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This is efective page as it does

its job well of directing people to

the right page. My only
complaint is that it is a bit
boring only using one picture
and being almost entirely text.
The aim of this page is to make it
easy for someone to fnd what
they want easily and quickly. f it
was not done like this then people
would get annoyed because they
can!t fnd what they want" and
maybe stop buying the maga#ine.
s: the font
used is sans
serif which is
the same as
the front
cover" but
that is to be
$ full list of
bands of the
maga#ine is
given as well
as their page
numbers. t
has been
done like this
so that if the
reader is into
a specifc
it is easy for
them to fnd.
&tories of the maga#ine
are highlighted in black
so that it is easier for
the reader to
distinguish between the
diferent stories.
Image: There are not many
images on the contents as this
page is more about informing
you on what the maga#ine is
about. 'ut the one image used
gives you and sneak peak of
what will be on the specifc
page about that person. The
one image used also does well
Language: in this contents page there is a section
on regulars and (eatures. The regulars are what the
audience of the maga#ine would expect to see in the
maga#ine. (eatures are the features that are seen as
special%exclusive) they are diferent in every issue and
are mainly used as the main story on the front cover to
draw people in.
The language used on the contents page fts in well
with the topic of the maga#ine which is past" present
and future. *+lassic and *legendary, are used which
again implies the past. $nd things like *new artists,

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