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Fourth Grade Rocks

Week of October 13, 2014

We are learnlng abouL Lhe
feaLures of non-cuon LexL
LhaL help us Lo beuer
comprehend lL.
We have meL ln our gulded
readlng groups Lo Lalk
abouL close readlng, whlch
ls readlng a LexL repeaLedly
Lo galn a beuer
undersLandlng .
1hls week we wlll also be
learnlng abouL our book
clubs and wlll be asslgned
Lo our rsL book club book
of Lhe year.
ln wrlung Lhls week, we are
conunulng Lo work on
lnformauonal wrlung. We wlll be
readlng Lhree dlerenL LexLs
abouL Lhe rock cycle. We wlll be
codlng Lhe LexL and Lhen
synLheslzlng Lhe lnformauon Lo
wrlLe an lnformauonal paragraph.
Character Quote
Math Social Studies/
1hls week we are
conunulng our sLudy of
mulupllcauon and dlvlslon.
We wlll be uslng area
models and parual
producLs Lo solve boLh 2-
dlglL by 2-dlglL and 3-dlglL
by 2-dlglL problems.
ln Soclal SLudles, we wlll be
beglnnlng our [ourney lnLo
whaL ls a reglon. 1he klds wlll
be lnvesugaung whaL makes a
reglon and Lhen we wlll be
mapplng Lhe four reglons of
Lhe uS we wlll be sLudylng Lhls
Any conLrlbuuons of magazlnes
LhaL we can cuL up, would be
greaLly appreclaLed!
Cur LarLh MaLerlals unlL ls
broken up lnLo several dlerenL
secuons. CurrsL secuon
assessmenL wlll be on
Wednesday, CcLober 22nd. A
sLudy guldels comlng home on
Read Aloud Book:
The Grimm Legacy
16: Picture Retakes
17: Spelling Test
22: Science
28: Rock Presentation
31: *Spelling Test
*All School
* Halloween Party
lease leL me know lf your chlld can noL
access kld 8log or ScooLad. lor Lhe 8log,
SLudenLs can wrlLe hls/her posLs on paper.
vCLun1LL8 CC81unl1lLS
l wlll be sendlng home ln folders
Lomorrow some opporLunlues
1o come ln and volunLeer. 1hey
wlll lnclude copylng, glvlng
Spelllng LesLs, assesslng baslc
lacLs, and dlscusslng books wlLh
8ook clubs.

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