Tasks Owner Main Owner Deadline

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Tasks Owner Main Owner Deadline

Proposal Literature -MDG Vinoth Deepak 20-Nov

Vinoth Vinoth 21-Nov
Project Plan Template Vinoth Deepak 4-Nov
lueprint - Data !trate"# Templ Venkat $-Nov
lueprint - %uestionnaire &MDG'Vinoth an( )iteshVinoth 22-Nov
*mplementation metho(olo"#&MVinoth Venkat
MDG lueprint template Vinoth Vinoth 1+-Nov
)*,-.&MDG' Vinoth an( )iteshVinoth 1+-Nov
)itesh Vinoth
/LD an( LLD 0 MDG Vinoth an( )iteshVinoth 11-22-11
).P )esponse 2uestionnaire
MDG con3"uration "ui(es to
4e sent to Deepak
Test ,ase Template (ocument
Deepak 5ill sen( it to Vinoth
Deepak 5ill sen( it to Vinoth 6or )evie57 Nee( to inclu(e the en( sli(es o6 !tellium
Venkat 5ill circulate
*n process & /ave a((e( the 2uestions7 Please 6eel 6ree to a(( #our 2ueries in the (ocument'
Deepak 5ill sen( it to Vinoth 6or )evie57 *ts up(ate 5ith Vinoth8s sli(e
MDG-Master9,ustomer9Material9!upplier9.inanace9,ustom :4jects
Make it in the !tellium template .ormat
)evie5 N--D-D
*n process & /ave a((e( the 2uestions7 Please 6eel 6ree to a(( #our 2ueries in the (ocument'
Tasks Owner Main Owner Deadline
Proposal Literature-D%M ;mar Deepak 20-Nov
Project Plan Template Deepak
lueprint - Data !trate"# Temp Venkat $-Nov
lueprint - %uestionnaire &D%M';mar ;mar
D%M lueprint template ;mar
Development !tan(ar( Document
/LD an( LLD 0 D%M
).P )esponse 2uestionnaire -
)*,-.&D%M'0.or Data
Deepak to revie5
Not #et complete(7 !till nee( to 6e5 more points
Venkat 5ill circulate
Not #et complete(7
Discuss 5ih the Team7 Deepak 5ill share a (ocument7
TD in 1
5eek o6 Decem4er
TD in 1
5eek o6 Decem4er
5eek o6 Decem4er & Vinoth 5ill receive (ocuments 6rom Deepak i6 an# an( tr# to uil( ' 7 !en( a mail to ;M;) .:) P):P;!;L (ocuments7
5eek o6 Decem4er & Vinoth 5ill receive (ocuments 6rom Deepak i6 an# an( tr# to uil( ' 7 !en( a mail to ;M;) .:) P):P;!;L (ocuments7

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