PD Science Fair

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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies

Department of Education
Professional Development (PD) Reflection


Major Content Area:

Circle one:

PD Topic/Title:

PD Date: PD Units:

Please respond to the following prompts:
1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development experience.

2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area.

3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom.

Note: Make sure you upload this document to your professional portfolio along with your
scanned PD letter and/or PD certificate.
Matthew Chesebrough
Science Education
3 Units
I am a science education major and was able to see the effectiveness of planning advanced activities.
The activities and experiments that she did for the students could be easily scaled down for application in my
classroom. I have3 already seen the way that the students interact to the experiments, so I know that they are
engaged and involved. Great way to put the sciences in the students hands. Literally!
Science Fair Judge Fall 2012
This was a wonderful activity for me as a future science educator.
1. I learned about fairness and how to give constructive critism
2. I was able to see the effort that students put into their projects, plus I saw some ideas for my classroom
3. Experience the comraderie with other science majors
The students did a wonderful job of creating experiments based on their hypothesis and data gathering. I was
very impressed by the projects that the students created considering we were in a very rural area in Jackson
County. All of the students did a wondeful job and I saw a few projects that I wouldn't mine using in my

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