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Meetlng #5
Anaerobic Treatment of Septage/Biosollds to
Produce Blogae, Electrical Power and Treated Blosollds
Townshlp of Chatsworth
Townshlp of Georgian Bluffs
Date: Tuesday, June 19,2007
Time: B:00 a.m.
Location: Municipal
1. Review Minutes of Project Meeting #4.
2. Discussion of Application for Grant for the FederalAgricultural Bioproducts lnnovaton Program.
3. Discussion of possible procedures for obtaining grants for project.
4. Request for cheque of $7,420 for Study and Connection Cost Agreement for Hydro One.
5. Fequest lrom Hydro One to provide
the in-service date for connection to the Hydro One grid.
6. Signing of two (2) Connection Cost Estimate Agreements for Hydro One.
7. Letter to Peter Hargrave, Senior Policy Advisor to Minister of the Environment, regarding Class
Environmental Assessment process.
8. Letter to the Ontario Power Authority - May 24.2001.
9. Support from Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Ontario Ministry ol Agriculture, Food and Rural
10. New business.

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