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Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

Type gonzo1982 during game play to enable cheat mode. Then enter one o!
the !ollo"ing codes to acti#ate the corresponding cheat !unction. $ote: Cheat
mode in older #ersions o! the game are acti#ated by typing 1982gonzo
Efect Code
%estroy e#erything &Ctrl' ( &)hi!t' ( *
+n#incibility &Ctrl' ( +
,ission s-ip &Ctrl' ( &)hi!t' ( $
,o#e the player to current cursor.s
)hi!t ( *
Trace user &)hi!t' ( /
0nlimited ammunition e1cept !or
&2lt' ( 3
Level North American German French
1 W2D4 (none) (none)
2 4JJXB 4JJXB !2B"
4 4F#BF $DD%& 4'D%&
5 (DNC# )FF%J 4GF%J
6 *!(&L +4&CG 24&CG
7 A&%WN ',)4' #&%WN
8 -./J0 "#/J/ %#/J/
8 W#.XB +..XC 1..XC
9 #2AX& AAAX% J%1BF
19 &2G1D J!G1W N2*1D
11 .W-DW C'-DD ND31W
12 2/4DC JG4D5 N'B4'
14 FB+40 122WW JB+4/
15 WA0DW W&540 EL54/
16 +EWD5 %5.13 *.WDN
17 )"J15 L.,1/ E#,1
18 FX,'/ (L,'/ )43JF
18 $$'J/ J-JG .DGJ"
19 04CWN FCWJ "F/40
29 C"+WW GD+W& #024/
Commandos: Beyond The Call :! %uty
;hile playing the game type <6on7oo8era< to enable cheat mode. Then
enter one o! the !ollo"ing codes to acti#ate the corresponding cheat
)e9:lt Cheat Code
+n#incibility ;Ctrl< ( L
,ission s-ip ;Ctrl< ( ;!hi=t< ( N
=lace selected commandos under
the pointer
;!hi=t< ( X
Trace user ;!hi=t< ( /
%estroy e#erything ;Ctrl< ( ;!hi=t< ( X
+n#isibility ;Ctrl< ( ,
,ission editor ;!hi=t< ( E or ;Ctrl< ( E
)elect #ideo mode ;!hi=t< ( ;F%< through ;F4<
/ie" debug output ;Ctrl< ( ;F.<
%isplay terrain in!ormation ;F.<
=icte inter!ace ;Alt< ( ,
;rite data to <memlin.dat< ;Alt< ( ;!hi=t< ( L
;rite data to <memact.dat< ;Alt< ( ;!hi=t< ( '
Le#el pass"ords
'i99ion North American German
%ying Light >none? >none?
The 2sphalt @ungle BN.J WNN-/
%ropped :ut :! The )-y XA1,B 5L)/L
Thor.s Aammer #D-A2 E2J$)
Buess ;ho.s Coming Tonight ,,WA *0E+F
Eagle.s $est EW02' 4+%J
The Breat Escape !J0!% XGBN!
%angerous Criendships /*J2" )G-/
Commandos 2: ,en :! Courage
Cheat Codes
Enter <G-N$-ANDJ-N< as a name to enable cheat mode. Then "hile
playing the game press one o! the !ollo"ing -ey combinations to acti#ate
the corresponding cheat !unction. Cheat mode can also be acti#ated during a
mission by typing <G-N$-ANDJ-N< a!ter selecting a commando >you
cannot see "hat you type and there "ill be no conDrmation?.
)e9:lt Cheat Code
,ission s-ip ;Ctrl< ( ;!hi=t< ( N
+n#incibility ;Ctrl< ( ,
+n#isibility ;Ctrl< ( /
%estroy all opponents ;Ctrl< ( ;!hi=t< ( X
=lace selected commandos under
the pointer
;!hi=t< ( X
%isplay !rame rate ;Ctrl< ( ;'in:9<
Le#el pass"ords
Level Normal 4ard /er> hard
1 X4GD) 1L+2' 1/&!L
2 W+2C4 JE(!4 !+DJF
4 !'(% DF5B 5DNG
5 B"D0F +.D54 .BG5!
6 5G4!L N'W#. +JWJ+
7 A$L'% %*G5L E2J"4
8 JA4!G WL5C$ $X"0
8 2N*5A L1#*& &),B4
9 /A$21 !)C'0 &)D"0
19 .&&(W 1AEN0 %L1#D

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