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Gazette Date: 31/12/2013

Last Date: 05/02/2014

Category No: 512/2013

Applications must be submitted online through the official
website of the Commission after 'ONE TIME REGITRATION'!
Candidates who ha"e alread# registered can appl# through their
1. Name of Firm : Tavancore Titanium Products Litd.
2. Name of Post : Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
3. cale of Pa! : ` 11910 -19350/-
". No. of vacancies : 1 (#ne)
(i) T%e num&er of candidates to &e included in t%e s%ort list'(ro&a&ilit! list of t%e
a&ove (ost )ill &e decided as (er t%e availa&ilit! of admitted a((lications.
(ii) T%e a&ove vacanc! is no) in e*istence. T%e list of selected candidates
(u&lis%ed &! t%e +ommission in (ursuance of t%is notification s%all remain in
force for a minimum (eriod of one !ear and a ma*imum (eriod of t%ree !ears
(rovided t%at t%e list )ill not continue to &e in force if a ne) ,an-ed List after
t%e minimum (eriod of e*(ir! of one !ear is (u&lis%ed. +andidate )ill &e
advised against t%e vacanc! s%o)n a&ove and also for all t%e vacancies
re(orted during t%e (eriod of (endenc! of t%e ,an-ed List.
(iii) T%e .erala Pu&lic ervice +ommission s%all %ave t%e (o)er to cancel t%e
advice for a((ointment of an! candidate to t%e a&ove (ost/ if it is
su&se0uentl! found t%at suc% advice )as made under some mista-e. #n suc%
cancellation t%e a((ointing aut%orit! s%all terminate t%e service of t%e
candidate/ (rovided t%at/ t%e cancellation of advice for a((ointment &! t%e
+ommission and su&se0uent termination of service of t%e candidate &! t%e
a((ointing aut%orit! s%all &e made )it%in t%e (eriod of (ro&ation or 2"1 da!s
from t%e date of 2oining dut! )%ic%ever is earlier.
3. 4et%od of a((ointment : 5irect ,ecruitment
6. Age : 17 $ 33 (#nl! candidates &orn &et)een
12'11'1897 and 11'11'1883 (&ot% dates
included) are eligi&le to a((l! for t%is (ost.
#t%er :ac-)ard +ommunities and +'T
candidates are eligi&le for usual age
Note:$1. T%e (rovisional %ands )or-ing in t%e a&ove concern )ill &e given age
rela*ation to t%e e*tent of t%eir (rovisional service (ut in su&2ect to a ma*imum
of five !ears from t%e u((er age limit (rovided t%e! are )it%in t%e (rescri&ed
age limit on t%e date of t%eir first a((ointment in t%e a&ove concern. :ut t%e
regular em(lo!ees of t%e concern are not eligi&le for t%e a&ove concession for
furt%er a((ointment. T%e (rovisional %ands s%ould o&tain a certificate s%o)ing
t%e (eriod of t%eir (rovisional service in t%e concern and s%all (roduce t%e same
as and )%en re0uired &! t%e +ommission. ;t )ould also &e clearl! s(ecified in
t%e certificate t%at t%e! )ere not )or-ing in t%e regular service of t%e concern.
(for ot%er conditions regarding t%e age rela*ations (lease see (ara 2 (i)/ (ii)/ (iii)/
(iv)/ (vi) (vii) < (*ii) of t%e =eneral conditions)
9. >ualification:
A 5egree in Electrical Engineering from a recogni?ed @niversit!.
7. 4ode of su&mitting a((lications:$
+andidates s%all register as (er A#NE T;4E ,E=;T,AT;#NB s!stem on t%e
official )e&site of .erala Pu&lic ervice +ommission C))).-erala( for
a((l!ing for t%e (ost. +andidates )%o %ave registered s%all a((l! &! logging on to t%eir
(rofile using t%eir @ser ;5 and (ass)ord. +andidates s%all clic- on t%e CA((l! No)D
&utton of t%e res(ective (osts in t%e Notification lin- for a((l!ing for a (ost. No
a((lication fee is re0uired. +andidates can vie) and %ave a (rint$out of t%e details in t%e
(rofile &! clic-ing t%e lin- ,egistration +ard/ if re0uired. +andidates are res(onsi&le for
t%e correctness of t%e (ersonal information and secrec! of t%e (ass)ord. :efore a((l!ing
for a (ost/ candidates must ensure t%e correctness of t%e information in t%eir (rofile. T%e!
s%all 0uote t%e @ser$;5 for furt%er communication )it% t%e +ommission. A((lications
once su&mitted )ill &e received as (rovisional and (articulars s%all not &e deleted or
altered after su&mission. T%e a((lication )ill &e summaril! re2ected if noncom(liance
)it% t%e notification is found due course of (rocessing. 5ocuments to (rove
>ualification/ +ommunit!/ Age/ etc. %ave to &e (roduced as and )%en called for.
8. Last date for recei(t of a((lication : 13.12.211"/ Eednesda! u( to 12.11 midnig%t.
11. Address to )%ic% a((lications are to &e su&mitted : ))).-erala(
11. (a) u& (aras v/ viii/ i*/ */ *i/ < *iii in (ara 2 and (aras 6 and 9 of t%e general
conditions are not a((lica&le to t%is (ost.
(&) T%e selection to t%e a&ove concern )ill &e su&2ect to t%e rules and regulations
made &! t%em from time to time.
(for furt%er details see t%e general conditions given in Part ;;)
P + :;N#F
.E,ALA P@:L;+ E,G;+E +#44;;#N

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