart
$"on him4
18 And that tho$ sho$ldest 'isit him e'er)
mornin%, and tr) him e'er) moment4
19 How lon% wilt tho$ not de"art from me,
nor let me alone till - swallow down m)
20 - ha'e sinned! what shall - do $nto thee,
O tho$ "reser'er of men4 wh) hast tho$ set
me as a mar* a%ainst thee, so that - am a
$rden to m)self4
21 And wh) dost tho$ not "ardon m)
trans%ression, and ta*e awa) mine ini:$it)4
for now shall - slee" in the d$st! and tho$ shalt
see* me in the mornin%, $t - shall not be(
1 Then answered Bildad the 2h$hite, and
2 How lon% wilt tho$ s"ea* these things4
and how long shall the words of th) mo$th be
like a stron% wind4
3 1oth &od "er'ert 9$d%ment4 or doth the
Almi%ht) "er'ert 9$sti#e4
4 -f th) #hildren ha'e sinned a%ainst him,
and he ha'e #ast them awa) for their
5 -f tho$ wo$ldest see* $nto &od etimes,
and ma*e th) s$""li#ation to the Almi%ht)!
6 -f tho$ wert "$re and $"ri%ht! s$rel) now
he wo$ld awa*e for thee, and ma*e the
haitation of th) ri%hteo$sness "ros"ero$s(
7 Tho$%h th) e%innin% was small, )et th)
latter end sho$ld %reatl) in#rease(
8 For en:$ire, - "ra) thee, of the former a%e,
and "re"are th)self to the sear#h of their
9 CFor we are but of )esterda), and *now
nothin%, e#a$se o$r da)s $"on earth are a
10 2hall not the) tea#h thee, and tell thee,
and $tter words o$t of their heart4
11 Can the r$sh %row $" witho$t mire4 #an
the fla% %row witho$t water4
12 3hilst it is )et in his %reenness, and not
#$t down, it withereth efore an) other her(
13 2o are the "aths of all that for%et &od!
and the h)"o#rite5s ho"e shall "erish,
14 3hose ho"e shall e #$t off, and whose
tr$st shall be a s"ider5s we(
15 He shall lean $"on his ho$se, $t it shall
not stand, he shall hold it fast, $t it shall not
16 He is %reen efore the s$n, and his
ran#h shooteth forth in his %arden(
17 His roots are wra""ed ao$t the hea",
and seeth the "la#e of stones(
18 -f he destro) him from his "la#e, then it
shall den) him, saying, - ha'e not seen thee(
19 Behold, this is the 9o) of his wa), and o$t
of the earth shall others %row(
20 Behold, &od will not #ast awa) a "erfe#t
man, neither will he hel" the e'il doers,
21 Till he fill th) mo$th with la$%hin%, and
th) li"s with re9oi#in%(
22 The) that hate thee shall e #lothed with
shame! and the dwellin% "la#e of the wi#*ed
shall #ome to no$%ht(
1 Then Jo answered and said,
2 - *now it is so of a tr$th, $t how sho$ld
man e 9$st with &od4
3 -f he will #ontend with him, he #annot
answer him one of a tho$sand(
4 He is wise in heart, and mi%ht) in stren%th,
who hath hardened himself a%ainst him, and
hath "ros"ered4
5 3hi#h remo'eth the mo$ntains, and the)
*now not, whi#h o'ert$rneth them in his
6 3hi#h sha*eth the earth o$t of her "la#e,
and the "illars thereof tremle(
7 3hi#h #ommandeth the s$n, and it riseth
not! and sealeth $" the stars(
8 3hi#h alone s"readeth o$t the hea'ens,
and treadeth $"on the wa'es of the sea(
9 3hi#h ma*eth Ar#t$r$s, Orion, and
Pleiades, and the #hamers of the so$th(
10 3hi#h doeth %reat thin%s "ast findin%
o$t! )ea, and wonders witho$t n$mer(
11 0o, he %oeth ) me, and - see him not, he
"asseth on also, $t - "er#ei'e him not(
12 Behold, he ta*eth awa), who #an hinder
him4 who will sa) $nto him, 3hat doest tho$4
13 If &od will not withdraw his an%er, the
"ro$d hel"ers do stoo" $nder him(
14 How m$#h less shall - answer him, and
#hoose o$t m) words to reason with him4
15 3hom, tho$%h - were ri%hteo$s, yet
wo$ld - not answer, but - wo$ld ma*e
s$""li#ation to m) 9$d%e(
16 -f - had #alled, and he had answered me!
yet wo$ld - not elie'e that he had hear*ened
$nto m) 'oi#e(
17 For he rea*eth me with a tem"est, and
m$lti"lieth m) wo$nds witho$t #a$se(
18 He will not s$ffer me to ta*e m) reath,
$t filleth me with itterness(
19 -f I speak of stren%th, lo, he is stron%, and
if of 9$d%ment, who shall set me a time to
20 -f - 9$stif) m)self, mine own mo$th shall
#ondemn me, if I say, - am "erfe#t, it shall also
"ro'e me "er'erse(
21 Though - were "erfe#t, yet wo$ld - not
*now m) so$l, - wo$ld des"ise m) life(
22 This is one thing, therefore - said it, He
destro)eth the "erfe#t and the wi#*ed(
23 -f the s#o$r%e sla) s$ddenl), he will
la$%h at the trial of the inno#ent(
24 The earth is %i'en into the hand of the
wi#*ed, he #o'ereth the fa#es of the 9$d%es
thereof! if not, where, and who is he4
25 /ow m) da)s are swifter than a "ost,
the) flee awa), the) see no %ood(
26 The) are "assed awa) as the swift shi"s,
as the ea%le that hasteth to the "re)(
27 -f - sa), - will for%et m) #om"laint, - will
lea'e off m) hea'iness, and #omfort myself,
28 - am afraid of all m) sorrows, - *now that
tho$ wilt not hold me inno#ent(
29 If - e wi#*ed, wh) then lao$r - in 'ain4
30 -f - wash m)self with snow water, and
ma*e m) hands ne'er so #lean!
31 =et shalt tho$ "l$n%e me in the dit#h, and
mine own #lothes shall ahor me(
32 For he is not a man, as - am, that - sho$ld
answer him, and we sho$ld #ome to%ether in
33 /either is there an) da)sman etwi+t $s,
that mi%ht la) his hand $"on $s oth(
34 0et him ta*e his rod awa) from me, and
let not his fear terrif) me,
35 Then wo$ld - s"ea*, and not fear him! $t
it is not so with me(
1 @) so$l is wear) of m) life! - will lea'e
m) #om"laint $"on m)self! - will s"ea* in the
itterness of m) so$l(
2 - will sa) $nto &od, 1o not #ondemn me!
shew me wherefore tho$ #ontendest with me(
3 Is it %ood $nto thee that tho$ sho$ldest
o""ress, that tho$ sho$ldest des"ise the wor*
of thine hands, and shine $"on the #o$nsel of
the wi#*ed4
4 Hast tho$ e)es of flesh4 or seest tho$ as
man seeth4
5 Are th) da)s as the da)s of man4 are th)
)ears as man5s da)s,
6 That tho$ en:$irest after mine ini:$it),
and sear#hest after m) sin4
7 Tho$ *nowest that - am not wi#*ed! and
there is none that #an deli'er o$t of thine
8 Thine hands ha'e made me and fashioned
me to%ether ro$nd ao$t! )et tho$ dost destro)
9 Rememer, - esee#h thee, that tho$ hast
made me as the #la)! and wilt tho$ rin% me
into d$st a%ain4
10 Hast tho$ not "o$red me o$t as mil*, and
#$rdled me li*e #heese4
11 Tho$ hast #lothed me with s*in and flesh,
and hast fen#ed me with ones and sinews(
12 Tho$ hast %ranted me life and fa'o$r, and
th) 'isitation hath "reser'ed m) s"irit(
13 And these things hast tho$ hid in thine
heart, - *now that this is with thee(
14 -f - sin, then tho$ mar*est me, and tho$
wilt not a#:$it me from mine ini:$it)(
15 -f - e wi#*ed, woe $nto me! and if - e
ri%hteo$s, yet will - not lift $" m) head( I am
f$ll of #onf$sion! therefore see tho$ mine
16 For it in#reaseth( Tho$ h$ntest me as a
fier#e lion, and a%ain tho$ shewest th)self
mar'ello$s $"on me(
17 Tho$ renewest th) witnesses a%ainst me,
and in#reasest thine indi%nation $"on me!
#han%es and war are a%ainst me(
18 3herefore then hast tho$ ro$%ht me
forth o$t of the wom4 Oh that - had %i'en $"
the %host, and no e)e had seen me?
19 - sho$ld ha'e een as tho$%h - had not
een! - sho$ld ha'e een #arried from the
wom to the %ra'e(
20 Are not m) da)s few4 #ease then, and let
me alone, that - ma) ta*e #omfort a little,
21 Before - %o whence - shall not ret$rn,
even to the land of dar*ness and the shadow of
22 A land of dar*ness, as dar*ness itself;
and of the shadow of death, witho$t an) order,
and where the li%ht is as dar*ness(
1 Then answered 7o"har the /aamathite,
and said,
2 2ho$ld not the m$ltit$de of words e
answered4 and sho$ld a man f$ll of tal* e
3 2ho$ld th) lies ma*e men hold their
"ea#e4 and when tho$ mo#*est, shall no man
ma*e thee ashamed4
4 For tho$ hast said, @) do#trine is "$re,
and - am #lean in thine e)es(
5 B$t oh that &od wo$ld s"ea*, and o"en his
li"s a%ainst thee!
6 And that he wo$ld shew thee the se#rets of
wisdom, that they are do$le to that whi#h is?
Know therefore that &od e+a#teth of thee less
than thine ini:$it) deserveth(
7 Canst tho$ ) sear#hin% find o$t &od4
#anst tho$ find o$t the Almi%ht) $nto
8 It is as hi%h as hea'en! what #anst tho$
do4 dee"er than hell! what #anst tho$ *now4
9 The meas$re thereof is lon%er than the
earth, and roader than the sea(
10 -f he #$t off, and sh$t $", or %ather
to%ether, then who #an hinder him4
11 For he *noweth 'ain men, he seeth
wi#*edness also! will he not then #onsider it4
12 For 'ain man wo$ld e wise, tho$%h man
e orn like a wild ass5s #olt(
13 -f tho$ "re"are thine heart, and stret#h
o$t thine hands toward him!
