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Math Corner

Numbers We
have been
practicing writing
the numbers 0-10.
Refer to the
orange number
sheet to reinforce
correct formation.
Sorting: Review
our attribute
words: color, size,
shape and
thickness. ort
ob!ects b" each
attribute. #ount
the number of
ob!ects in each
Counting: pread
up to $0 ob!ects
%buttons, blocks& in
a variet" of
'ncourage "our
child to count
them carefull".
#ount b" 10*s as
"our famil"
wiggles piggies)

Kindergarten Newsletter
October 2014
Work on Words
Homework Sort Dates
Sept. 29- Oct. 3 Pp, Tt, !
Oct. "- Oct. 10 #n, $c, Oo
Oct. 13- Oct. 1% &', H(, Dd
Oct. 20- Oct. 24 )r, *b, +e
Oct. 2%- Oct. 31 ,-, .k, /0
Upcoming Themes
ntrod0ct!on to
Hea-t(1 Promote
Sa'e ,!2!n3 !n
Home, Sc(oo- and
#arrat!2e Wr!t!n3
Te-- abo0t an
e2ent !n one5s -!'e
Teacher Wish List
+and sanitizer, disinfectant wipes,
gallon , -uart size .ip-lock bags,
velcro, magnetic tape, dr" erase
Mark Your Calendars
T(0rs. Oct. 2 Pro3ress )eports 3o (ome
&r!. Oct. 1% Sc(oo- c-osed 'or st0dents6 7S+8 $on2ent!on
7on. Oct. 20 &a-- P!ct0re Da4
&r!. Oct. 31 +nd o' 1
7on. #o2. 3 Sc(oo- c-osed 'or st0dents6Pro'ess!ona- Da4
T0es. #o2. 4 Sc(oo- c-osed6:enera- +-ect!on Da4

Homework Bags
Each week your child
will bring home several
books in his/her
homework bag.
Reinforce these print
Tracking words from
left to right and top
to bottom of page.
Recogni!ing words are
separated by spaces.
"dentifying beginning
sounds of key words.
#ord Rings
#hen your child is
ready$ practice these
sight words to build a
strong word
recognition foundation.
The words are
commonly found in
early reader te%ts.
By identifying a
handful of sight words
your child may focus
on finding the reading
strategies to decode
unknown words in te%t.
E&' (orner
"ntroduction to )cience

O0r '!rst Sc!ence 0n!t !s an ntrod0ct!on to t(e wor-d o'
Sc!ence. T(e c(!-dren w!-- e;p-ore t(ese ke4 <0est!ons1
W(at !s a sc!ent!st=
W(at !s an en3!neer=
T(e4 w!-- !dent!'4
t(e too-s a sc!ent!st 0ses t(ro03( !n2est!3at!ons
t(e ro-es o' sc!ent!sts and en3!neers
(ow sc!ent!sts and en3!neers work to3et(er
w(at !s t(e +n3!neer!n3 Des!3n Process=

Health Education
O0r Hea-t( 0n!t 'oc0ses on sa'et4 at (ome, at sc(oo-,
and !n o0r comm0n!t4. P-ease s0pport o0r st0d4 b4
pract!c!n3 t(ese sk!--s at (ome1
)ec!t!n3 '!rst and -ast name, address and p(one
dent!'4!n3 ad0-ts w(o can (e-p !' 4o0r c(!-d !s
-ost >store c-erk, po-!ce o''!cer?
We w!-- send (ome add!t!ona- !n'ormat!on on
@Stran3er Sa'et4A and persona- bod4 sa'et4.
*B!s!t t(e Howard $o0nt4 Porta- and comp-ete t(e
+mer3enc4 $ards and Proced0re n'ormat!on.
+reat #ebsites to visit

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