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Shamus McGillicuddy
Generic Diversified Corporation
112 Highland Park
Anywhere, SC 29458
Dear Mr. McGillicuddy,
Im applying for the summer internship in [career on resume]. My teacher,
[name of your favorite 8th grade teacher] informed me about this new
opportunity with Generic Diversified Corporation. The decision to extend the
internship program to middle school students is exciting because it provides me
with a potential opportunity to learn more about business before high school. I
would appreciate the chance to interview because
I greatly appreciate the chance to work for Generic Diversified Corporation and
learn from an established corporation. I am easily trainable because
_______________________________________ and am open to
____________________________. [type 2 more sentences about what you can
bring to the company, use your example for inspiration].

I believe that these traits show that I would be a great candidate for this position.
If you have questions, I can be easily reached at [e-mail from resume] or by
phone at [phone number on resume].


1st Paragraph: How did you find out about the job? Why do
you want to interview?
For your first paragraph, replace the [bolded bracketed] information with your
own information

2nd Paragraph: A few important things not stated in the

For your second paragraph, discuss how this job can help you with learning realworld skills, tying it in with things you are already doing in school (sports,
cheerleading, extracurricular activities such as FBLA). Tie this information into how
things youre doing now can help you with your future career. Look at your example
for ideas. Its OK to make some things up here for this assignment, though normally
it should be completely true.

3rd Paragraph: Additional statements and contact info

For your first paragraph, replace the [bolded bracketed] information with your
own information, offer information about what you bring to the company and how
you can help them. Include positive traits that will help you to stand out from the
crowd. Again, refer to the example for inspiration.

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