14 -f ini:$it) be in thine hand, "$t it far
awa), and let not wi#*edness dwell in th)
15 For then shalt tho$ lift $" th) fa#e
witho$t s"ot! )ea, tho$ shalt e stedfast, and
shalt not fear,
16 Be#a$se tho$ shalt for%et thy miser), and
rememer it as waters that "ass awa),
17 And thine a%e shall e #learer than the
noonda)! tho$ shalt shine forth, tho$ shalt e
as the mornin%(
18 And tho$ shalt e se#$re, e#a$se there is
ho"e! )ea, tho$ shalt di% about thee, and tho$
shalt ta*e th) rest in safet)(
19 Also tho$ shalt lie down, and none shall
ma*e thee afraid! )ea, man) shall ma*e s$it
$nto thee(
20 B$t the e)es of the wi#*ed shall fail, and
the) shall not es#a"e, and their ho"e shall be
as the %i'in% $" of the %host(
1 And Jo answered and said,
2 /o do$t $t )e are the "eo"le, and
wisdom shall die with )o$(
3 B$t - ha'e $nderstandin% as well as )o$! -
am not inferior to )o$, )ea, who *noweth not
s$#h thin%s as these4
4 - am as one mo#*ed of his nei%ho$r, who
#alleth $"on &od, and he answereth him, the
9$st $"ri%ht man is la$%hed to s#orn(
5 He that is read) to sli" with his feet is as a
lam" des"ised in the tho$%ht of him that is at
6 The taerna#les of roers "ros"er, and
the) that "ro'o*e &od are se#$re! into whose
hand &od rin%eth abundantly(
7 B$t as* now the easts, and the) shall
tea#h thee! and the fowls of the air, and the)
shall tell thee,
8 Or s"ea* to the earth, and it shall tea#h
thee, and the fishes of the sea shall de#lare
$nto thee(
9 3ho *noweth not in all these that the hand
of the 0OR1 hath wro$%ht this4
10 -n whose hand is the so$l of e'er) li'in%
thin%, and the reath of all man*ind(
11 1oth not the ear tr) words4 and the
mo$th taste his meat4
12 3ith the an#ient is wisdom! and in len%th
of da)s $nderstandin%(
13 3ith him is wisdom and stren%th, he hath
#o$nsel and $nderstandin%(
14 Behold, he rea*eth down, and it #annot
e $ilt a%ain, he sh$tteth $" a man, and there
#an e no o"enin%(
15 Behold, he withholdeth the waters, and
the) dr) $", also he sendeth them o$t, and
the) o'ert$rn the earth(
16 3ith him is stren%th and wisdom, the
de#ei'ed and the de#ei'er are his(
17 He leadeth #o$nsellors awa) s"oiled, and
ma*eth the 9$d%es fools(
18 He looseth the ond of *in%s, and %irdeth
their loins with a %irdle(
19 He leadeth "rin#es awa) s"oiled, and
o'erthroweth the mi%ht)(
20 He remo'eth awa) the s"ee#h of the
tr$st), and ta*eth awa) the $nderstandin% of
the a%ed(
21 He "o$reth #ontem"t $"on "rin#es, and
wea*eneth the stren%th of the mi%ht)(
22 He dis#o'ereth dee" thin%s o$t of
dar*ness, and rin%eth o$t to li%ht the shadow
of death(
23 He in#reaseth the nations, and destro)eth
them, he enlar%eth the nations, and straiteneth
them again(
24 He ta*eth awa) the heart of the #hief of
the "eo"le of the earth, and #a$seth them to
wander in a wilderness where there is no wa)(
25 The) %ro"e in the dar* witho$t li%ht, and
he ma*eth them to sta%%er li*e a dr$n*en man(
1 0o, mine e)e hath seen all this, mine ear
hath heard and $nderstood it(
2 3hat )e *now, the same do - *now also, -
am not inferior $nto )o$(
3 2$rel) - wo$ld s"ea* to the Almi%ht), and
- desire to reason with &od(
4 B$t )e are for%ers of lies, )e are all
"h)si#ians of no 'al$e(
5 O that )e wo$ld alto%ether hold )o$r
"ea#e? and it sho$ld e )o$r wisdom(
6 Hear now m) reasonin%, and hear*en to
the "leadin%s of m) li"s(
7 3ill )e s"ea* wi#*edl) for &od4 and tal*
de#eitf$ll) for him4
8 3ill )e a##e"t his "erson4 will )e #ontend
for &od4
9 -s it %ood that he sho$ld sear#h )o$ o$t4 or
as one man mo#*eth another, do )e so mo#*
10 He will s$rel) re"ro'e )o$, if )e do
se#retl) a##e"t "ersons(
11 2hall not his e+#ellen#) ma*e )o$ afraid4
and his dread fall $"on )o$4
12 =o$r rememran#es are li*e $nto ashes,
)o$r odies to odies of #la)(
13 Hold )o$r "ea#e, let me alone, that - ma)
s"ea*, and let #ome on me what will(
14 3herefore do - ta*e m) flesh in m) teeth,
and "$t m) life in mine hand4
15 Tho$%h he sla) me, )et will - tr$st in
him, $t - will maintain mine own wa)s
efore him(
16 He also shall be m) sal'ation, for an
h)"o#rite shall not #ome efore him(
17 Hear dili%entl) m) s"ee#h, and m)
de#laration with )o$r ears(
18 Behold now, - ha'e ordered my #a$se! -
*now that - shall e 9$stified(
19 3ho is he that will "lead with me4 for
now, if - hold m) ton%$e, - shall %i'e $" the
20 Onl) do not two things $nto me, then
will - not hide m)self from thee(
21 3ithdraw thine hand far from me, and let
not th) dread ma*e me afraid(
22 Then #all tho$, and - will answer, or let
me s"ea*, and answer tho$ me(
23 How man) are mine ini:$ities and sins4
ma*e me to *now m) trans%ression and m)
24 3herefore hidest tho$ th) fa#e, and
holdest me for thine enem)4
25 3ilt tho$ rea* a leaf dri'en to and fro4
and wilt tho$ "$rs$e the dr) st$le4
26 For tho$ writest itter thin%s a%ainst me,
and ma*est me to "ossess the ini:$ities of m)
27 Tho$ "$ttest m) feet also in the sto#*s,
and loo*est narrowl) $nto all m) "aths! tho$
settest a "rint $"on the heels of m) feet(
28 And he, as a rotten thin%, #ons$meth, as a
%arment that is moth eaten(
1 @an that is orn of a woman is of few
da)s, and f$ll of tro$le(
2 He #ometh forth li*e a flower, and is #$t
down, he fleeth also as a shadow, and
#ontin$eth not(
3 And dost tho$ o"en thine e)es $"on s$#h
an one, and rin%est me into 9$d%ment with
4 3ho #an rin% a #lean thing o$t of an
$n#lean4 not one(
5 2eein% his da)s are determined, the
n$mer of his months are with thee, tho$ hast
a""ointed his o$nds that he #annot "ass!
6 T$rn from him, that he ma) rest, till he
shall a##om"lish, as an hirelin%, his da)(
7 For there is ho"e of a tree, if it e #$t
down, that it will s"ro$t a%ain, and that the
tender ran#h thereof will not #ease(
8 Tho$%h the root thereof wa+ old in the
earth, and the sto#* thereof die in the %ro$nd!
9 et thro$%h the s#ent of water it will $d,
and rin% forth o$%hs li*e a "lant(
10 B$t man dieth, and wasteth awa), )ea,
man %i'eth $" the %host, and where is he4
11 As the waters fail from the sea, and the
flood de#a)eth and drieth $",
12 2o man lieth down, and riseth not, till the
hea'ens be no more, the) shall not awa*e, nor
e raised o$t of their slee"(
13 O that tho$ wo$ldest hide me in the
%ra'e, that tho$ wo$ldest *ee" me se#ret, $ntil
th) wrath e "ast, that tho$ wo$ldest a""oint
me a set time, and rememer me?
14 -f a man die, shall he li'e again4 all the
da)s of m) a""ointed time will - wait, till m)
#han%e #ome(
15 Tho$ shalt #all, and - will answer thee,
tho$ wilt ha'e a desire to the wor* of thine
16 For now tho$ n$merest m) ste"s, dost
tho$ not wat#h o'er m) sin4
17 @) trans%ression is sealed $" in a a%,
and tho$ sewest $" mine ini:$it)(
18 And s$rel) the mo$ntain fallin% #ometh
to no$%ht, and the ro#* is remo'ed o$t of his
19 The waters wear the stones, tho$ washest
awa) the thin%s whi#h %row out of the d$st of
the earth! and tho$ destro)est the ho"e of man(
20 Tho$ "re'ailest for e'er a%ainst him, and
he "asseth, tho$ #han%est his #o$ntenan#e, and
sendest him awa)(
21 His sons #ome to hono$r, and he *noweth
it not! and the) are ro$%ht low, $t he
"er#ei'eth it not of them(
22 B$t his flesh $"on him shall ha'e "ain,
and his so$l within him shall mo$rn(
1 Then answered Eli"haz the Temanite, and
2 2ho$ld a wise man $tter 'ain *nowled%e,
and fill his ell) with the east wind4
3 2ho$ld he reason with $n"rofitale tal*4
or with s"ee#hes wherewith he #an do no
4 =ea, tho$ #astest off fear, and restrainest
"ra)er efore &od(
5 For th) mo$th $ttereth thine ini:$it), and
tho$ #hoosest the ton%$e of the #raft)(
6 Thine own mo$th #ondemneth thee, and
not -, )ea, thine own li"s testif) a%ainst thee(
7 Art tho$ the first man that was orn4 or
wast tho$ made efore the hills4
8 Hast tho$ heard the se#ret of &od4 and
dost tho$ restrain wisdom to th)self4
9 3hat *nowest tho$, that we *now not4
what $nderstandest tho$, whi#h is not in $s4
10 3ith $s are oth the %ra)headed and 'er)
a%ed men, m$#h elder than th) father(
11 Are the #onsolations of &od small with
thee4 is there an) se#ret thin% with thee4
12 3h) doth thine heart #arr) thee awa)4
and what do th) e)es win* at,
13 That tho$ t$rnest th) s"irit a%ainst &od,
and lettest such words %o o$t of th) mo$th4
14 3hat is man, that he sho$ld e #lean4
and he which is orn of a woman, that he
sho$ld e ri%hteo$s4
15 Behold, he "$tteth no tr$st in his saints!
)ea, the hea'ens are not #lean in his si%ht(
16 How m$#h more aominale and filth)
is man, whi#h drin*eth ini:$it) li*e water4
17 - will shew thee, hear me! and that which
- ha'e seen - will de#lare!
18 3hi#h wise men ha'e told from their
fathers, and ha'e not hid it,
19 Unto whom alone the earth was %i'en,
and no stran%er "assed amon% them(
20 The wi#*ed man tra'aileth with "ain all
his da)s, and the n$mer of )ears is hidden to
the o""ressor(
21 A dreadf$l so$nd is in his ears, in
"ros"erit) the destro)er shall #ome $"on him(
22 He elie'eth not that he shall ret$rn o$t
of dar*ness, and he is waited for of the sword(
23 He wandereth aroad for read, saying,
3here is it4 he *noweth that the da) of
dar*ness is read) at his hand(
24 Tro$le and an%$ish shall ma*e him
afraid! the) shall "re'ail a%ainst him, as a *in%
read) to the attle(
25 For he stret#heth o$t his hand a%ainst
&od, and stren%theneth himself a%ainst the
26 He r$nneth $"on him, even on his ne#*,
$"on the thi#* osses of his $#*lers,
27 Be#a$se he #o'ereth his fa#e with his
fatness, and ma*eth #ollo"s of fat on his
28 And he dwelleth in desolate #ities, and in
ho$ses whi#h no man inhaiteth, whi#h are
read) to e#ome hea"s(
29 He shall not e ri#h, neither shall his
s$stan#e #ontin$e, neither shall he "rolon%
the "erfe#tion thereof $"on the earth(
30 He shall not de"art o$t of dar*ness! the
flame shall dr) $" his ran#hes, and ) the
reath of his mo$th shall he %o awa)(
31 0et not him that is de#ei'ed tr$st in
'anit), for 'anit) shall e his re#om"en#e(
32 -t shall e a##om"lished efore his time,
and his ran#h shall not e %reen(
33 He shall sha*e off his $nri"e %ra"e as the
'ine, and shall #ast off his flower as the oli'e(
34 For the #on%re%ation of h)"o#rites shall
be desolate, and fire shall #ons$me the
taerna#les of rier)(
35 The) #on#ei'e mis#hief, and rin% forth
'anit), and their ell) "re"areth de#eit(
1 Then Jo answered and said,
2 - ha'e heard man) s$#h thin%s, miserale
#omforters are )e all(
3 2hall 'ain words ha'e an end4 or what
emoldeneth thee that tho$ answerest4
4 - also #o$ld s"ea* as )e do, if )o$r so$l
were in m) so$l5s stead, - #o$ld hea" $" words
a%ainst )o$, and sha*e mine head at )o$(
5 !ut - wo$ld stren%then )o$ with m)
mo$th, and the mo'in% of m) li"s sho$ld
asswa%e your grief(
6 Tho$%h - s"ea*, m) %rief is not asswa%ed,
and though - forear, what am - eased4
7 B$t now he hath made me wear), tho$
hast made desolate all m) #om"an)(
8 And tho$ hast filled me with wrin*les,
which is a witness against me, and m)
leanness risin% $" in me eareth witness to m)
9 He teareth me in his wrath, who hateth me,
he %nasheth $"on me with his teeth! mine
enem) shar"eneth his e)es $"on me(
10 The) ha'e %a"ed $"on me with their
mo$th! the) ha'e smitten me $"on the #hee*
re"roa#hf$ll)! the) ha'e %athered themsel'es
to%ether a%ainst me(
11 &od hath deli'ered me to the $n%odl),
and t$rned me o'er into the hands of the
12 - was at ease, $t he hath ro*en me
as$nder, he hath also ta*en me ) m) ne#*,
and sha*en me to "ie#es, and set me $" for his
13 His ar#hers #om"ass me ro$nd ao$t, he
#lea'eth m) reins as$nder, and doth not s"are!
he "o$reth o$t m) %all $"on the %ro$nd(
14 He rea*eth me with rea#h $"on rea#h,
he r$nneth $"on me li*e a %iant(
15 - ha'e sewed sa#*#loth $"on m) s*in,
and defiled m) horn in the d$st(
16 @) fa#e is fo$l with wee"in%, and on m)
e)elids is the shadow of death!
