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October 13, 2014

The Hon. Bobby Jindal

State of Louisiana
PO Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9004

Dear Governor Jindal,

As I wrote in previous letters, Louisianas early childhood standards ensure a child is prepared
for kindergarten using any standard. If the state changes its elementary school standards in any
subject, it does not have to change its early childhood standards also.

We have corresponded a great deal regarding this issue. As there are deadlines approaching, I
will make myself available at any time and location to meet with you personally to discuss the
issue further.

Governor, I am aware that your views on the Common Core State Standards have changed. I
also know, however, that we share a belief in the importance of early education and in parents
right to choose the best education for their children. The opportunity you are considering
would provide nearly 800 low-income Louisiana children each year the pre-kindergarten or
child care experience of their choice. Whether through this specific grant or through other
means, I stand ready to work with you in making opportunities for these 800 families into


John White
State Superintendent of Education

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