Salem Witch Trials in Search of History

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Answer on notebook paper.

In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials

1. Throughout history witch hunts have taken place in countries besides Americawhere?
2. How was the devils mark used as a piece of tangible evidence?
3. Explain the purpose of Cotton Mathers book Memorable Providences.
4. What was expected of Puritan women?
5. How were the residents of Salem Village and Salem Town different?
6. Besides the witch trials of 1692, what other events are happening around the world?
7. What role did Reverend Parris play in the Salem witch trials?
8. What behaviors did the girl accusers exhibit to lead others to believe they were being turned into witches?
9. What is spectral evidence?
10. Why does Tituba confess?
11. Who is Bridget Bishop?
12. Reverend Burroughs final act planted a seed of doubt. Explain why.
13. During the Salem witch trials of 1692 more than _________ people were accused of being witches with ______
being hanged, ______ pressed to death, and ______ dying in prison.
14. Explain how the witch trials came to an end in Salem and what their consequences were. In your view, were
matters resolved fairly?
15. Brainstorm more recent events that you might label as witch hunts.

Answer on notebook paper.
In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials
1. Throughout history witch hunts have taken place in countries besides Americawhere?
2. How was the devils mark used as a piece of tangible evidence?
3. Explain the purpose of Cotton Mathers book Memorable Providences.
4. What was expected of Puritan women?
5. How were the residents of Salem Village and Salem Town different?
6. Besides the witch trials of 1692, what other events are happening around the world?
7. What role did Reverend Parris play in the Salem witch trials?
8. What behaviors did the girl accusers exhibit to lead others to believe they were being turned into witches?
9. What is spectral evidence?
10. Why does Tituba confess?
11. Who is Bridget Bishop?
12. Reverend Burroughs final act planted a seed of doubt. Explain why.
13. During the Salem witch trials of 1692 more than _________ people were accused of being witches with ______
being hanged, ______ pressed to death, and ______ dying in prison.
14. Explain how the witch trials came to an end in Salem and what their consequences were. In your view, were
matters resolved fairly?
15. Brainstorm more recent events that you might label as witch hunts.

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