17 /ot for any in9$sti#e in mine hands, also
m) "ra)er is "$re(
18 O earth, #o'er not tho$ m) lood, and let
m) #r) ha'e no "la#e(
19 Also now, ehold, m) witness is in
hea'en, and m) re#ord is on hi%h(
20 @) friends s#orn me, but mine e)e
"o$reth o$t tears $nto &od(
21 O that one mi%ht "lead for a man with
&od, as a man pleadeth for his nei%ho$r?
22 3hen a few )ears are #ome, then - shall
%o the wa) whence - shall not ret$rn(
1 @) reath is #orr$"t, m) da)s are e+tin#t,
the %ra'es are ready for me(
2 Are there not mo#*ers with me4 and doth
not mine e)e #ontin$e in their "ro'o#ation4
3 0a) down now, "$t me in a s$ret) with
thee! who is he that will stri*e hands with me4
4 For tho$ hast hid their heart from
$nderstandin%, therefore shalt tho$ not e+alt
5 He that s"ea*eth flatter) to his friends,
e'en the e)es of his #hildren shall fail(
6 He hath made me also a )word of the
"eo"le! and aforetime - was as a taret(
7 @ine e)e also is dim ) reason of sorrow,
and all m) memers are as a shadow(
8 U"ri%ht men shall e astonied at this, and
the inno#ent shall stir $" himself a%ainst the
9 The ri%hteo$s also shall hold on his wa),
and he that hath #lean hands shall e stron%er
and stron%er(
10 B$t as for )o$ all, do )e ret$rn, and #ome
now, for - #annot find one wise man amon%
11 @) da)s are "ast, m) "$r"oses are
ro*en off, even the tho$%hts of m) heart(
12 The) #han%e the ni%ht into da), the li%ht
is short e#a$se of dar*ness(
13 -f - wait, the %ra'e is mine ho$se, - ha'e
made m) ed in the dar*ness(
14 - ha'e said to #orr$"tion, Tho$ art m)
father, to the worm, Thou art m) mother, and
m) sister(
15 And where is now m) ho"e4 as for m)
ho"e, who shall see it4
16 The) shall %o down to the ars of the "it,
when our rest to%ether is in the d$st(
1 Then answered Bildad the 2h$hite, and
2 How lon% will it be ere )e ma*e an end of
words4 mar*, and afterwards we will s"ea*(
3 3herefore are we #o$nted as easts, and
re"$ted 'ile in )o$r si%ht4
4 He teareth himself in his an%er, shall the
earth e forsa*en for thee4 and shall the ro#*
e remo'ed o$t of his "la#e4
5 =ea, the li%ht of the wi#*ed shall e "$t
o$t, and the s"ar* of his fire shall not shine(
6 The li%ht shall e dar* in his taerna#le,
and his #andle shall e "$t o$t with him(
7 The ste"s of his stren%th shall e
straitened, and his own #o$nsel shall #ast him
8 For he is #ast into a net ) his own feet,
and he wal*eth $"on a snare(
9 The %in shall ta*e him ) the heel, and the
roer shall "re'ail a%ainst him(
10 The snare is laid for him in the %ro$nd,
and a tra" for him in the wa)(
11 Terrors shall ma*e him afraid on e'er)
side, and shall dri'e him to his feet(
12 His stren%th shall e h$n%eritten, and
destr$#tion shall be read) at his side(
13 -t shall de'o$r the stren%th of his s*in,
even the firstorn of death shall de'o$r his
14 His #onfiden#e shall e rooted o$t of his
taerna#le, and it shall rin% him to the *in% of
15 -t shall dwell in his taerna#le, e#a$se it
is none of his, rimstone shall e s#attered
$"on his haitation(
16 His roots shall e dried $" eneath, and
ao'e shall his ran#h e #$t off(
17 His rememran#e shall "erish from the
earth, and he shall ha'e no name in the street(
18 He shall e dri'en from li%ht into
dar*ness, and #hased o$t of the world(
19 He shall neither ha'e son nor ne"hew
amon% his "eo"le, nor an) remainin% in his
20 The) that #ome after him shall e
astonied at his da), as the) that went efore
were affri%hted(
21 2$rel) s$#h are the dwellin%s of the
wi#*ed, and this is the "la#e of him that
*noweth not &od(
1 Then Jo answered and said,
2 How lon% will )e 'e+ m) so$l, and rea*
me in "ie#es with words4
3 These ten times ha'e )e re"roa#hed me, )e
are not ashamed that )e ma*e )o$rsel'es
stran%e to me(
4 And e it indeed that - ha'e erred, mine
error remaineth with m)self(
5 -f indeed )e will ma%nif) yourselves
a%ainst me, and "lead a%ainst me m) re"roa#h,
6 Know now that &od hath o'erthrown me,
and hath #om"assed me with his net(
7 Behold, - #r) o$t of wron%, $t - am not
heard, - #r) alo$d, $t there is no 9$d%ment(
8 He hath fen#ed $" m) wa) that - #annot
"ass, and he hath set dar*ness in m) "aths(
9 He hath stri""ed me of m) %lor), and
ta*en the #rown from m) head(
10 He hath destro)ed me on e'er) side, and
- am %one, and mine ho"e hath he remo'ed
li*e a tree(
11 He hath also *indled his wrath a%ainst
me, and he #o$nteth me $nto him as one of his
12 His troo"s #ome to%ether, and raise $"
their wa) a%ainst me, and en#am" ro$nd ao$t
m) taerna#le(
13 He hath "$t m) rethren far from me, and
mine a#:$aintan#e are 'eril) estran%ed from
14 @) *insfol* ha'e failed, and m) familiar
friends ha'e for%otten me(
15 The) that dwell in mine ho$se, and m)
maids, #o$nt me for a stran%er, - am an alien
in their si%ht(
16 - #alled m) ser'ant, and he %a'e me no
answer! - intreated him with m) mo$th(
17 @) reath is stran%e to m) wife, tho$%h -
intreated for the #hildren5s sake of mine own
18 =ea, )o$n% #hildren des"ised me! - arose,
and the) s"a*e a%ainst me(
19 All m) inward friends ahorred me, and
the) whom - lo'ed are t$rned a%ainst me(
20 @) one #lea'eth to m) s*in and to m)
flesh, and - am es#a"ed with the s*in of m)
21 Ha'e "it) $"on me, ha'e "it) $"on me,
O )e m) friends! for the hand of &od hath
to$#hed me(
22 3h) do )e "erse#$te me as &od, and are
not satisfied with m) flesh4
23 Oh that m) words were now written? oh
that the) were "rinted in a oo*?
24 That the) were %ra'en with an iron "en
and lead in the ro#* for e'er?
25 For - *now that m) redeemer li'eth, and
that he shall stand at the latter day $"on the
26 And though after m) s*in worms destro)
this body, )et in m) flesh shall - see &od,
27 3hom - shall see for m)self, and mine
e)es shall ehold, and not another! though m)
reins e #ons$med within me(
28 B$t )e sho$ld sa), 3h) "erse#$te we
him, seein% the root of the matter is fo$nd in
29 Be )e afraid of the sword, for wrath
bringeth the "$nishments of the sword, that )e
ma) *now there is a 9$d%ment(
1 Then answered 7o"har the /aamathite,
and said,
2 Therefore do m) tho$%hts #a$se me to
answer, and for this - ma*e haste(
3 - ha'e heard the #he#* of m) re"roa#h,
and the s"irit of m) $nderstandin% #a$seth me
to answer(
4 Knowest tho$ not this of old, sin#e man
was "la#ed $"on earth,
5 That the tri$m"hin% of the wi#*ed is short,
and the 9o) of the h)"o#rite but for a moment4
6 Tho$%h his e+#ellen#) mo$nt $" to the
hea'ens, and his head rea#h $nto the #lo$ds!
7 et he shall "erish for e'er li*e his own
d$n%, the) whi#h ha'e seen him shall sa),
3here is he4
8 He shall fl) awa) as a dream, and shall not
e fo$nd, )ea, he shall e #hased awa) as a
'ision of the ni%ht(
9 The e)e also which saw him shall see him
no more! neither shall his "la#e an) more
ehold him(
10 His #hildren shall see* to "lease the "oor,
and his hands shall restore their %oods(
11 His ones are f$ll of the sin of his )o$th,
whi#h shall lie down with him in the d$st(
12 Tho$%h wi#*edness e sweet in his
mo$th, though he hide it $nder his ton%$e!
13 Though he s"are it, and forsa*e it not! $t
*ee" it still within his mo$th,
14 et his meat in his owels is t$rned, it is
the %all of as"s within him(
15 He hath swallowed down ri#hes, and he
shall 'omit them $" a%ain, &od shall #ast
them o$t of his ell)(
16 He shall s$#* the "oison of as"s, the
'i"er5s ton%$e shall sla) him(
17 He shall not see the ri'ers, the floods, the
roo*s of hone) and $tter(
18 That whi#h he lao$red for shall he
restore, and shall not swallow it down,
a##ordin% to his s$stan#e shall the restit$tion
be, and he shall not re9oi#e therein(
19 Be#a$se he hath o""ressed and hath
forsa*en the "oor! because he hath 'iolentl)
ta*en awa) an ho$se whi#h he $ilded not!
20 2$rel) he shall not feel :$ietness in his
ell), he shall not sa'e of that whi#h he
21 There shall none of his meat e left!
therefore shall no man loo* for his %oods(
22 -n the f$lness of his s$ffi#ien#) he shall
e in straits, e'er) hand of the wi#*ed shall
#ome $"on him(
23 When he is ao$t to fill his ell), "od
shall #ast the f$r) of his wrath $"on him, and
shall rain it $"on him while he is eatin%(
24 He shall flee from the iron wea"on, and
the ow of steel shall stri*e him thro$%h(
25 -t is drawn, and #ometh o$t of the od)!
