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They say they “DO” social media.

The only time you hear from a partner is

when you owe them money.
You’ve had 5 different account execs…
in 3 months!
Brian Halligan
talks smack
about them!
They never have
their own ideas.
They think it’s all about
They think the answer to every problem
is a press release.
They think @dbreakenridge is
a ski resort in Colorado.
You always contact them,
never vice-versa.
They only use social media
if you beg them to.
They waste tim
e pitching
pubs that you
r customers
never read!
They don’t have their own blog.
They claim that
Jason Falls is a
place in Canada
They think email is SO web 2.0.
They have never “CRUSHED” it for you!
They tell you that you are going to need to
rent a “Mult Box”.
They would rather fax.
You corect their typos.
You find your news before they do.
doesn’t “trust”
They think this is
“inbound marketing”
#1 way to tell that your PR agency sucks…
Do you want a PR firm that doesn’t suck?

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