Matthew Chesebrough Resume

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Matthew Chesebrough

1808 Pennsylvania Ave Charleston, WV 25302

(30! 1"#"$13 %att&hesebrough'g%ail(&o%
West Virginia 0tate +niversity, May 2015 Charleston, WV
Bachelor of Education, Minor English;
Summa Cum aude
P1.2)00-./A3 )4P)1-)/C)
2011!"resent West Virginia 0tate +niversity
Teaching Placements
S#ecific $es#onsi%ilities
&nde#endently #ro'ides o'erall teaching and curriculum in the classroom (hile #ro'iding
management and su##ort to the coo#erati'e teacher
Maintains custody of, and controls access to, grade and assignments
)rgani*es, coordinates and manages 'arious learning communities
"re#ares and edits %oard and committee meeting minutes+
Write, #roof and edit general corres#ondence as necessary+
Acts as a key contact for student issues/complaints; solves problems, makes contacts for
students, and routes students through the appropriate channels.
,e'elo# lesson, curriculum and assessment materials needed for classroom
-all 201.
0rade English at ,un%ar Middle School
Coo#erati'e 1eacher!Mrs+2llinder
-orty 3our "lacement
1hree esson "lans
S#ring 201.

0rade S#ecial Education at Stone(all 5ac6son Middles School
Coo#erati'e 1eacher! Ms+ 2l%right
1hirty 3our "lacement
1hree esson "lans
-all 2017
0rade Earth Science at South Charleston 3igh School
Coo#erati'e 1eacher!Mr+ 3aggart
1hirty -i'e 3our "lacement
1hree esson "lans
S#ring 2017
0rade "hysics at South Charleston 3igh School;
Coo#erati'e 1eacher! Mrs+ $ichardson
1hirty 3our "lacement
)ne Coo#erati'e esson
-all 2012
8th 0rade Chemistry at Ca#itol 3igh School
Coo#erati'e 1eacher! Mr+
1(enty -i'e 3our "lacement
201.!2015 )nglish ,utor at West Virginia 0tate +niversity
Tutor Charleston, WV
-unctioning in an educational role, #ro'ide grammar and style mechanics for students in -reshman
English classes+
05-330 A/* MA6.1 C.+10)0 C.MP3),)*
Microsoft )ffice Scri#t Writing Su#er'isory Management s6ills 2cting Sage Soft(are
2" style (riting M2 style (riting Mass Communication Banner Writing for Media
AC,-V-,-)0 A/* 7./.10
,ean9s ist; 2011!201. West Virginia State :ni'ersity, "hilso#hy Clu%, "resident, WVS:
;ational 2lumni scholar and WVS: faculty scholarshi#

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