)ea, the %litterin% sword #ometh o$t of his
%all, terrors are $"on him(
26 All dar*ness shall be hid in his se#ret
"la#es, a fire not lown shall #ons$me him! it
shall %o ill with him that is left in his
27 The hea'en shall re'eal his ini:$it)! and
the earth shall rise $" a%ainst him(
28 The in#rease of his ho$se shall de"art,
and his goods shall flow awa) in the da) of
his wrath(
29 This is the "ortion of a wi#*ed man from
&od, and the herita%e a""ointed $nto him )
1 B$t Jo answered and said,
2 Hear dili%entl) m) s"ee#h, and let this e
)o$r #onsolations(
3 2$ffer me that - ma) s"ea*! and after that -
ha'e s"o*en, mo#* on(
4 As for me, is m) #om"laint to man4 and if
it were so, wh) sho$ld not m) s"irit e
5 @ar* me, and e astonished, and la) your
hand $"on your mo$th(
6 E'en when - rememer - am afraid, and
tremlin% ta*eth hold on m) flesh(
7 3herefore do the wi#*ed li'e, e#ome
old, )ea, are mi%ht) in "ower4
8 Their seed is estalished in their si%ht with
them, and their offs"rin% efore their e)es(
9 Their ho$ses are safe from fear, neither is
the rod of &od $"on them(
10 Their $ll %endereth, and faileth not!
their #ow #al'eth, and #asteth not her #alf(
11 The) send forth their little ones li*e a
flo#*, and their #hildren dan#e(
12 The) ta*e the timrel and har", and
re9oi#e at the so$nd of the or%an(
13 The) s"end their da)s in wealth, and in a
moment %o down to the %ra'e(
14 Therefore the) sa) $nto &od, 1e"art
from $s! for we desire not the *nowled%e of
th) wa)s(
15 3hat is the Almi%ht), that we sho$ld
ser'e him4 and what "rofit sho$ld we ha'e, if
we "ra) $nto him4
16 0o, their %ood is not in their hand, the
#o$nsel of the wi#*ed is far from me(
17 How oft is the #andle of the wi#*ed "$t
o$t? and how oft #ometh their destr$#tion $"on
them? "od distri$teth sorrows in his an%er(
18 The) are as st$le efore the wind, and
as #haff that the storm #arrieth awa)(
19 &od la)eth $" his ini:$it) for his
#hildren, he rewardeth him, and he shall *now
20 His e)es shall see his destr$#tion, and he
shall drin* of the wrath of the Almi%ht)(
21 For what "leas$re hath he in his ho$se
after him, when the n$mer of his months is
#$t off in the midst4
22 2hall any tea#h &od *nowled%e4 seein%
he 9$d%eth those that are hi%h(
23 One dieth in his f$ll stren%th, ein%
wholl) at ease and :$iet(
24 His reasts are f$ll of mil*, and his ones
are moistened with marrow(
25 And another dieth in the itterness of his
so$l, and ne'er eateth with "leas$re(
26 The) shall lie down ali*e in the d$st, and
the worms shall #o'er them(
27 Behold, - *now )o$r tho$%hts, and the
de'i#es which )e wron%f$ll) ima%ine a%ainst
28 For )e sa), 3here is the ho$se of the
"rin#e4 and where are the dwellin% "la#es of
the wi#*ed4
29 Ha'e )e not as*ed them that %o ) the
wa)4 and do )e not *now their to*ens,
30 That the wi#*ed is reser'ed to the da) of
destr$#tion4 the) shall e ro$%ht forth to the
da) of wrath(
31 3ho shall de#lare his wa) to his fa#e4
and who shall re"a) him what he hath done4
32 =et shall he e ro$%ht to the %ra'e, and
shall remain in the tom(
33 The #lods of the 'alle) shall e sweet
$nto him, and e'er) man shall draw after him,
as there are inn$merale efore him(
34 How then #omfort )e me in 'ain, seein%
in )o$r answers there remaineth falsehood4
1 Then Eli"haz the Temanite answered and
2 Can a man e "rofitale $nto &od, as he
that is wise ma) e "rofitale $nto himself4
3 Is it an) "leas$re to the Almi%ht), that
tho$ art ri%hteo$s4 or is it %ain to him, that
tho$ ma*est th) wa)s "erfe#t4
4 3ill he re"ro'e thee for fear of thee4 will
he enter with thee into 9$d%ment4
5 Is not th) wi#*edness %reat4 and thine
ini:$ities infinite4
6 For tho$ hast ta*en a "led%e from th)
rother for no$%ht, and stri""ed the na*ed of
their #lothin%(
7 Tho$ hast not %i'en water to the wear) to
drin*, and tho$ hast withholden read from
the h$n%r)(
8 B$t as for the mi%ht) man, he had the
earth! and the hono$rale man dwelt in it(
9 Tho$ hast sent widows awa) em"t), and
the arms of the fatherless ha'e een ro*en(
10 Therefore snares are ro$nd ao$t thee,
and s$dden fear tro$leth thee!
11 Or dar*ness, that tho$ #anst not see! and
a$ndan#e of waters #o'er thee(
12 Is not &od in the hei%ht of hea'en4 and
ehold the hei%ht of the stars, how hi%h the)
13 And tho$ sa)est, How doth &od *now4
#an he 9$d%e thro$%h the dar* #lo$d4
14 Thi#* #lo$ds are a #o'erin% to him, that
he seeth not! and he wal*eth in the #ir#$it of
15 Hast tho$ mar*ed the old wa) whi#h
wi#*ed men ha'e trodden4
16 3hi#h were #$t down o$t of time, whose
fo$ndation was o'erflown with a flood,
17 3hi#h said $nto &od, 1e"art from $s,
and what #an the Almi%ht) do for them4
18 =et he filled their ho$ses with %ood
things, $t the #o$nsel of the wi#*ed is far
from me(
19 The ri%hteo$s see it, and are %lad, and the
inno#ent la$%h them to s#orn(
20 3hereas o$r s$stan#e is not #$t down,
$t the remnant of them the fire #ons$meth(
21 A#:$aint now th)self with him, and e at
"ea#e, there) %ood shall #ome $nto thee(
22 Re#ei'e, - "ra) thee, the law from his
mo$th, and la) $" his words in thine heart(
23 -f tho$ ret$rn to the Almi%ht), tho$ shalt
e $ilt $", tho$ shalt "$t awa) ini:$it) far
from th) taerna#les(
24 Then shalt tho$ la) $" %old as d$st, and
the gold of O"hir as the stones of the roo*s(
25 =ea, the Almi%ht) shall e th) defen#e,
and tho$ shalt ha'e "lent) of sil'er(
26 For then shalt tho$ ha'e th) deli%ht in the
Almi%ht), and shalt lift $" th) fa#e $nto &od(
27 Tho$ shalt ma*e th) "ra)er $nto him,
and he shall hear thee, and tho$ shalt "a) th)
28 Tho$ shalt also de#ree a thin%, and it
shall e estalished $nto thee, and the li%ht
shall shine $"on th) wa)s(
29 3hen men are #ast down, then tho$ shalt
sa), There is liftin% $"! and he shall sa'e the
h$mle "erson(
30 He shall deli'er the island of the
inno#ent, and it is deli'ered ) the "$reness of
thine hands(
1 Then Jo answered and said,
2 E'en to da) is m) #om"laint itter, m)
stro*e is hea'ier than m) %roanin%(
3 Oh that - *new where - mi%ht find him?
that - mi%ht #ome even to his seat?
4 - wo$ld order my #a$se efore him, and
fill m) mo$th with ar%$ments(
5 - wo$ld *now the words which he wo$ld
answer me, and $nderstand what he wo$ld sa)
$nto me(
6 3ill he "lead a%ainst me with his %reat
"ower4 /o! $t he wo$ld "$t strength in me(
7 There the ri%hteo$s mi%ht dis"$te with
him! so sho$ld - e deli'ered for e'er from m)
8 Behold, - %o forward, $t he is not there!
and a#*ward, $t - #annot "er#ei'e him,
9 On the left hand, where he doth wor*, $t
- #annot ehold him, he hideth himself on the
ri%ht hand, that - #annot see him,
10 B$t he *noweth the wa) that - ta*e, when
he hath tried me, - shall #ome forth as %old(
11 @) foot hath held his ste"s, his wa) ha'e
- *e"t, and not de#lined(
12 /either ha'e - %one a#* from the
#ommandment of his li"s! - ha'e esteemed the
words of his mo$th more than m) ne#essar)
13 B$t he is in one mind, and who #an t$rn
him4 and what his so$l desireth, e'en that he
14 For he "erformeth the thing that is
a""ointed for me, and man) s$#h things are
with him(
15 Therefore am - tro$led at his "resen#e,
when - #onsider, - am afraid of him(
16 For &od ma*eth m) heart soft, and the
Almi%ht) tro$leth me,
17 Be#a$se - was not #$t off efore the
dar*ness, neither hath he #o'ered the dar*ness
from m) fa#e(
1 3h), seein% times are not hidden from the
Almi%ht), do the) that *now him not see his
2 #ome remo'e the landmar*s! the)
'iolentl) ta*e awa) flo#*s, and feed thereof(
3 The) dri'e awa) the ass of the fatherless,
the) ta*e the widow5s o+ for a "led%e(
4 The) t$rn the need) o$t of the wa), the
"oor of the earth hide themsel'es to%ether(
5 Behold, as wild asses in the desert, %o the)
forth to their wor*! risin% etimes for a "re),
the wilderness yieldeth food for them and for
their #hildren(
6 The) rea" every one his #orn in the field,
and the) %ather the 'inta%e of the wi#*ed(
7 The) #a$se the na*ed to lod%e witho$t
#lothin%, that they have no #o'erin% in the
8 The) are wet with the showers of the
mo$ntains, and emra#e the ro#* for want of a
9 The) "l$#* the fatherless from the reast,
and ta*e a "led%e of the "oor(
10 The) #a$se him to %o na*ed witho$t
#lothin%, and the) ta*e awa) the sheaf from
the h$n%r)!
11 Which ma*e oil within their walls, and
tread their wine"resses, and s$ffer thirst(
12 @en %roan from o$t of the #it), and the
so$l of the wo$nded #rieth o$t, )et &od la)eth
not foll) to them(
13 The) are of those that reel a%ainst the
li%ht! the) *now not the wa)s thereof, nor
aide in the "aths thereof(
14 The m$rderer risin% with the li%ht *illeth
the "oor and need), and in the ni%ht is as a
15 The e)e also of the ad$lterer waiteth for
the twili%ht, sa)in%, /o e)e shall see me, and
dis%$iseth his fa#e(
16 -n the dar* the) di% thro$%h ho$ses,
which the) had mar*ed for themsel'es in the
da)time, the) *now not the li%ht(
17 For the mornin% is to them e'en as the
shadow of death, if one *now them, they are
in the terrors of the shadow of death(
18 He is swift as the waters! their "ortion is
#$rsed in the earth, he eholdeth not the wa)
of the 'ine)ards(
19 1ro$%ht and heat #ons$me the snow
waters, so doth the %ra'e those which ha'e
20 The wom shall for%et him! the worm
shall feed sweetl) on him! he shall e no more
rememered! and wi#*edness shall e ro*en
as a tree(
21 He e'il entreateth the arren that eareth
not, and doeth not %ood to the widow(
22 He draweth also the mi%ht) with his
"ower, he riseth $", and no man is s$re of life(
23 Though it e %i'en him to be in safet),
whereon he resteth! )et his e)es are $"on their
24 The) are e+alted for a little while, $t are
%one and ro$%ht low! the) are ta*en o$t of
the wa) as all other, and #$t off as the to"s of
the ears of #orn(
25 And if it be not so now, who will ma*e
me a liar, and ma*e m) s"ee#h nothin% worth4
1 Then answered Bildad the 2h$hite, and
2 1ominion and fear are with him, he
ma*eth "ea#e in his hi%h "la#es(
3 -s there an) n$mer of his armies4 and
$"on whom doth not his li%ht arise4
4 How then #an man e 9$stified with &od4
or how #an he e #lean that is orn of a
5 Behold e'en to the moon, and it shineth
not! )ea, the stars are not "$re in his si%ht(
6 How m$#h less man, that is a worm4 and
the son of man, which is a worm4
1 B$t Jo answered and said,
2 How hast tho$ hel"ed him that is witho$t
"ower4 how sa'est tho$ the arm that hath no
3 How hast tho$ #o$nselled him that hath no
wisdom4 and how hast tho$ "lentif$ll)
de#lared the thin% as it is4
4 To whom hast tho$ $ttered words4 and
whose s"irit #ame from thee4
5 1ead things are formed from $nder the
waters, and the inhaitants thereof(
6 Hell is na*ed efore him, and destr$#tion
hath no #o'erin%(
7 He stret#heth o$t the north o'er the em"t)
"la#e, and han%eth the earth $"on nothin%(
8 He indeth $" the waters in his thi#*
#lo$ds! and the #lo$d is not rent $nder them(
9 He holdeth a#* the fa#e of his throne,
and s"readeth his #lo$d $"on it(
10 He hath #om"assed the waters with
o$nds, $ntil the da) and ni%ht #ome to an
11 The "illars of hea'en tremle and are
astonished at his re"roof(
12 He di'ideth the sea with his "ower, and
) his $nderstandin% he smiteth thro$%h the
13 B) his s"irit he hath %arnished the
hea'ens! his hand hath formed the #roo*ed
14 0o, these are "arts of his wa)s, $t how
little a "ortion is heard of him4 $t the th$nder
of his "ower who #an $nderstand4
1 @oreo'er Jo #ontin$ed his "arale, and
2 As &od li'eth, who hath ta*en awa) m)
9$d%ment! and the Almi%ht), who hath 'e+ed
m) so$l!
