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Monthly e-newsletter Published by Finance Club @ I.T.S,

"ear Sir,
Greetin#s $ro% Finance Club&
It is our pleasure to write this letter to you. We met in National Finance Seminar on
Managing Finance during Crisis during 7-
Fe!" #$%& at our campus in
'ha(ia!ad. )ou ha*e really gi*en enlightening thoughts on the theme o+ the
We here!y re,uest your permission to ta-e your inter*iew to !e pu!lished in our
monthly e-newsletter- FIN./0.
1et me introduce Finance Clu! 2 I.3.S to you.
Finance club pro*ides an opportunity to learner to get real time e4posure o+ stoc-s
5 stoc- mar-et as well as to get into the operations o+ Finance. 6n important
agenda o+ the clu! is to +acilitate communication !etween students and industry
on *arious 7nancial issues and ,ueries and e4tend the practical 7nance education
with 8o!-speci7c -nowledge. 3he clu! aspires to !ring the !est minds +rom
academicians" industry and students to discuss" colla!orate and research on the
issues relating to Finance" at national and international le*el. 3his clu! also
pu!lishes Fin8o! and Fin*est- a monthly issue.
May we ta-e this opportunity to re,uest you to share your *iews on the +ollowing
,uestions 9
Key Responsibilities:
Ques. 1. What are your views regaring managing !nance uring crisis "
Ques. #. What are the s$ills a !nance speciali%e stuent shoul have"
Ques. &. What all are the areas where generally stuent lac$ an shoul 'ocus
Ques. (. )ow woul you escribe the picture across the region in terms o' the
global !nancial crisis"
Ques. *. )ave sovereign 'uns an the ban$ing sector been aversely impacte by
the global economic ownturn in recent months"
Ques. +. What is the relationship between ris$ an return"
Ques. ,. -cope o' !nance as a career choice "
Ques. .. )ow shoul we manage our investment port'olio"
We loo- +orward +or your -ind reply and +uture associations with you. We re,uest
you to please send your photo as well to !e included in our inter*iew section.
We will send you a copy o+ the e-newsletter ha*ing your inter*iew pu!lished.
3han-s 5 :egards"
Fin8o! 3eam

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