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Maisha Robinson

7019 Concord Rd.

Pikesville, MD 21208
Ph. (443839!8742
&'""ar( o) *'ali)ica%ions
17 years call center experience
Exceptional capacity to multitask: numerous, often completing priorities with ease while
promoting superior customer service
Demonstrates ability to lead and motivate teams to take ownership, be responsible,
reliable, dependable, and adapt to change according to business needs.
Exhibits effective communication skills and the ability to represent the company
effectively to a broad range of customers providing loyalty and commitment to our
products and services
bility to type 7! "#$
.o(o%a /inancial &ervices 01in2s Mills, MD
C's%o"er &ervice 3ssocia%e 04513!Presen%
%nvestigate, research, and resolve various &uestions regarding insurance, credit, and payment
status via telephone, email, and written correspondence to customers, dealers, and financial
'rant and process retail extensions, lease deferrals, due date changes and make payment
arrangements within the limits of established guidelines
"ork with other departments to resolve customer account issues including lock box
investigation of misapplied customer payments, title issues, collections, and end of lease
6al%i"ore Co'n%( P'blic &chools 6al%i"ore, MD
&'bs%i%'%e .eacher 11512!04513
%mplement lesson structure assigned by permanent teacher
$aintained a report on activities followed by study plans
"ork closely with administrative school staff and teachers

Co"cas% Cablevision 7o%%in2ha", MD
8eneralis% 04500!09502
nswers customers &uestions regarding billing, service problems and products and features
(orrects errors and discrepancies regarding customer billing
)andles substantial volume of calls covering full range of customer services in a prompt and
professional manner obtaining all information for resolution of transaction
#erforms billing and payment posting of customer accounts to resolve delin&uent account
7e1 9ire Coordina%or
*rained new hires and assisted with effective retention strategies
ssisted +ew )ire ssociates in their nesting period
)andled Escalated (alls from customers
#rovided coaching and feedback to new hires
,eported to management staff regarding new hire performance
Re2ional &ales : Re%en%ion &-ecialis% 09502!4512
c&uire new and upgrade current customers for various products and services
-uccessfully led key pro.ects which resulted in increased sales and higher retention rate.
*op 1! ,etention -pecialist within the /eltway ,egion.
#lanned and executed customer service initiatives to retain revenue.
,ecommended ideas to marketing to retain customer base.
(ommunity (ollege of /altimore (ounty, $D 0!112present
"estern )igh -chool, /altimore, $D, (ollege #reparatory 13342 1337

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