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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Karson Hallengren
September 30, 2014

Page 1

My current event article is: iPhone 6 Review: Meet the New Best Smartphone. The
article compares the iPhone 6 to the iPhone 5s. Per Darrell Etherington, the iPhone 6 earned
his vote for the best smartphone currently available. The camera has 8 megapixels with both a
front and a rear I Sight cameras. The device is small and easy to use with only one hand. It also
can track walking, running and driving activity and can display daily distance travelled and
steps and flights climbed. The resolution display is higher than the iPhone 5s with 1334x750
resolution. It uses dual-domain pixels to retain the color which is one of the best in mobile
devices. The camera picks up more facial detail than earlier models and can also create high-
resolution panorama shots. The battery on the iPhone typically lasts 36 hours. The 4.7 inch
phone size is more appealing to most people than larger models. Due to all of these features,
the iPhone 6 is the best on the market.

I ran a search using the tech and the search engines. My articles are,
The iPhone6 (and 6 Plus) Go To Disneyland and,Is the iPhone 6 Plus just big, or is it too big?
The Disneyland article discusses the merits of the iPhone 6 vs the iPhone 6 plus. Although the
battery life is longer with the iPhone 6 plus, it is more awkward to use, particularly when taking
pictures in the horizontal mode. The iPhone 6 outperformed the iPhone 6 plus in all lighting
conditions. The iPhone 6 also transitions faster from dark to light. The advantage to the iPhone
6 plus is that it has a fantastic computer. The details of that phone are what make it the best
on the current market. As Walt Disney said, If we lose the detail we lose it all.
The zdnet article, Is the iPhone 6Plus just big, or is it too big? discusses the merits of the
4.7 inch display on the iPhone 6 vs the 5.5 inch display on the iPhone 6 plus. Although the
battery life is longer on the iPhone 6 plus and the resolution is slightly better, the awkwardness
of the larger phone just makes its use cumbersome.
I felt that the zdnet article was more device-specific whereas the techcrunch article gave
better details and spoke more to the everyday use of the device.

I chose to evaluate the article: The iPhone 6 (And 6 Plus) Go To
Disneyland. The article was written on September 17, 2014 and has not been updated to my
knowledge. The article is relevant to my topic of reviewing the iPhone 6 as it describes the
advantages and disadvantages of using the phone as well as comparing it to the iPhone 6 Plus.
Reliability was established by the author of the article, Matthew Panzarino, in that he bought
various Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy Note cases for the phones. He cut holes in the backs of
the cases for the iPhones camera which is located in the corner of the camera. He did not
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Karson Hallengren
September 30, 2014

Page 2

want any of his family members to know that he was using new phones as he did not want to
out the phones prior to their review date. Matthew Panzarino is a frequent visitor of
Disneyland and has used many different phones to navigate, communicate and photograph in
the park. While Matthew did not use benchmark apps and rulers to get spec-based
evaluations of the new iPhones, he spent several days using both the iPhone and the iPhone 6
Plus, thus becoming familiar with both. The author speaks with authority as he has owned
various phones in the past but the technology behind the Apple I Phone 6 makes it much
superior to the iPod touch. The larger screen, better camera and rounded edges and bull-
nosed glass make the iPhone 6 much easier to use and the camera on these phones is much
sharper with better color rendition and low-light performance than earlier models. This is
because Apple has made significant improvements to its ISP (Image Signal Processor.) The
author has no reason to favor the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus for any other reason that they better suit
his needs .There is no evidence cited to test for accuracy other than his personal experiences
with the various phones and that he feels strongly that the cameras on the iPhone and the
iPhone 6 are much superior to the Android. The purpose of the article was to convey the
authors experiences with the use of the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus on one of his trips to
Disneyland. He is not an Apple representative, and in fact, was the first non-Apple employee to
use the new phones. Matthew Panzarino wrote the article to merely inform the public about
the benefits of the new iPhones without conveying a biased opinion. He merely stated the
facts that made him believe that these phones are superior to previous technology,
I consulted the CCBC library database to obtain further information on the iPhone 6 and 6
Plus. I found two articles under the Type=None& sort database. I typed in Smart Phone and iPhone and
selected the following two articles: The smart phone omenon: competition is heating up in
the smartphone market, with exciting new features and, finally, decent cameras, written by
Caramel Quin, which was posted in the Business Traveler, (May 2014): p76 and App neutrality:
Apples app store and freedom of expression online by Luis E. Hestres, which was posted in the
International journal of communication (Online), (July 1, 2013): p 1265. I chose this database
as it had the most current and pertinent information on my topic of the latest and greatest

I chose to compare the Web article: The iPhone 6 (and 6Plus) Go To Disneyland with the
journal article: The smart phone omenon: competition is heating up in the smartphone
market, with exciting new features and, finally, decent cameras. Both articles were timely in
that the first was posted on Sept. 17, 2014 and the second was published in May of 2014. Both
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Karson Hallengren
September 30, 2014

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articles relayed the latest information available on iPhones. I fell that both authors are
knowledgeable and well informed on the topic of iPhones. The difference in the two articles is
that Matthew Panzarino speaks of his own personal experience with the iPhone and the iPhone
6 Plus while vacationing in Disneyland; whereas, Caramel Quin writes about all of the latest
iPhones and smartphones including the Google Android, the Apple iPhones, Nokia Lumina, the
Sony Xperia Z2 and HTCs One M8. She discusses the pros and cons of all of the major brands of
iPhones in contrast to Matthew Panzarino who mainly writes about his experiences with the
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Both articles were relatively easy to access, once I typed in the correct key
words. The CCBC database was somewhat more difficult to use as there were multiple icons to
access and I was given multiple choices of which ones to utilize to obtain the information for
which I was seeking.

I have chosen to document my references in the APA format. They are as follows:
Etherington, Darrell (2014). iPhone 6 Review: Meet The New Best Smartphone. Retrieved from
Hestres, Luis E. (2013). App neutrality: Apples app store and freedom of expression online.
Retrieved from
Kingsley-Hughes, Adrian (2014). Is the iPhone 6 just big, or is it too big? Retrieved from iphone-6-plus-just-big-or-is-it-too-gib-7000033910/
Quin, Caramel(2014) The smart phone omenon: competition is heating up in the smartphone
market, with exciting new features and, finally, decent cameras. Retrieved from Count Type=None&sort
Panzarino, Matthew (2014). The iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) Go To Disneyland. Retrieved from

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Karson Hallengren
September 30, 2014

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