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NAME: ______________________________________________________ PERIOD: ____________

Independent Book: ________________________________________ End Page Goal: _____________

It is the students responsibility to show/give me make-up and extra credit work.
I will not ask for it.
ALL WORK IS DUE THE NEXT DAY (Unless otherwise noted)
Reading Log
Record End Page
Monday 1. Article of the Week: Read and annotate the article.
Complete the Article Summary Outline.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Tuesday 1. Vocabulary: Complete the Word Watch sheet.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>
3. Extra Credit: Create a mini-poster to illustrate your favorite
word. Turn in at any time this week (5 points where you need it).
regular-sized colored or white paper
vocabulary word in big letters
part of speech
picture that shows the meaning of the word (in the
context used in the article)

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________

1. iReady: Log on to your iReady English account and complete
one lesson and quiz.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>
3. Extra Credit: Do an extra lesson this week (5 points where
you need it).

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Thursday 1. Text Study: Complete the worksheet(s) with questions about
the article. Try to use your vocabulary words.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Friday 1. iReady: Log on to your iReady English account and complete
one lesson and quiz.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>
3. STUDY: Vocabulary, notes and classwork for QUIZ MONDAY.

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________


Total Pages Read this week: ______________ Next week, I plan to end on page _______________.

I verify that my child read this week as noted above.

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

NAME: ______________________________________________________ PERIOD: ____________

Independent Book: ________________________________________ End Page Goal: _____________

It is the students responsibility to show/give me make-up and extra credit work.
I will not ask for it.
ALL WORK IS DUE THE NEXT DAY (Unless otherwise noted)
Reading Log
Record End Page
Monday 1. Article of the Week: Reread and add to your annotations.
Complete the Multi-Paragraph Outline. USE (and underline)
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Tuesday 1. Writing Work: Use your outline to complete the rough draft
of your chosen Writing Work Prompt (below). Use the editing
checklist to begin revising and editing.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________

1. iReady: Log on to your iReady English account and complete
one lesson and quiz.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Thursday 1. Writing Work: TYPE and PRINT your final draft. This is due
Monday, so you have a few days to find a printer, if necessary.
It must be typed and printed.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________
Friday 1. iReady: Log on to your iReady English account and complete
one lesson and quiz.
2. Independent Reading: Read your independent reading book
and fill out the reading log. ------------>
3. STUDY: Reread and be sure you fully understand your article
for a QUIZ on MONDAY

In Class: ___________

At Home: __________


Total Pages Read this week: ______________ Next week, I plan to end on page _______________.

I verify that my child read this week as noted above.

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________________________


1. What is YOUR opinion about the article's topic? Use the information from the article OR from another
credible text source. In your answer, be sure to give credit to your source (i.e., "According to...,").

2. How is this article connected to your everyday life? Use the information from the article OR from another
credible text source. In your answer, be sure to give credit to your source.

3. Did the author do a good job developing his central idea in this article? Use the text to substantiate your claim.

4. Write a short story using the information you found in the article in a meaningful way. Use the important
details discussed in the text to form the elements of your story. Be sure your story has a beginning, middle and

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