3 All the while m) reath is in me, and the
s"irit of &od is in m) nostrils!
4 @) li"s shall not s"ea* wi#*edness, nor
m) ton%$e $tter de#eit(
5 &od forid that - sho$ld 9$stif) )o$, till -
die - will not remo'e mine inte%rit) from me(
6 @) ri%hteo$sness - hold fast, and will not
let it %o, m) heart shall not re"roa#h me so
lon% as - li'e(
7 0et mine enem) e as the wi#*ed, and he
that riseth $" a%ainst me as the $nri%hteo$s(
8 For what is the ho"e of the h)"o#rite,
tho$%h he hath %ained, when &od ta*eth awa)
his so$l4
9 3ill &od hear his #r) when tro$le
#ometh $"on him4
10 3ill he deli%ht himself in the Almi%ht)4
will he alwa)s #all $"on &od4
11 - will tea#h )o$ ) the hand of &od, that
whi#h is with the Almi%ht) will - not #on#eal(
12 Behold, all )e )o$rsel'es ha'e seen it!
wh) then are )e th$s alto%ether 'ain4
13 This is the "ortion of a wi#*ed man with
&od, and the herita%e of o""ressors, which
the) shall re#ei'e of the Almi%ht)(
14 -f his #hildren e m$lti"lied, it is for the
sword, and his offs"rin% shall not e satisfied
with read(
15 Those that remain of him shall e $ried
in death, and his widows shall not wee"(
16 Tho$%h he hea" $" sil'er as the d$st, and
"re"are raiment as the #la)!
17 He ma) "re"are it, $t the 9$st shall "$t it
on, and the inno#ent shall di'ide the sil'er(
18 He $ildeth his ho$se as a moth, and as a
ooth that the *ee"er ma*eth(
19 The ri#h man shall lie down, $t he shall
not e %athered, he o"eneth his e)es, and he is
20 Terrors ta*e hold on him as waters, a
tem"est stealeth him awa) in the ni%ht(
21 The east wind #arrieth him awa), and he
de"arteth, and as a storm h$rleth him o$t of
his "la#e(
22 For "od shall #ast $"on him, and not
s"are, he wo$ld fain flee o$t of his hand(
23 $en shall #la" their hands at him, and
shall hiss him o$t of his "la#e(
1 2$rel) there is a 'ein for the sil'er, and a
"la#e for %old where the) fine it(
2 -ron is ta*en o$t of the earth, and rass is
molten out of the stone(
3 He setteth an end to dar*ness, and
sear#heth o$t all "erfe#tion, the stones of
dar*ness, and the shadow of death(
4 The flood rea*eth o$t from the
inhaitant! even the waters for%otten of the
foot, the) are dried $", the) are %one awa)
from men(
5 As for the earth, o$t of it #ometh read,
and $nder it is t$rned $" as it were fire(
6 The stones of it are the "la#e of sa""hires,
and it hath d$st of %old(
7 There is a "ath whi#h no fowl *noweth,
and whi#h the '$lt$re5s e)e hath not seen,
8 The lion5s whel"s ha'e not trodden it, nor
the fier#e lion "assed ) it(
9 He "$tteth forth his hand $"on the ro#*! he
o'ert$rneth the mo$ntains ) the roots(
10 He #$tteth o$t ri'ers amon% the ro#*s!
and his e)e seeth e'er) "re#io$s thin%(
11 He indeth the floods from o'erflowin%!
and the thing that is hid rin%eth he forth to
12 B$t where shall wisdom e fo$nd4 and
where is the "la#e of $nderstandin%4
13 @an *noweth not the "ri#e thereof!
neither is it fo$nd in the land of the li'in%(
14 The de"th saith, -t is not in me, and the
sea saith, It is not with me(
15 -t #annot e %otten for %old, neither shall
sil'er e wei%hed for the "ri#e thereof(
16 -t #annot e 'al$ed with the %old of
O"hir, with the "re#io$s on)+, or the sa""hire(
17 The %old and the #r)stal #annot e:$al it,
and the e+#han%e of it shall not be for 9ewels
of fine %old(
18 /o mention shall e made of #oral, or of
"earls, for the "ri#e of wisdom is ao'e
19 The to"az of Ethio"ia shall not e:$al it,
neither shall it e 'al$ed with "$re %old(
20 3hen#e then #ometh wisdom4 and where
is the "la#e of $nderstandin%4
21 2eein% it is hid from the e)es of all
li'in%, and *e"t #lose from the fowls of the air(
22 1estr$#tion and death sa), 3e ha'e heard
the fame thereof with o$r ears(
23 &od $nderstandeth the wa) thereof, and
he *noweth the "la#e thereof(
24 For he loo*eth to the ends of the earth,
and seeth $nder the whole hea'en!
25 To ma*e the wei%ht for the winds! and he
wei%heth the waters ) meas$re(
26 3hen he made a de#ree for the rain, and
a wa) for the li%htnin% of the th$nder,
27 Then did he see it, and de#lare it! he
"re"ared it, )ea, and sear#hed it o$t(
28 And $nto man he said, Behold, the fear of
the 0ord, that is wisdom! and to de"art from
e'il is $nderstandin%(
1 @oreo'er Jo #ontin$ed his "arale, and
2 Oh that - were as in months "ast, as in the
da)s when &od "reser'ed me!
3 3hen his #andle shined $"on m) head,
and when ) his li%ht - wal*ed through
4 As - was in the da)s of m) )o$th, when
the se#ret of &od was $"on m) taerna#le!
5 3hen the Almi%ht) was )et with me,
when m) #hildren were ao$t me!
6 3hen - washed m) ste"s with $tter, and
the ro#* "o$red me o$t ri'ers of oil!
7 3hen - went o$t to the %ate thro$%h the
#it), when - "re"ared m) seat in the street?
8 The )o$n% men saw me, and hid
themsel'es, and the a%ed arose, and stood $"(
9 The "rin#es refrained tal*in%, and laid
their hand on their mo$th(
10 The noles held their "ea#e, and their
ton%$e #lea'ed to the roof of their mo$th(
11 3hen the ear heard me, then it lessed
me! and when the e)e saw me, it %a'e witness
to me,
12 Be#a$se - deli'ered the "oor that #ried,
and the fatherless, and him that had none to
hel" him(
13 The lessin% of him that was read) to
"erish #ame $"on me, and - #a$sed the
widow5s heart to sin% for 9o)(
14 - "$t on ri%hteo$sness, and it #lothed me,
m) 9$d%ment was as a roe and a diadem(
15 - was e)es to the lind, and feet was - to
the lame(
16 - was a father to the "oor, and the #a$se
which - *new not - sear#hed o$t(
17 And - ra*e the 9aws of the wi#*ed, and
"l$#*ed the s"oil o$t of his teeth(
18 Then - said, - shall die in m) nest, and -
shall m$lti"l) my da)s as the sand(
19 @) root was s"read o$t ) the waters,
and the dew la) all ni%ht $"on m) ran#h(
20 @) %lor) was fresh in me, and m) ow
was renewed in m) hand(
21 Unto me men %a'e ear, and waited, and
*e"t silen#e at m) #o$nsel(
22 After m) words the) s"a*e not a%ain! and
m) s"ee#h dro""ed $"on them(
23 And the) waited for me as for the rain!
and the) o"ened their mo$th wide as for the
latter rain(
24 If - la$%hed on them, the) elie'ed it not!
and the li%ht of m) #o$ntenan#e the) #ast not
25 - #hose o$t their wa), and sat #hief, and
dwelt as a *in% in the arm), as one that
#omforteth the mo$rners(
1 B$t now they that are )o$n%er than - ha'e
me in derision, whose fathers - wo$ld ha'e
disdained to ha'e set with the do%s of m)
2 =ea, whereto might the stren%th of their
hands profit me, in whom old a%e was
3 For want and famine they were solitar)!
fleein% into the wilderness in former time
desolate and waste(
4 3ho #$t $" mallows ) the $shes, and
9$ni"er roots for their meat(
5 The) were dri'en forth from amon% men,
Cthe) #ried after them as after a thief!D
6 To dwell in the #lifts of the 'alle)s, in
#a'es of the earth, and in the ro#*s(
7 Amon% the $shes the) ra)ed! $nder the
nettles the) were %athered to%ether(
8 They were #hildren of fools, )ea, #hildren
of ase men, the) were 'iler than the earth(
9 And now am - their son%, )ea, - am their
10 The) ahor me, the) flee far from me,
and s"are not to s"it in m) fa#e(
11 Be#a$se he hath loosed m) #ord, and
affli#ted me, the) ha'e also let loose the ridle
efore me(
12 U"on my ri%ht hand rise the )o$th! the)
"$sh awa) m) feet, and the) raise $" a%ainst
me the wa)s of their destr$#tion(
13 The) mar m) "ath, the) set forward m)
#alamit), the) ha'e no hel"er(
14 The) #ame upon me as a wide rea*in%
in of waters, in the desolation the) rolled
themsel'es upon me(
15 Terrors are t$rned $"on me, the) "$rs$e
m) so$l as the wind, and m) welfare "asseth
awa) as a #lo$d(
16 And now m) so$l is "o$red o$t $"on me!
the da)s of affli#tion ha'e ta*en hold $"on
17 @) ones are "ier#ed in me in the ni%ht
season, and m) sinews ta*e no rest(
18 B) the %reat for#e of my disease is m)
%arment #han%ed, it indeth me ao$t as the
#ollar of m) #oat(
19 He hath #ast me into the mire, and - am
e#ome li*e d$st and ashes(
20 - #r) $nto thee, and tho$ dost not hear
me, - stand $", and tho$ re%ardest me not(
21 Tho$ art e#ome #r$el to me, with th)
stron% hand tho$ o""osest th)self a%ainst me(
22 Tho$ liftest me $" to the wind! tho$
#a$sest me to ride upon it, and dissol'est m)
23 For - *now that tho$ wilt rin% me to
death, and to the ho$se a""ointed for all
24 Howeit he will not stret#h o$t his hand
to the %ra'e, tho$%h the) #r) in his
25 1id not - wee" for him that was in
tro$le4 was not m) so$l %rie'ed for the "oor4
26 3hen - loo*ed for %ood, then e'il #ame
unto me, and when - waited for li%ht, there
#ame dar*ness(
27 @) owels oiled, and rested not, the
da)s of affli#tion "re'ented me(
28 - went mo$rnin% witho$t the s$n, - stood
$", and - #ried in the #on%re%ation(
29 - am a rother to dra%ons, and a
#om"anion to owls(
30 @) s*in is la#* $"on me, and m) ones
are $rned with heat(
31 @) har" also is turned to mo$rnin%, and
m) or%an into the 'oi#e of them that wee"(
1 - made a #o'enant with mine e)es! wh)
then sho$ld - thin* $"on a maid4
2 For what "ortion of &od is there from
ao'e4 and what inheritan#e of the Almi%ht)
from on hi%h4
3 Is not destr$#tion to the wi#*ed4 and a
stran%e punishment to the wor*ers of ini:$it)4
4 1oth not he see m) wa)s, and #o$nt all
m) ste"s4
5 -f - ha'e wal*ed with 'anit), or if m) foot
hath hasted to de#eit!
6 0et me e wei%hed in an e'en alan#e,
that &od ma) *now mine inte%rit)(
7 -f m) ste" hath t$rned o$t of the wa), and
mine heart wal*ed after mine e)es, and if an)
lot hath #lea'ed to mine hands!
8 Then let me sow, and let another eat! )ea,
let m) offs"rin% e rooted o$t(
9 -f mine heart ha'e een de#ei'ed ) a
woman, or if - ha'e laid wait at m)
nei%ho$r5s door!
10 Then let m) wife %rind $nto another, and
let others ow down $"on her(
11 For this is an heino$s #rime! )ea, it is an
ini:$it) to be punished by the 9$d%es(
12 For it is a fire that #ons$meth to
destr$#tion, and wo$ld root o$t all mine
13 -f - did des"ise the #a$se of m)
manser'ant or of m) maidser'ant, when the)
#ontended with me!
