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Anul colar 2011-2012

Limba engle!
"la#a a VIII-a L1
Numele i $renumele ele%ului& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Da(a #u#)inerii (e#(ului& ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
1. Write the verbs in brackets into the gaps in Conditional I. Use the will-future in the main clause.
Example If I !! "to go# to the cinema$ I !!!!!!!! "to watch# an interesting film.
%nswer If I go to the cinema$ I will watch an interesting film.
1. If &ou'''''''. "send# this letter now$ she '''''''."receive# it tomorrow.
(. )egg&''''''''.. "go# shopping if she''''''.. "have# time in the afternoon.
*. +imon'''''''''.. "go# to ,ondon next week if he ''''''."get# a cheap flight.
-. If her bo&friend'''''''''. "phone . not# toda&$ she''''''.. "leave# him.
/. If the&''''''''. "stud& . not# harder$ the&''''''. "pass . not# the exam.
(. Complete the paragraph using the present perfect simple form of the verbs.
When I was a child$ I lived in a small town in Ireland. 2ecentl&$ I *a%e come "come# back and I "1#
''''''''''' "find# a lot of changes. 3undreds of new people "(# ''''''''''' "move# into the town$ and
I "*# ''''''''.. "not see# man& of m& old friends. 4he old cinema "-# ''''''''''' "become# a supermarket
and a lot of trees "/# ''''''''''''. "disappear#. 5ut one thing hasn6t changed 7 the beach is still clean and beautiful.
*. Circle the correct personalit& ad8ective in each sentence. .
1. 3e9s ver& loyal / sympathetic. If &ou9re unhapp& he9s alwa&s kind and helpful.
(. :on9t go near that determined / aggressive dog. It bit someone last week.
*. :o this ... do that ... do the other; +he9s so bossy / sensitive.
-. +he gets angr& about ever&thing. +he9s too easy-going / quick-tempered.
/. 4he& are all so serious / sensitive in that famil&. 4he& never laugh or have fun.
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.ARTEA a II-a '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/00 $unc(e1
Write a paragraph about your country for a tourist brochure. Use these ideas to help you.
< the countr&side < the people < the cities < music < famous places < food

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