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September 2014

Grade is on the go!
Welcome back again! The kids are feeling
more comfortable with the school
routines as the weeks progress. Here are
some important notes as we begin the
school ear.

Important this week:
!lease "oin us for #pen House on
Tuesda$ September 1%
to learn more
about what we do in 1
Classroom Management
&s was mentioned in our last newsletter$
we are continuing to use the !'(S sstem
for increasing positi)e beha)ior. &t
Walker School$ the !'(S e*pectations are
as follows+
'e Safe
'e ,espectful
'e -aring
'e Here and ,ead
We ha)e found that rewarding good
beha)ior goes a long wa$ and children
are interested in following the -ool Tools
the are learning about in class.
!arents$ ou ha)e been fabulous at
helping pro)ide our own child with
health snacks!
!lease keep in mind that the Districts
Wellness Policy re.uires that snacks
are health. -and items are not to be
used as snacks in school.
(t is sometimes hard to tell what is a good
school snack$ and what is fun to eat after
school at home. Here is a list our health
snack ideas+
/resh fruit0dried fruit
1egetables 2w0 dip3
4ranola 'ars 2no chocolate or
Trail 5i*
-heese sticks$
( ha)e sent home a list of ideas for
snacks to be eaten in class. (t is not
complete. (f ou ha)e an .uestions$
please call or see me to talk about
The clear plastic folders are sent home
e)er week. !lease check them and
remo)e e)erthing$ signing the lime
green card and putting it back in the
folder. &ll folders should come back the
ne*t da. &gain$ ( encourage ou to feel
free to contact me with an .uestions$
concerns$ e*citing moments in our
child7s life$ or whate)er ou ha)e on our
mind. 5 email is and m
classroom phone number is :4;<:9=<
:>44. ( am currentl working on updating
our classroom website 2 (7ll let ou know
when it is read3. ( am planning on
sending home classroom newsletters$ so
be on the lookout for those!
/urther$ there will be scheduled
conferences in which we ha)e the
opportunit to meet to discuss how our
child is doing. ( will soon be sending
home conference sheets to sign up
indicating dates and times a)ailable.
Parent !olnteers
,oom 109 Superstars!
September 2014
(t is thrilling to see that the parents are
as eager as the students to see how
much we are doing at Walker School. To
help us out$ we need a few parents to be
room helpers and to )olunteer to help us
on special occasions. !lease contact me if
ou ha)e time or speci?c das of the
week to help.
Homework routines will begin this week.
We ha)e been using the ?rst few weeks
of school to practice homework
procedures and e*pectations in schoo,l
so that once the begin taking it home
the will be pros! (n the meantime$
please read with our child on a dail
basis@ it is a wonderful opportunit to
help them along in their education and
spend .ualit time with them! #nce
regular homework routines ha)e been
established$ we will be using reading
logs. /urther$ all homework for the week
will be sent home on 5ondas and will be
returned on /ridas. Homework will
consist of Word Work$ 5ath Home Ainks
and dail reading. 6our child ma be
getting supplemental assignments.
(n September we ha)e begun our science
unit of air and weather. The students are
e*ploring how air works with diBerent
manipulati)es and also what impact
water has on air. The are )er e*cited
during the in)estigations. We are learning
to use the associated science )ocabular
to discuss the principles of air.
Social Studies brings us to a new
understanding about oursel)es as related
to the world around us$ #ur -ommunit.
We are learning about people who work
in our communities and their "obs and
responsibilities. We are ?nding out how
integral e)erone is to one another.
#ur new math curriculum has begun with
the ?rst unit on counting. This math
curriculum is teaching children to
.uestion and respond to information
through writing and discussion. 6ou will
be getting Home Ainks home to help our
child with math and to learn what he0she
is studing.
Drop o#$Pick p
The school da begins promptl at
=+00am and students are considered
tard if the arri)e after =+09am. !lease
be aware that adult super)ision for the
park begins at :+90am. !lease do not
lea)e our child unsuper)ised before that
Students are dismissed at >+>9pm with
the e*ception of half<das 212+09
dismissal3 due to teacher in<ser)ices.
Thanks for getting our child to school
promptl so that we can start our da
and class learning and directions
immediatel after we put our backpacks
in our lockers.
School Cl%s
5an of our children are now signed up
for the e*ceptional before and after
school acti)ities that are oBered to them
for e*tra enrichment. Cindl let me know
in writing what acti)it the are taking
part in$ so that ( can assure that the get
to their acti)ities e)er week. &s some
children ha)e se)eral post<school
acti)ities$ this will help organiDe them at
the end of the da.
We ha)e pooled the supplies ou ha)e
graciousl sent in$ and are using them
communall. (f ou ha)e still not sent in
supplies$ it is not too late! We ha)e about
half of the student7s personal earphones
at this time$ and are beginning to use
computers. The students are using their
earphones during technolog time.
!lease make sure our child has his0hers
sent in as soon as possible.

September 2014
&lso$ each student is being asked to bring
in e*tra gm shoes to keep in their locker
for !E$ as well as clothes 2pants$ socks$
underwear and a shirt3.
&irthday Cele%rations
We ha)e begun to celebrate birthdas in
our class. &s delicious as cupcakes and
other birthda treats are$ snacks must be
healthy as noted in the Fistrict7s
Wellness !olic. This means that
cupcakes$ chips and other "unk foods will
not be ser)ed. (f students bring in such
foods as a special treat$ the will be sent
back home. Howe)er$ the district does
oBer catering ser)ices if ou ha)e
interest in pro)iding a snack for an
classroom0school celebration.
(t is alwas a warm feeling when each
child feels special on his0her birthda.
'ther (otes
( like for m students to wear
their Walker spirit shirt on
/ridas. !lease make sure our
child has his shirt read to wear
e)er /rida.
)pcoming *+ents:
#pen House September
Go school on Thursda$
September 29
onl 2not

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