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47-A, Arshad Street Shah Kamal Road Near Masjid Okaff Ichra Lahore.
Mobile: (0333-4496421)
E-mail: Sumairasar!ar"7#$
E-mail: A%%re&
Career Objective

To work in most challenging and dynamic work environment with tremendous new
opportunities for personal and organizational growth and development, by utilizing my
skills and being productive and proftable for the organization.
Innate and well groomed interpersonal capacities.
Outstanding team management and leadership epertise.
!ophisticated command over language "nglish, #rdu verbal $ written.
%ood knowledge of M! O&ce.
"'uisite sense $ epertise for making $ delivering corporate
Work Experience
' (ear !ork e)*erie&ce as a +SR ,+ele Sale Re*rese&tati-e. i& /+0L 1road 1a&d.
' (ear !ork e)*erie&ce as a +eacher i& 2areAr3am school.
4 (ear !ork e)*erie&ce as 0RO ,0ustomer Relatio&shi* Officer. i& A%acus 0o&sulti&5 ,+ele&or..
Central College of commerce, Lahore !"com#
$une %&&'
(ajor (dvance (ccounting, )ost (ccounting, *usiness Taation, *usiness law.

)overnment *egree College for +omen ,"-#
-pril %&&.
Ma+or education, physical education psychology
Computer Skill/
Ms O&ce ,-ord, "cel, .ower point/
0ntere/t and -ctivitie/
Internet surfng.
0ike to face challenges and fnding their solutions.
1eading and learning new things.
1eferences will be furnished on re'uest.

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