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11/10/2014 Glosarios 1/2
Coherent Curriculum.pdf
Sample Course oultine.docx
Sitio: Universidad Domnico Americana
Curso: Curriculum Design (EDU-518)
Glosario: Curriculum Terminology
Coherence Curriculum
The word coherence in coherence curriculum refers to a revising cycle to achieve flow and activities that
complement greatly the students learning.
Course Outline
Information provide for students and is to help the student in the learning process.
These outlines are establish by the educational coorporation/university/school.
Sample provided has estalished a given number of elements.thus standarizing content provide to the student in
this particular University
Written Document which indicates / takes into consideration all factors affecting the teaching and learning
Short for English Second Language Learner. Student is learning a second language in an English
speaking country. check out document on the comparision of ESL and EFL
The act of executing a plan - putting into action a plan or steps describe.
Implementation refers to the actual use of the curriculum or syllabus or what it consists of in practice.
Implementation is a critical phase in the cycles of planning and teaching a curriculum.
Implementing the curriculum does not focus on the actual use but also on the attitudes of those who implement it.
These attitudinal dispositions are particularly important in educational systems where teachers and principals
have the opportunity to choose among competing curriculum packages.
11/10/2014 Glosarios 2/2
Viable and Guarrentee curriculum.pdf
School program is the different but relevant coursework, courses or activities that focus on school goals, such
ascomputer program, ESL program or cultural program
Vialbe Curriculum
Viable curriculum refers to a specific content taught in order to achieve the given goal

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