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Goal Setting --Beginning of Semester Fall 2014 USF Elementary Education- Mercedes Nune

!"at is t"e goal or

c"allenge to #e met $frame
as a %ondering&' (o %"ic"
FE)* does t"is
goal+c"allenge a,,ly'
Instructional Delivery and
Facilitation. The effective
educator consistently
utilizes a deep and
comprehensive knowledge
of the subject taught to:
a. Deliver engaging and
challenging lessons
-escri#e t"e reason you selected t"is %ondering.
This goal is appropriate for my own personal teaching
philosophy. I aim to have lessons that are of interest to my
students! but also intellectually stimulating.
E-/(0 Being familiar %it" content %ill im,ro1e my teac"er
!"at are your ne3t ste,s'
4o% %ill you %or5 to%ard
meeting your goal'
I will prepare by distributing
inventories to my students. I
need to get to know my
students better. I must learn
their interests as well as their
learning styles. "nce I have a
strong foundation! I can tweak
lessons to suit the interests of
needs of my students.
I will use planning time to
look at curriculum map and
lesson content and to clear any
misconceptions. During my
conversations with my $T I
will ask any %uestions that
need to be clarified. &lso!
familiarity with the standards
need to be addressed.
/n %"at %ays can you collect data to document your
gro%t" in t"is area'
'ecordings of me teaching can demonstrate patterns and
changes over time.
Teacher observations and mentoring can also show growth or
lack of.
(tudent surveys may also provide data about how engaging the
lessons are.
"bservation of student behavior and participation.
!"at su,,ort do you need from your colla#orating
teac"er to gro% in t"is area'
)y collaborating teacher should provide materials and
resources. $ollaboration and student*centered lessons should
be implemented.
4o% %ill you 5no% you
"a1e made ,rogress to%ard
Goal Setting --Beginning of Semester Fall 2014 USF Elementary Education- Mercedes Nune
your goal'
(tudent behavior and
participation will reflect the
effectiveness of my lessons. If
the lessons are engaging the
students will be attentive and
interested. If the lesson is
challenging! students will
participate and ask %uestions
that probe further
investigation and learning.
!"at su,,ort do you need from your su,er1isor to gro%
in t"is area'
(uggestions and constructive criticism will be helpful after each
lesson has been taught. +ith the purpose of implementing the
suggestions and aiming to incorporate them in the ne,t lesson.
Goal Setting E1aluation and 6u#ric USF Elementary Education
(a) Quality of Instruction.
1. Instructional Design and Lesson Planning. Applying concepts from human development and learning theories, the effective
educator consistently
a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor;
b. Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge;
c. Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery;
d. Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning;
e. uses variety of data, independently and in collaboration with colleagues, to evaluate student learning outcomes, adust planning
and continuously improve the effectiveness of lessons.
f. -e1elo,s learning e3,eriences t"at re7uire students to demonstrate a 1ariety of a,,lica#le s5ills and
!. "he Learning #nvironment. "o maintain a student$centered learning environment that is safe, organi%ed, e&uita'le, fle(i'le,
inclusive, and colla'orative, the effective educator consistently
a. !rgani"es, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
b. #anages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
c. $onveys high e%pectations to all students;
d. &espects students' cultural and family background;
e. #odels clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
f. #aintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support;
g. (ntegrates current information and communication technologies;
h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students; and
i. )tili"es current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high-quality communication interactions
and achieve their educational goals.
). Instructional Delivery and *acilitation. "he effective educator consistently utili%es a deep and comprehensive +no,ledge of the
su'-ect taught to
a. Deliver engaging and challenging lessons;
b. Deepen and enrich students' understanding through content area literacy strategies, verbali"ation of thought, and application of the
subect matter;
c. (dentify gaps in students' subect matter knowledge;
d. #odify instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions;
e. &elate and integrate the subect matter with other disciplines and life e%periences;
f. *mploy higher-order questioning techniques;
g. Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to teach for student understanding;
h. Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students;
i. Support, encourage, and provide immediate and specific feedback to students to promote student achievement;
. )tili"e student feedback to monitor instructional needs and to adust instruction.
.. Assessment. "he effective educator consistently
a. Analy"es and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students' learning needs, informs instruction based
on those needs, and drives the learning process;
b. Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning obectives and lead to mastery;
c. )ses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains;
d. #odifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge;
e. Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student's parent+caregiver,s-; and
f. Applies technology to organi"e and integrate assessment information.
,'- /ontinuous Improvement, 0esponsi'ility and #thics.
1. /ontinuous Professional Improvement. "he effective educator consistently
a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students' needs;
b. *%amines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement;
c. )ses a variety of data, independently, and in collaboration with colleagues, to evaluate learning outcomes, adust planning and
continuously improve the effectiveness of the lessons;
d. $ollaborates with the home, school and larger communities to foster communication and to support student learning and
continuous improvement;
e. *ngages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices; and
f. (mplements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching and learning process.
.. Professional 0esponsi'ility and #thical /onduct. )nderstanding that educators are held to a high moral standard in a community,
the effective educator adheres to the $ode of *thics and the /rinciples of /rofessional $onduct of the *ducation /rofession of
0lorida, pursuant to State 1oard of *ducation &ules .1-2.332 and .1-2.33., 0.A.$, and fulfills the e%pected obligations to students,
the public and the education profession.
Goal Setting E1aluation and 6u#ric USF Elementary Education

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