14 3hat then shall - do when &od riseth $"4
and when he 'isiteth, what shall - answer him4
15 1id not he that made me in the wom
ma*e him4 and did not one fashion $s in the
16 -f - ha'e withheld the "oor from their
desire, or ha'e #a$sed the e)es of the widow
to fail!
17 Or ha'e eaten m) morsel m)self alone,
and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof!
18 CFor from m) )o$th he was ro$%ht $"
with me, as with a father, and - ha'e %$ided
her from m) mother5s wom!D
19 -f - ha'e seen an) "erish for want of
#lothin%, or an) "oor witho$t #o'erin%!
20 -f his loins ha'e not lessed me, and if he
were not warmed with the flee#e of m) shee"!
21 -f - ha'e lifted $" m) hand a%ainst the
fatherless, when - saw m) hel" in the %ate,
22 Then let mine arm fall from m) sho$lder
lade, and mine arm e ro*en from the one(
23 For destr$#tion from &od was a terror to
me, and ) reason of his hi%hness - #o$ld not
24 -f - ha'e made %old m) ho"e, or ha'e
said to the fine %old, Thou art m) #onfiden#e!
25 -f - re9oi#ed e#a$se m) wealth was
%reat, and e#a$se mine hand had %otten
26 -f - eheld the s$n when it shined, or the
moon wal*in% in ri%htness!
27 And m) heart hath een se#retl) enti#ed,
or m) mo$th hath *issed m) hand,
28 This also were an ini:$it) to be punished
by the 9$d%e, for - sho$ld ha'e denied the &od
that is ao'e(
29 -f - re9oi#ed at the destr$#tion of him that
hated me, or lifted $" m)self when e'il fo$nd
30 /either ha'e - s$ffered m) mo$th to sin
) wishin% a #$rse to his so$l(
31 -f the men of m) taerna#le said not, Oh
that we had of his flesh? we #annot e
32 The stran%er did not lod%e in the street,
but - o"ened m) doors to the tra'eller(
33 -f - #o'ered m) trans%ressions as Adam,
) hidin% mine ini:$it) in m) osom,
34 1id - fear a %reat m$ltit$de, or did the
#ontem"t of families terrif) me, that - *e"t
silen#e, and went not o$t of the door4
35 Oh that one wo$ld hear me? ehold, m)
desire is, that the Almi%ht) wo$ld answer me,
and that mine ad'ersar) had written a oo*(
36 2$rel) - wo$ld ta*e it $"on m) sho$lder,
and ind it as a #rown to me(
37 - wo$ld de#lare $nto him the n$mer of
m) ste"s! as a "rin#e wo$ld - %o near $nto
38 -f m) land #r) a%ainst me, or that the
f$rrows li*ewise thereof #om"lain!
39 -f - ha'e eaten the fr$its thereof witho$t
mone), or ha'e #a$sed the owners thereof to
lose their life,
40 0et thistles %row instead of wheat, and
#o#*le instead of arle)( The words of Jo are
1 2o these three men #eased to answer Jo,
e#a$se he was ri%hteo$s in his own e)es(
2 Then was *indled the wrath of Elih$ the
son of Bara#hel the B$zite, of the *indred of
Ram, a%ainst Jo was his wrath *indled,
e#a$se he 9$stified himself rather than &od(
3 Also a%ainst his three friends was his
wrath *indled, e#a$se the) had fo$nd no
answer, and yet had #ondemned Jo(
4 /ow Elih$ had waited till Jo had s"o*en,
e#a$se the) were elder than he(
5 3hen Elih$ saw that there was no answer
in the mo$th of these three men, then his
wrath was *indled(
6 And Elih$ the son of Bara#hel the B$zite
answered and said, - am )o$n%, and )e are
'er) old! wherefore - was afraid, and d$rst not
shew )o$ mine o"inion(
7 - said, 1a)s sho$ld s"ea*, and m$ltit$de
of )ears sho$ld tea#h wisdom(
8 B$t there is a s"irit in man, and the
ins"iration of the Almi%ht) %i'eth them
9 &reat men are not always wise, neither do
the a%ed $nderstand 9$d%ment(
10 Therefore - said, Hear*en to me! - also
will shew mine o"inion(
11 Behold, - waited for )o$r words! - %a'e
ear to )o$r reasons, whilst )e sear#hed o$t
what to sa)(
12 =ea, - attended $nto )o$, and, ehold,
there was none of )o$ that #on'in#ed Jo, or
that answered his words,
13 0est )e sho$ld sa), 3e ha'e fo$nd o$t
wisdom, &od thr$steth him down, not man(
14 /ow he hath not dire#ted his words
a%ainst me, neither will - answer him with
)o$r s"ee#hes(
15 The) were amazed, the) answered no
more, the) left off s"ea*in%(
16 3hen - had waited, Cfor the) s"a*e not,
$t stood still, and answered no more!D
17 I said, - will answer also m) "art, - also
will shew mine o"inion(
18 For - am f$ll of matter, the s"irit within
me #onstraineth me(
19 Behold, m) ell) is as wine which hath
no 'ent! it is read) to $rst li*e new ottles(
20 - will s"ea*, that - ma) e refreshed, -
will o"en m) li"s and answer(
21 0et me not, - "ra) )o$, a##e"t an) man5s
"erson, neither let me %i'e flatterin% titles $nto
22 For - *now not to %i'e flatterin% titles! in
so doing m) ma*er wo$ld soon ta*e me awa)(
1 3herefore, Jo, - "ra) thee, hear m)
s"ee#hes, and hear*en to all m) words(
2 Behold, now - ha'e o"ened m) mo$th, m)
ton%$e hath s"o*en in m) mo$th(
3 @) words shall be of the $"ri%htness of
m) heart, and m) li"s shall $tter *nowled%e
4 The 2"irit of &od hath made me, and the
reath of the Almi%ht) hath %i'en me life(
5 -f tho$ #anst answer me, set thy words in
order efore me, stand $"(
6 Behold, - am a##ordin% to th) wish in
&od5s stead, - also am formed o$t of the #la)(
7 Behold, m) terror shall not ma*e thee
afraid, neither shall m) hand e hea') $"on
8 2$rel) tho$ hast s"o*en in mine hearin%,
and - ha'e heard the 'oi#e of thy words,
9 - am #lean witho$t trans%ression, - am
inno#ent! neither is there ini:$it) in me(
10 Behold, he findeth o##asions a%ainst me,
he #o$nteth me for his enem),
11 He "$tteth m) feet in the sto#*s, he
mar*eth all m) "aths(
12 Behold, in this tho$ art not 9$st, - will
answer thee, that &od is %reater than man(
13 3h) dost tho$ stri'e a%ainst him4 for he
%i'eth not a##o$nt of an) of his matters(
14 For &od s"ea*eth on#e, )ea twi#e, yet
man "er#ei'eth it not(
15 -n a dream, in a 'ision of the ni%ht, when
dee" slee" falleth $"on men, in sl$merin%s
$"on the ed!
16 Then he o"eneth the ears of men, and
sealeth their instr$#tion,
17 That he ma) withdraw man from his
"$r"ose, and hide "ride from man(
18 He *ee"eth a#* his so$l from the "it,
and his life from "erishin% ) the sword(
19 He is #hastened also with "ain $"on his
ed, and the m$ltit$de of his ones with
stron% pain,
20 2o that his life ahorreth read, and his
so$l daint) meat(
21 His flesh is #ons$med awa), that it
#annot e seen! and his ones that were not
seen sti#* o$t(
22 =ea, his so$l draweth near $nto the %ra'e,
and his life to the destro)ers(
23 -f there e a messen%er with him, an
inter"reter, one amon% a tho$sand, to shew
$nto man his $"ri%htness,
24 Then he is %ra#io$s $nto him, and saith,
1eli'er him from %oin% down to the "it, -
ha'e fo$nd a ransom(
25 His flesh shall e fresher than a #hild5s,
he shall ret$rn to the da)s of his )o$th,
26 He shall "ra) $nto &od, and he will e
fa'o$rale $nto him, and he shall see his fa#e
with 9o), for he will render $nto man his
27 He loo*eth $"on men, and if any sa), -
ha'e sinned, and "er'erted that which was
ri%ht, and it "rofited me not!
28 He will deli'er his so$l from %oin% into
the "it, and his life shall see the li%ht(
29 0o, all these things wor*eth &od
oftentimes with man,
30 To rin% a#* his so$l from the "it, to e
enli%htened with the li%ht of the li'in%(
31 @ar* well, O Jo, hear*en $nto me, hold
th) "ea#e, and - will s"ea*(
32 -f tho$ hast an) thin% to sa), answer me,
s"ea*, for - desire to 9$stif) thee(
33 -f not, hear*en $nto me, hold th) "ea#e,
and - shall tea#h thee wisdom(
1 F$rthermore Elih$ answered and said,
2 Hear m) words, O )e wise men! and %i'e
ear $nto me, )e that ha'e *nowled%e(
3 For the ear trieth words, as the mo$th
tasteth meat(
4 0et $s #hoose to $s 9$d%ment, let $s *now
amon% o$rsel'es what is %ood(
5 For Jo hath said, - am ri%hteo$s, and &od
hath ta*en awa) m) 9$d%ment(
6 2ho$ld - lie a%ainst m) ri%ht4 m) wo$nd
is in#$rale witho$t trans%ression(
7 3hat man is li*e Jo, who drin*eth $"
s#ornin% li*e water4
8 3hi#h %oeth in #om"an) with the wor*ers
of ini:$it), and wal*eth with wi#*ed men(
9 For he hath said, -t "rofiteth a man nothin%
that he sho$ld deli%ht himself with &od(
10 Therefore hear*en $nto me, )e men of
$nderstandin%, far e it from &od, that he
should do wi#*edness! and from the Almi%ht),
that he should commit ini:$it)(
11 For the wor* of a man shall he render
$nto him, and #a$se e'er) man to find
a##ordin% to his wa)s(
12 =ea, s$rel) &od will not do wi#*edl),
neither will the Almi%ht) "er'ert 9$d%ment(
13 3ho hath %i'en him a #har%e o'er the
earth4 or who hath dis"osed the whole world4
14 -f he set his heart $"on man, if he %ather
$nto himself his s"irit and his reath!
15 All flesh shall "erish to%ether, and man
shall t$rn a%ain $nto d$st(
16 -f now thou hast $nderstandin%, hear this,
hear*en to the 'oi#e of m) words(
17 2hall e'en he that hateth ri%ht %o'ern4
and wilt tho$ #ondemn him that is most 9$st4
18 Is it fit to sa) to a *in%, Thou art wi#*ed4
and to "rin#es, e are $n%odl)4
19 How much less to him that a##e"teth not
the "ersons of "rin#es, nor re%ardeth the ri#h
more than the "oor4 for the) all are the wor*
of his hands(
20 -n a moment shall the) die, and the
"eo"le shall e tro$led at midni%ht, and "ass
awa), and the mi%ht) shall e ta*en awa)
witho$t hand(
21 For his e)es are $"on the wa)s of man,
and he seeth all his %oin%s(
22 There is no dar*ness, nor shadow of
death, where the wor*ers of ini:$it) ma) hide
23 For he will not la) $"on man more than
right! that he sho$ld enter into 9$d%ment with
24 He shall rea* in "ie#es mi%ht) men
witho$t n$mer, and set others in their stead(
25 Therefore he *noweth their wor*s, and he
o'ert$rneth them in the ni%ht, so that the) are
26 He stri*eth them as wi#*ed men in the
o"en si%ht of others!
