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A promise is a promise:

Time for action to end violence against

"There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities:
violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable."
Secretary-General Ban i-moon
Worldwide today:
Up to 50% of sexual assaults are committed against girls under the age of 16.
Gloally! 60" million women li#e in countries where domestic #iolence is not yet considered a crime.
Up to $0% of women in the world report ha#ing experienced physical and%or sexual #iolence at some point in
their lifetime.
&#er 60 million girls worldwide are child rides! married efore the age of 1'(
)n the face of such unacceptale figures! the international community is strongly committed to change the plight of
*he +on#ention on the ,limination of -ll .orms of /iscrimination against Women 0+,/-W1 re2uires that countries party
to the +on#ention ta3e all appropriate steps to end #iolence.
*ime for -ction
*his year4s theme for )nternational Women4s /ay! 5- promise is a promise: *ime for action to end #iolence against
women6 see3s to strengthen international community4s commitment to put an end to #iolence against women. -s part of
the effort the U7 leads to fight #iolence against women! 8ecretary9Generals :an ;i9moon<s U7i*, campaign calls on all
go#ernments! ci#il society! women4s organi=ations! men! young people! the pri#ate sector! the media and the entire U7
system to >oin forces in addressing this gloal pandemic.
5&7, W&?-76
.rom +hina to +osta @ica! from ?ali to ?alaysia acclaimed singers and musicians! women and men! ha#e come
together to spread a message of unity and solidarity: We are A&ne WomanA! a song to e launched on ' ?arch B01".
What can you doC
Doin the con#ersation and follow EU7FWomen and the hashtag G1woman on *witter. Hou can also donate a tweet
through our *hunderclap! which will e released on ' ?arch.

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