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Tutoring and Assessment Case Study for Educ 331

Candidate: Matthew Chesebrough

Subject: Math
331 Instructor: Dr. B. Wilson
Date: December 10
" o# students: $
%ssessing: &ractions
'rade (e)el*s+: ,

School: Stonewall -ac.son
Coo/ 0eacher: Mrs. Wil.inson
Date o# 1retest: 2ctober 13 !013
%)erage /re4test score: $56
Date o# 1osttest: 7o)ember !8th !013
%)erage /ost4test score: 3$6
Decision about Who, What and How to tutor/teach and How to assess
Mrs. Wil.inson and I decided that we would include #our students in the ,
who are co4taught b9 Mrs. Wil.inson and the S/ecial :ducation Math 0eacher. Since
the students are beginning #ractions we decided to do a /re4test with basic e;uations
in)ol)ing reducing #ractions. I ga)e the /retest *attached+. 0hen a#ter I ga)e the test I
e<amined the res/onses and decided how to tutor the students who needed e<tra hel/.
We decided to gi)e one /re4test and one /ost4test instead o# #re;uent tests.
Tutoring !esson/"nit and Assessment Descri#tion
I assessed the students with a #raction /retest. 0he /retest is the same as the
/osttest and it is attached to this re/ort. I ga)e the /retest on 2ctober 10 and then
ga)e the /ost test 5 wee.s later a#ter tutoring the students #or 3 hours. 0he test was
sim/le math /roblems in)ol)ing o/erations on integers including multi/lication and
di)ision. 0he wa9 I taught the students was in a small grou/ setting I #ound that it
was easier to address each o# the students and control the learning en)ironment. %s
each student would turn in their test I would assess what the9 needed hel/ with and
go o)er that /roblem area. I thought that this was the best wa9 to tutor such a small
number o# students. In that wa9 each student got indi)iduali=ed instruction #ocused
on e<actl9 what the9 needed
!in$ to Standards
0he Se)enth 'rade CS2s are:
M.2.>.1.1 com/are order and di##erentiate among integers decimals #ractions and
irrational numbers using multi/le re/resentations *e.g. s9mbols
mani/ulati)es gra/hing on a number line+.
M.2.>.1.3 using sim/le com/utation and /roblem4sol)ing situations demonstrate
#luenc9 and justi#9 solutions in /er#orming o/erations with rational numbers
including negati)e numbers #or adding subtracting multi/l9ing and
0he :ighth 'rade CS2 is:
analyze and solve grade-appropriate real-world problems with whole numbers,
decimals, fractions, percents and integers.
0he content that I assessed and tutored was o/erations with signed numbers and
/utting signed numbers in order #rom smallest to largest. I thin. that this is im/ortant
content because i# 9ou cannot con#identl9 add subtract multi/l9 and di)ide integers
*signed numbers+ 9ou can not be success#ul in %lgebra.
%esu&ts of Assessments
0he results o# the assessments are listed in the table below.
Student 1re test score 1ost test score
% 306 806
B 806 1006
C 1006 1006
D 306 1006
: !06 806
2)erall $56 8,6
0he scores when gra/hed loo. li.e this:
%s the table and the gra/h show students B and C had alread9 mastered the
content o# the /re4algebra test at the time o# the /retest. %#ter re)iewing the material with
me #or se)eral sessions it is no wonder that the9 either maintained or increased their
score. Students % D and : all reall9 needed to ha)e hel/ with the /re4algebra s.ills on
the test and their scores increased dramaticall9. Student D scored 1006 on the /ost test
and Students % and : both scored 806 on the /ost test.
Disaggregated Data
I# I disaggregate the data at the /oint o# the /retest so that I can com/are the
students *%D:+ who reall9 needed hel/ #rom the students *BC+ who had alread9
mastered the conce/ts the gra/h loo.s li.e the gra/h on the ne<t /age. 0he /ercentage
gain #or students % D ? : was ,>6 and the /ercentage gain #or students B and C was
$6. It is clear that the grou/ that made the most gains was the grou/ that had the lowest
/re4test scores. 0hat is because the9 had more room to grow.
%ef&ection and Data'based Decision (a$ing
Based on the /re4test scores it is ob)ious that students % D and : needed to learn
the /re4algebra s.ills re/resented b9 the /retest. Students B and C needed to be
challenged more since the9 did not need to re)iew the o/erations on signed numbers that
were on the /re4test. %s stated abo)e to tutor the students I went o)er the t9/es o#
/roblems missed on the /retest. I used sam/le /roblems and I used a game where
student com/eted to sol)e one ste/ /roblems. %#ter tutoring and gi)ing assistance to the
students #or 3 hal# hour sessions I administered the /ost test. 0he onl9 ;uestion missed
was ;uestion 8 which was missed b9 both Student % and Student :. &or m9 ne<t ste/
based on students % and : missing ;uestion 8 I would ha)e taught them the 1lease M9
Dear %unt Sall9 mnemonic and gi)en them more /ractice on e</ressions with mi<ed
0he /ost test showed me that all the students retained the in#ormation taught to
them and I belie)e the9 will be able to go #orward in their regular math class with the
other students. I thought the tutoring /roject went well. I thin. the indi)iduali=ed
a//roach wor.ed. :ach student li.ed the attention and seemed to retain the in#ormation.
I thin. #or the most /art the students alread9 .new the in#ormation the9 just needed
re#reshers to hel/ them be con#ident o# which rule to #ollow. I thin. i# I had had more
time I would ha)e been able to hel/ each o# the students achie)e 1006 on the /ost test.
I would ha)e li.ed to ha)e had more time to gi)e the higher achie)ing students
/ractice on s.ills in which the9 were de#icient. I might ha)e gi)en them more word
/roblems and more sim/li#9 /roblems with multi/le o/erations. In this wa9 the9 would
ha)e made gains too but in another area.
I enjo9ed wor.ing with the students at %BC Middle School. I thin. I learned a lot
about hel/ing students learn the im/ortant s.ills the9 need to be success#ul in the regular
1re41ost 0est
1. What number is the o//osite o# A3B
a. A1C3 c. 1C3
b. 0 d. 3
!. What is the )alue o# D A8 D B
a. A3 c. 8
b. A8 d. 3
3. Which list shows the integers in order
#rom least to greatestB
a. A1 3 5 A8
b. A8 A1 3 5
c. A1 A8 3 5
d. A8 A1 5 3
5. &ind 1! + *A3+.
a. 1$ c. A8
b. 8 d. A1$
$. &ind A 8 A 30.
a. A38 c. !1
b. A!1 d. 38
,. &ind A 3 E *A5+.
a. 1! c. A>
b. > d. A1!
>. &ind ,3 *A>+
a. >0 c. A8
b. 8 d. A>0
3. % di)er rose !0 #eet #rom a de/th o# A
3$ #eet. What was the di)erFs new de/th
with res/ect to sea le)elB
a. A $$ #eet c. 1$ #eet
b. A 1$ #eet d. $$ #eet
8. Sim/li#9: 50 $ A 1$ E !.
a. A !! c. 3
b. A 3 d. !!
10. Which e</ression means 55
increased b9 xB
a. 55 A x c. 55 E x
b. 55 C x d. 55 G x

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