27 Be#a$se the) t$rned a#* from him, and
wo$ld not #onsider an) of his wa)s,
28 2o that the) #a$se the #r) of the "oor to
#ome $nto him, and he heareth the #r) of the
29 3hen he %i'eth :$ietness, who then #an
ma*e tro$le4 and when he hideth his fa#e,
who then #an ehold him4 whether it be done
a%ainst a nation, or a%ainst a man onl),
30 That the h)"o#rite rei%n not, lest the
"eo"le e ensnared(
31 2$rel) it is meet to e said $nto &od, -
ha'e orne chastisement, - will not offend any
32 That which - see not tea#h tho$ me, if -
ha'e done ini:$it), - will do no more(
33 #hould it be a##ordin% to th) mind4 he
will re#om"ense it, whether tho$ ref$se, or
whether tho$ #hoose! and not -, therefore
s"ea* what tho$ *nowest(
34 0et men of $nderstandin% tell me, and let
a wise man hear*en $nto me(
35 Jo hath s"o*en witho$t *nowled%e, and
his words were witho$t wisdom(
36 @) desire is that Jo ma) e tried $nto
the end e#a$se of his answers for wi#*ed
37 For he addeth reellion $nto his sin, he
#la""eth his hands amon% $s, and m$lti"lieth
his words a%ainst &od(
1 Elih$ s"a*e moreo'er, and said,
2 Thin*est tho$ this to e ri%ht, that tho$
saidst, @) ri%hteo$sness is more than &od5s4
3 For tho$ saidst, 3hat ad'anta%e will it e
$nto thee4 and, 3hat "rofit shall - ha'e, if I be
cleansed from m) sin4
4 - will answer thee, and th) #om"anions
with thee(
5 0oo* $nto the hea'ens, and see! and
ehold the #lo$ds which are hi%her than tho$(
6 -f tho$ sinnest, what doest tho$ a%ainst
him4 or if th) trans%ressions e m$lti"lied,
what doest tho$ $nto him4
7 -f tho$ e ri%hteo$s, what %i'est tho$ him4
or what re#ei'eth he of thine hand4
8 Th) wi#*edness may hurt a man as tho$
art! and th) ri%hteo$sness may profit the son
of man(
9 B) reason of the m$ltit$de of o""ressions
the) ma*e the oppressed to #r), the) #r) o$t
) reason of the arm of the mi%ht)(
10 B$t none saith, 3here is &od m) ma*er,
who %i'eth son%s in the ni%ht!
11 3ho tea#heth $s more than the easts of
the earth, and ma*eth $s wiser than the fowls
of hea'en4
12 There the) #r), $t none %i'eth answer,
e#a$se of the "ride of e'il men(
13 2$rel) &od will not hear 'anit), neither
will the Almi%ht) re%ard it(
14 Altho$%h tho$ sa)est tho$ shalt not see
him, yet 9$d%ment is efore him! therefore
tr$st tho$ in him(
15 B$t now, e#a$se it is not so, he hath
'isited in his an%er! )et he *noweth it not in
%reat e+tremit),
16 Therefore doth Jo o"en his mo$th in
'ain! he m$lti"lieth words witho$t *nowled%e(
1 Elih$ also "ro#eeded, and said,
2 2$ffer me a little, and - will shew thee that
I have )et to s"ea* on &od5s ehalf(
3 - will fet#h m) *nowled%e from afar, and
will as#rie ri%hteo$sness to m) @a*er(
4 For tr$l) m) words shall not be false, he
that is "erfe#t in *nowled%e is with thee(
5 Behold, &od is mi%ht), and des"iseth not
any% he is mi%ht) in stren%th and wisdom(
6 He "reser'eth not the life of the wi#*ed,
$t %i'eth ri%ht to the "oor(
7 He withdraweth not his e)es from the
ri%hteo$s, $t with *in%s are they on the
throne! )ea, he doth estalish them for e'er,
and the) are e+alted(
8 And if they be o$nd in fetters, and e
holden in #ords of affli#tion!
9 Then he sheweth them their wor*, and
their trans%ressions that the) ha'e e+#eeded(
10 He o"eneth also their ear to dis#i"line,
and #ommandeth that the) ret$rn from
11 -f the) oe) and ser'e him, the) shall
s"end their da)s in "ros"erit), and their )ears
in "leas$res(
12 B$t if the) oe) not, the) shall "erish )
the sword, and the) shall die witho$t
13 B$t the h)"o#rites in heart hea" $"
wrath, the) #r) not when he indeth them(
14 The) die in )o$th, and their life is amon%
the $n#lean(
15 He deli'ereth the "oor in his affli#tion,
and o"eneth their ears in o""ression(
16 E'en so wo$ld he ha'e remo'ed thee o$t
of the strait into a road "la#e, where there is
no straitness! and that whi#h sho$ld e set on
th) tale should be f$ll of fatness(
17 B$t tho$ hast f$lfilled the 9$d%ment of
the wi#*ed, 9$d%ment and 9$sti#e ta*e hold on
18 Be#a$se there is wrath, beware lest he
ta*e thee awa) with his stro*e, then a %reat
ransom #annot deli'er thee(
19 3ill he esteem th) ri#hes4 no, not %old,
nor all the for#es of stren%th(
20 1esire not the ni%ht, when "eo"le are #$t
off in their "la#e(
21 Ta*e heed, re%ard not ini:$it), for this
hast tho$ #hosen rather than affli#tion(
22 Behold, &od e+alteth ) his "ower, who
tea#heth li*e him4
23 3ho hath en9oined him his wa)4 or who
#an sa), Tho$ hast wro$%ht ini:$it)4
24 Rememer that tho$ ma%nif) his wor*,
whi#h men ehold(
25 E'er) man ma) see it! man ma) ehold
it afar off(
26 Behold, &od is %reat, and we *now him
not, neither #an the n$mer of his )ears e
sear#hed o$t(
27 For he ma*eth small the dro"s of water,
the) "o$r down rain a##ordin% to the 'a"o$r
28 3hi#h the #lo$ds do dro" and distil $"on
man a$ndantl)(
29 Also #an any $nderstand the s"readin%s
of the #lo$ds, or the noise of his taerna#le4
30 Behold, he s"readeth his li%ht $"on it,
and #o'ereth the ottom of the sea(
31 For ) them 9$d%eth he the "eo"le! he
%i'eth meat in a$ndan#e(
32 3ith #lo$ds he #o'ereth the li%ht! and
#ommandeth it not to shine ) the cloud that
#ometh etwi+t(
33 The noise thereof sheweth #on#ernin% it,
the #attle also #on#ernin% the 'a"o$r(
1 At this also m) heart tremleth, and is
mo'ed o$t of his "la#e(
2 Hear attenti'el) the noise of his 'oi#e, and
the so$nd that %oeth o$t of his mo$th(
3 He dire#teth it $nder the whole hea'en,
and his li%htnin% $nto the ends of the earth(
4 After it a 'oi#e roareth, he th$ndereth with
the 'oi#e of his e+#ellen#)! and he will not
sta) them when his 'oi#e is heard(
5 &od th$ndereth mar'ello$sl) with his
'oi#e! %reat thin%s doeth he, whi#h we #annot
6 For he saith to the snow, Be tho$ on the
earth! li*ewise to the small rain, and to the
%reat rain of his stren%th(
7 He sealeth $" the hand of e'er) man! that
all men ma) *now his wor*(
8 Then the easts %o into dens, and remain
in their "la#es(
9 O$t of the so$th #ometh the whirlwind,
and #old o$t of the north(
10 B) the reath of &od frost is %i'en, and
the readth of the waters is straitened(
11 Also ) waterin% he wearieth the thi#*
#lo$d, he s#attereth his ri%ht #lo$d,
12 And it is t$rned ro$nd ao$t ) his
#o$nsels, that the) ma) do whatsoe'er he
#ommandeth them $"on the fa#e of the world
in the earth(
13 He #a$seth it to #ome, whether for
#orre#tion, or for his land, or for mer#)(
14 Hear*en $nto this, O Jo, stand still, and
#onsider the wondro$s wor*s of &od(
15 1ost tho$ *now when &od dis"osed
them, and #a$sed the li%ht of his #lo$d to
16 1ost tho$ *now the alan#in%s of the
#lo$ds, the wondro$s wor*s of him whi#h is
"erfe#t in *nowled%e4
17 How th) %arments are warm, when he
:$ieteth the earth ) the so$th wind4
18 Hast tho$ with him s"read o$t the s*),
which is stron%, and as a molten loo*in%
19 Tea#h $s what we shall sa) $nto him! for
we #annot order our speech ) reason of
20 2hall it e told him that - s"ea*4 if a man
s"ea*, s$rel) he shall e swallowed $"(
21 And now men see not the ri%ht li%ht
whi#h is in the #lo$ds, $t the wind "asseth,
and #leanseth them(
22 Fair weather #ometh o$t of the north,
with &od is terrile ma9est)(
23 Touching the Almi%ht), we #annot find
him o$t, he is e+#ellent in "ower, and in
9$d%ment, and in "lent) of 9$sti#e, he will not
24 @en do therefore fear him, he res"e#teth
not an) that are wise of heart(
1 Then the 0OR1 answered Jo o$t of the
whirlwind, and said,
2 3ho is this that dar*eneth #o$nsel )
words witho$t *nowled%e4
3 &ird $" now th) loins li*e a man! for -
will demand of thee, and answer tho$ me(
4 3here wast tho$ when - laid the
fo$ndations of the earth4 de#lare, if tho$ hast
5 3ho hath laid the meas$res thereof, if
tho$ *nowest4 or who hath stret#hed the line
$"on it4
6 3here$"on are the fo$ndations thereof
fastened4 or who laid the #orner stone thereof!
7 3hen the mornin% stars san% to%ether, and
all the sons of &od sho$ted for 9o)4
8 Or who sh$t $" the sea with doors, when it
ra*e forth, as if it had iss$ed o$t of the
9 3hen - made the #lo$d the %arment
thereof, and thi#* dar*ness a swaddlin%and
for it,
10 And ra*e $" for it m) de#reed place,
and set ars and doors,
11 And said, Hitherto shalt tho$ #ome, $t
no f$rther, and here shall th) "ro$d wa'es e
12 Hast tho$ #ommanded the mornin% sin#e
th) da)s! and #a$sed the da)s"rin% to *now
his "la#e!
13 That it mi%ht ta*e hold of the ends of the
earth, that the wi#*ed mi%ht e sha*en o$t of
14 -t is t$rned as #la) to the seal! and the)
stand as a %arment(
15 And from the wi#*ed their li%ht is
withholden, and the hi%h arm shall e ro*en(
16 Hast tho$ entered into the s"rin%s of the
sea4 or hast tho$ wal*ed in the sear#h of the
17 Ha'e the %ates of death een o"ened $nto
thee4 or hast tho$ seen the doors of the
shadow of death4
18 Hast tho$ "er#ei'ed the readth of the
earth4 de#lare if tho$ *nowest it all(
19 3here is the wa) where li%ht dwelleth4
and as for dar*ness, where is the "la#e thereof,
20 That tho$ sho$ldest ta*e it to the o$nd
thereof, and that tho$ sho$ldest *now the
"aths to the ho$se thereof4
21 Knowest tho$ it, e#a$se tho$ wast then
orn4 or because the n$mer of th) da)s is
22 Hast tho$ entered into the treas$res of the
snow4 or hast tho$ seen the treas$res of the
23 3hi#h - ha'e reser'ed a%ainst the time of
tro$le, a%ainst the da) of attle and war4
24 B) what wa) is the li%ht "arted, which
s#attereth the east wind $"on the earth4
25 3ho hath di'ided a water#o$rse for the
o'erflowin% of waters, or a wa) for the
li%htnin% of th$nder!
