Clash Contents Page

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The only colours used are black and white. The black
connotes power and control over the reader, as if it
were to make them read through the magazine. The
black could also suggest a barrier, that being
between the reader and the outside world: the
magazine is the barrier, which relates to the Uses and
Gratifications Theory; that people use media to
escape real life. White is the colour of perfection,
suggesting thats what the mag entails of and aside
from this, it also stands out.
There is a picture used, but not on the contents page itself, which suggests that the magazine
doesnt need images to make it seem interesting. There are different fonts used; the titles
(cover, music etc.) having serifs, and the articles themselves, without. For the title itself, the
letters used are scattered, yet organised (cont is shaped like u, and ents is shaped like
n). This suggests that even though the articles differ, they are all still organised and make
sense. Furthermore, this shows that Clash is different to any other magazines, as it rebels
against stereotypes.
How are words used?
The XCX article explanation is very similar to what
would be an intro to the article itself, as it talks
about her and how far shes come in the music
industry, which makes up for the lack of intro on
the article itself.
In the music and fashion categories, there is still a
lack of information, but they are self-explanatory
because of the categories. This could be so the
audience can find out what the people are
included in if they go to those particular pages. The
layout and size are both easy to understand and
read from a distance, but perhaps not so much for
the cover and regulars sections.
The language (based off the cover) is
sophisticated and poetic, which suggests that
the magazine is aimed at those who are 16+, as
words are included that those under that age
wouldnt understand. As for the rest of the
contents, again, there is a lack of detail, which
gives off a sense of mystery therefore drawing
in attention. Nobody likes a quitter is used,
which is short, snappy and pulls attention
straight to it.
Overall Impression
The XCX article information gives a good indication
of what the audience are going to read. It still
shows that the magazine is aimed at a niche
market, due to lack of information.

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