Agency Overview Presentation

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Summer Stanley
To educate all
students by building a
foundation for learning
in an ever-changing
global society.
Identify and help resolve school-wide and
community needs

Engage in direct services for students in a
competent and practical manner.

Advocate for school environments to
operate in the best interests of children.

Provide major and critical support in the
reduction of tardies, absences and the
reduction of dropout.

The Public Schools of
Robeson County is the
largest school system in
North Carolina with
24,000 students and 42
Have created
alternative programs
such as JobReady and
College tech prep to
help with employment
skills for those not going
to college.
Work a lot with UNC-
Pembroke and the
community college to use
facilities and programs.
Needs for the school system

Lower dropouts
Violence/bullying in school
Resources for homeless
In the future
Robeson County
schools hopes to
improve test scores
Purpose: to work together to ensure high levels of
achievement for all learners.
Was the first black institution in Red Springs
Peterson Elementary holds grades preK-fourth. At the school I
work closely with the school social workers but also the
guidance councilor, data manager, and assistant principle. The
daily goal is to monitor attendance and make sure students are
following the attendance policy.
Red Springs Middle School has grades 5
and about 571
students. At the middle school I work closely with the school
nurse, Youth Development Specialist, peer-mediator, and CIS
coordinator. We focus on students attendance and monitoring
student bullying and behavior throughout the school.
CIS helps to bring community resources to schools to help foster
student learning and keep students in school.
CIS provides
School supplies
Weekend food bags
After school care (tutoring, snacks, activities)
Health care

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