26 To #a$se it to rain on the earth, where no
man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no
27 To satisf) the desolate and waste ground!
and to #a$se the $d of the tender her to
s"rin% forth4
28 Hath the rain a father4 or who hath
e%otten the dro"s of dew4
29 O$t of whose wom #ame the i#e4 and
the hoar) frost of hea'en, who hath %endered
30 The waters are hid as with a stone, and
the fa#e of the dee" is frozen(
31 Canst tho$ ind the sweet infl$en#es of
Pleiades, or loose the ands of Orion4
32 Canst tho$ rin% forth @azzaroth in his
season4 or #anst tho$ %$ide Ar#t$r$s with his
33 Knowest tho$ the ordinan#es of hea'en4
#anst tho$ set the dominion thereof in the
34 Canst tho$ lift $" th) 'oi#e to the #lo$ds,
that a$ndan#e of waters ma) #o'er thee4
35 Canst tho$ send li%htnin%s, that the) ma)
%o, and sa) $nto thee, Here we are4
36 3ho hath "$t wisdom in the inward
"arts4 or who hath %i'en $nderstandin% to the
37 3ho #an n$mer the #lo$ds in wisdom4
or who #an sta) the ottles of hea'en,
38 3hen the d$st %roweth into hardness,
and the #lods #lea'e fast to%ether4
39 3ilt tho$ h$nt the "re) for the lion4 or
fill the a""etite of the )o$n% lions,
40 3hen the) #o$#h in their dens, and aide
in the #o'ert to lie in wait4
41 3ho "ro'ideth for the ra'en his food4
when his )o$n% ones #r) $nto &od, the)
wander for la#* of meat(
1 Knowest tho$ the time when the wild
%oats of the ro#* rin% forth4 or #anst tho$
mar* when the hinds do #al'e4
2 Canst tho$ n$mer the months that the)
f$lfil4 or *nowest tho$ the time when the)
rin% forth4
3 The) ow themsel'es, the) rin% forth
their )o$n% ones, the) #ast o$t their sorrows(
4 Their )o$n% ones are in %ood li*in%, the)
%row $" with #orn! the) %o forth, and ret$rn
not $nto them(
5 3ho hath sent o$t the wild ass free4 or
who hath loosed the ands of the wild ass4
6 3hose ho$se - ha'e made the wilderness,
and the arren land his dwellin%s(
7 He s#orneth the m$ltit$de of the #it),
neither re%ardeth he the #r)in% of the dri'er(
8 The ran%e of the mo$ntains is his "ast$re,
and he sear#heth after e'er) %reen thin%(
9 3ill the $ni#orn e willin% to ser'e thee,
or aide ) th) #ri4
10 Canst tho$ ind the $ni#orn with his and
in the f$rrow4 or will he harrow the 'alle)s
after thee4
11 3ilt tho$ tr$st him, e#a$se his stren%th
is %reat4 or wilt tho$ lea'e th) lao$r to him4
12 3ilt tho$ elie'e him, that he will rin%
home th) seed, and %ather it into th) arn4
13 "avest thou the %oodl) win%s $nto the
"ea#o#*s4 or win%s and feathers $nto the
14 3hi#h lea'eth her e%%s in the earth, and
warmeth them in d$st,
15 And for%etteth that the foot ma) #r$sh
them, or that the wild east ma) rea* them(
16 2he is hardened a%ainst her )o$n% ones,
as tho$%h they were not hers, her lao$r is in
'ain witho$t fear!
17 Be#a$se &od hath de"ri'ed her of
wisdom, neither hath he im"arted to her
18 3hat time she lifteth $" herself on hi%h,
she s#orneth the horse and his rider(
19 Hast tho$ %i'en the horse stren%th4 hast
tho$ #lothed his ne#* with th$nder4
20 Canst tho$ ma*e him afraid as a
%rassho""er4 the %lor) of his nostrils is
21 He "aweth in the 'alle), and re9oi#eth in
his stren%th, he %oeth on to meet the armed
22 He mo#*eth at fear, and is not affri%hted!
neither t$rneth he a#* from the sword(
23 The :$i'er rattleth a%ainst him, the
%litterin% s"ear and the shield(
24 He swalloweth the %ro$nd with
fier#eness and ra%e, neither elie'eth he that it
is the so$nd of the tr$m"et(
25 He saith amon% the tr$m"ets, Ha, ha! and
he smelleth the attle afar off, the th$nder of
the #a"tains, and the sho$tin%(
26 1oth the haw* fl) ) th) wisdom, and
stret#h her win%s toward the so$th4
27 1oth the ea%le mo$nt $" at th)
#ommand, and ma*e her nest on hi%h4
28 2he dwelleth and aideth on the ro#*,
$"on the #ra% of the ro#*, and the stron% "la#e(
29 From then#e she see*eth the "re), and
her e)es ehold afar off(
30 Her )o$n% ones also s$#* $" lood, and
where the slain are, there is she(
1 @oreo'er the 0OR1 answered Jo, and
2 2hall he that #ontendeth with the Almi%ht)
instr$#t him4 he that re"ro'eth &od, let him
answer it(
3 . Then Jo answered the 0OR1, and said,
4 Behold, - am 'ile! what shall - answer
thee4 - will la) mine hand $"on m) mo$th(
5 On#e ha'e - s"o*en! $t - will not answer,
)ea, twi#e! $t - will "ro#eed no f$rther(
6 . Then answered the 0OR1 $nto Jo o$t
of the whirlwind, and said,
7 &ird $" th) loins now li*e a man, - will
demand of thee, and de#lare tho$ $nto me(
8 3ilt tho$ also disann$l m) 9$d%ment4 wilt
tho$ #ondemn me, that tho$ ma)est e
9 Hast tho$ an arm li*e &od4 or #anst tho$
th$nder with a 'oi#e li*e him4
10 1e#* th)self now with ma9est) and
e+#ellen#)! and arra) th)self with %lor) and
11 Cast aroad the ra%e of th) wrath, and
ehold e'er) one that is "ro$d, and aase him(
12 0oo* on e'er) one that is "ro$d, and
rin% him low! and tread down the wi#*ed in
their "la#e(
13 Hide them in the d$st to%ether! and ind
their fa#es in se#ret(
14 Then will - also #onfess $nto thee that
thine own ri%ht hand #an sa'e thee(
15 . Behold now ehemoth, whi#h - made
with thee! he eateth %rass as an o+(
16 0o now, his stren%th is in his loins, and
his for#e is in the na'el of his ell)(
17 He mo'eth his tail li*e a #edar, the
sinews of his stones are wra""ed to%ether(
18 His ones are as stron% "ie#es of rass!
his ones are li*e ars of iron(
19 He is the #hief of the wa)s of &od, he
that made him #an ma*e his sword to
a""roa#h unto him(
20 2$rel) the mo$ntains rin% him forth
food, where all the easts of the field "la)(
21 He lieth $nder the shad) trees, in the
#o'ert of the reed, and fens(
22 The shad) trees #o'er him with their
shadow! the willows of the roo* #om"ass
him ao$t(
23 Behold, he drin*eth $" a ri'er, and
hasteth not, he tr$steth that he #an draw $"
Jordan into his mo$th(
24 He ta*eth it with his e)es, his nose
"ier#eth thro$%h snares(
1 Canst tho$ draw o$t le'iathan with an
hoo*4 or his ton%$e with a #ord which tho$
lettest down4
2 Canst tho$ "$t an hoo* into his nose4 or
ore his 9aw thro$%h with a thorn4
3 3ill he ma*e man) s$""li#ations $nto
thee4 will he s"ea* soft words $nto thee4
4 3ill he ma*e a #o'enant with thee4 wilt
tho$ ta*e him for a ser'ant for e'er4
5 3ilt tho$ "la) with him as with a ird4 or
wilt tho$ ind him for th) maidens4
6 2hall the #om"anions ma*e a an:$et of
him4 shall the) "art him amon% the
7 Canst tho$ fill his s*in with ared irons4
or his head with fish s"ears4
8 0a) thine hand $"on him, rememer the
attle, do no more(
9 Behold, the ho"e of him is in 'ain, shall
not one e #ast down e'en at the si%ht of him4
10 /one is so fier#e that dare stir him $",
who then is ale to stand efore me4
11 3ho hath "re'ented me, that - sho$ld
re"a) him& whatsoever is $nder the whole
hea'en is mine(
12 - will not #on#eal his "arts, nor his
"ower, nor his #omel) "ro"ortion(
13 3ho #an dis#o'er the fa#e of his
%arment4 or who #an #ome to him with his
do$le ridle4
14 3ho #an o"en the doors of his fa#e4 his
teeth are terrile ro$nd ao$t(
15 His s#ales are his "ride, sh$t $" to%ether
as with a #lose seal(
16 One is so near to another, that no air #an
#ome etween them(
17 The) are 9oined one to another, the) sti#*
to%ether, that the) #annot e s$ndered(
18 B) his neesin%s a li%ht doth shine, and
his e)es are li*e the e)elids of the mornin%(
19 O$t of his mo$th %o $rnin% lam"s, and
s"ar*s of fire lea" o$t(
20 O$t of his nostrils %oeth smo*e, as out of
a seethin% "ot or #aldron(
21 His reath *indleth #oals, and a flame
%oeth o$t of his mo$th(
22 -n his ne#* remaineth stren%th, and
sorrow is t$rned into 9o) efore him(
23 The fla*es of his flesh are 9oined
to%ether, the) are firm in themsel'es! the)
#annot e mo'ed(
24 His heart is as firm as a stone! )ea, as
hard as a "ie#e of the nether millstone(
25 3hen he raiseth $" himself, the mi%ht)
are afraid, ) reason of rea*in%s the) "$rif)
26 The sword of him that la)eth at him
#annot hold, the s"ear, the dart, nor the
27 He esteemeth iron as straw, and rass as
rotten wood(
28 The arrow #annot ma*e him flee,
slin%stones are t$rned with him into st$le(
29 1arts are #o$nted as st$le, he la$%heth
at the sha*in% of a s"ear(
30 2har" stones are $nder him, he s"readeth
shar" "ointed thin%s $"on the mire(
31 He ma*eth the dee" to oil li*e a "ot, he
ma*eth the sea li*e a "ot of ointment(
32 He ma*eth a "ath to shine after him! one
wo$ld thin* the dee" to be hoar)(
33 U"on earth there is not his li*e, who is
made witho$t fear(
34 He eholdeth all hi%h things, he is a *in%
o'er all the #hildren of "ride(
1 Then Jo answered the 0OR1, and said,
2 - *now that tho$ #anst do e'er) thing, and
that no tho$%ht #an e withholden from thee(
3 3ho is he that hideth #o$nsel witho$t
*nowled%e4 therefore ha'e - $ttered that -
$nderstood not! thin%s too wonderf$l for me,
whi#h - *new not(
4 Hear, - esee#h thee, and - will s"ea*, -
will demand of thee, and de#lare tho$ $nto
5 - ha'e heard of thee ) the hearin% of the
ear, $t now mine e)e seeth thee(
6 3herefore - ahor myself, and re"ent in
d$st and ashes(
7 . And it was so, that after the 0OR1 had
s"o*en these words $nto Jo, the 0OR1 said
to Eli"haz the Temanite, @) wrath is *indled
a%ainst thee, and a%ainst th) two friends, for
)e ha'e not s"o*en of me the thing that is
ri%ht, as m) ser'ant Jo hath(
8 Therefore ta*e $nto )o$ now se'en
$llo#*s and se'en rams, and %o to m) ser'ant
Jo, and offer $" for )o$rsel'es a $rnt
offerin%! and m) ser'ant Jo shall "ra) for
)o$, for him will - a##e"t, lest - deal with )o$
after your foll), in that )e ha'e not s"o*en of
me the thing which is ri%ht, li*e m) ser'ant
9 2o Eli"haz the Temanite and Bildad the
2h$hite and 7o"har the /aamathite went, and
did a##ordin% as the 0OR1 #ommanded them,
the 0OR1 also a##e"ted Jo(
10 And the 0OR1 t$rned the #a"ti'it) of
Jo, when he "ra)ed for his friends, also the
0OR1 %a'e Jo twi#e as m$#h as he had
11 Then #ame there $nto him all his
rethren, and all his sisters, and all the) that
had een of his a#:$aintan#e efore, and did
eat read with him in his ho$se, and the)
emoaned him, and #omforted him o'er all the
e'il that the 0OR1 had ro$%ht $"on him,
e'er) man also %a'e him a "ie#e of mone),
and e'er) one an earrin% of %old(
12 2o the 0OR1 lessed the latter end of
Jo more than his e%innin%, for he had
fo$rteen tho$sand shee", and si+ tho$sand
#amels, and a tho$sand )o*e of o+en, and a
tho$sand she asses(
13 He had also se'en sons and three
14 And he #alled the name of the first,
Jemima! and the name of the se#ond, Kezia!
and the name of the third, KerenGha""$#h(
15 And in all the land were no women fo$nd
so fair as the da$%hters of Jo, and their father
%a'e them inheritan#e amon% their rethren(
16 After this li'ed Jo an h$ndred and fort)
)ears, and saw his sons, and his sons5 sons,
even fo$r %enerations(
17 2o Jo died, being old and f$ll of da)s(

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