Rauls Foodnarrativemmmm

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Mmm Carnitas!!!!

The sound of trucks rampaging outside of my house clearly gave me the idea
It was time. The motors roared for a while until a complete silence emerged and
surrounded my room. The sound of kicking on metal brought to my attention that
my family had tied up the cow. I layed on the bed shivering, since it was winter
time. My brother burst into my room, Orale levantate huevon, nosotros aqu
afuera esperandote pa que ayudes y tu acostado, orale!! yelling at me. Being so
relaxed and lazy in my bed I did not want to get up. My body ached from pushing
myself up fast, and felt eyes blacked out. My daunting brother stared at me
irritated, Orale!!! No tengo todo el dia!!! as he snapped his fingers to hurry me
up. It took me awhile until I got all ready and looked alive.
I strolled out of the front door. There they were, my tos, carnales, pops,
primos, y mi padrino. I felt oppressed as my brother launched me forward, while
my family noticed my change in attitude. As I calmed my temper, my tio gently slit
the cows throat. After a few seconds the cow was immobile. My tio began to call
me. He said Hey, agarra la otra navaja y empieza a pelar el cuero, he cut up and
down the throat. I never really refused to help, so I might as well get down to
business. I immediately noticed that I had to be careful where I cut down to.
After a 30-45 minutes of pure detailing where to cut, the cow was finally
skinned. Its white spots over the meat have made it quite obvious that the meat will
be slippery. Cutting layer by layer each piece of meat meant something good to
eat. Soon after most of the meat had been cut off, my brother told me to get el
caso grande. Not losing any second I sprinted to a small storage place we had. I
could see it far away from where it was. Its golden color shined as the sunrise
heated up the cool air.
Coming back to the stop where my family skinned the cow, my pops tenia
listo la lumbre donde se calentara el caso con la carne. Solo lo mire llenar el caso
con agua de la manguera. My tio began to bring la hoya donde vena toda la carne.
My moms was preparing el chile colorado, I walked up to her and asked if she
needed help. She only answered me, Lleva el chile pa con tu papa, se lo va echar
a la carne. I looked at her for a bit until she started to rush me.
Once the carne is dumped into el caso, wait untill the water begins to boil
inside. Peel 2-3 oranges and add them to the carne. Add laurel, ajo, and a spoon of
salt. The ingredients add flavor to the meat. The boiling inserts juices to the meat,
cooking it. The meat will take an average of 2-3 hours until fully cooked. Waiting
for the food to be ready was one of the things I did not like to do. The scent of
meat cooking as mom cooked a chile made me really irritated with an emory
stomach. I only wished that the food would cook faster than it did. While I waited I
decided to play some soccer with my cousin outside my house.
Later that evening, the time it took to cook was finally over. Mom screaming
to me always meant youre in trouble or that food was over. I was hoping not to be
yelled at because I never do anything bad. I scurry to the house I noticed that the
food was ready.
My family already sitting around the table, holding sus platos con carne
arroz un vaso para la soda. La fiesta lista para empezar con el resto de mi familia
llegando. Sus caras alegres y vestidos con diseos bonitos. This food represents me
because it takes a while to get used to me. The food is usually done on Saturday or
Sunday for parties. Oh how do I love weekends, tiempo de fiestas, descansar con la
familia, y mejor de todo puedes ser t mismo. Once you get to know me its like
the sweet taste of victory. Pos agarrar un plato sirvete carne y disfruta la comida.
The Recipe: Carnitas con Chile Colorado

15-35 lb Carne de vaca
4-5 oranges
A spoon of Salt
Chile Colorado
(Optional) Arroz aparte

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