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Civil & Environmental Engineering Department

CE318 Numerical & Statistical Methods in Civil Engineering

Lab Assignment #2
To introduce the basic computational and graphical capabilities of Mathematica

Problem1 20
Problem2 20
Problem3 20
Problem4 40
Total 100
Student Name
Student ID
Submission Date
Problem 1 (Example 1.1, textbook)
The velocity of a free falling body near the earth surface is given by : v = (gm)/c (1 - e
-HcmL t
), where c is constant called the drag
coefficient (kg/s), m is the body mass (kg), g is gravitational constant = 9.81 (m/s
) and t is time (seconds). Define the function
v[m, c, t], evaluate it for m = 68.1 kg and c = 12.5 kg/s, then plot the resulted function for t ranging from 0 to .
Problem 2
Use the built-in function Manipulate to get an animated plot for the function sin[n1 x]+sin[n2 x] versus x which ranges from 0
to 2p. Let both n1 and n2 take continuous values between 1 and 20.
Problem 3
Use the built-in function If to construct the function f(x) defined by:
x x < 0
0 b x b 1
1 x
x > 1
Repeat the above using Piecewise function, then plot the function for x ranging from-1 to 5.
Problem 4
Consider the beam loaded as shown below. Generate the shear and bending moment diagrams using singularity functions repre-
sented by proper Mathematica built-in functions, then plot the shear and moment diagrams.
Solution steps :
1- Calculate the support reactions HR
= 57 kip HupwardL, R
= 28 kip HupwardL
2- derive V the following intervals :
0 < x < 5
5 < x < 8
8 < x < 10
2 | Lab_Assignment_2.nb
Instructor: Husain J. Al-Gahtani

3- derive M the following intervals :
0 < x < 5
5 < x < 7
7 < x < 8
8 < x < 10
4- Use the built-in functions If or Piecewise to get single expressions for V and M which are valid for the whole domain 0< x <10.
5- Plot V and M.
Lab_Assignment_2.nb | 3

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