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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

DeVon Richards


In the article Oculus Rift in the classroom: Immersive education's next level by author
Laura Shin, she talks about how the popularity of immersive education is growing using
innovative headset such as the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus. She also writes about the pros
and cons with using the headsets for immersive education. The pros with using the headsets for
immersive education are that it should make the students get more involved in learning the
subject because it puts the students in a virtual, game type substance thatll have students
actually playing a game but also learning about the subject at the same time. The cons with using
the headsets for immersive education would be that this new version of education may not be
able to teach or it may interfere with certain social interactions or abstract concepts that the
student needs to learn.

Two of the search engines that Ive used for this topic were Google and Bing. The results
for both of the search engines seemed pretty similar. Between both of these search engines,
Google and Bing, I believe Bing was the most accurate and easiest search engine to use. With the
search engine for Bing with the advance search I could just edit the search for the time relevance
from the same screen as the results. With Google, I had to actually type in advance_search
because I couldnt find where to edit the most recent search history. With Bing its still possible
to search for related searches on a topic that I was looking for.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
DeVon Richards


TRAAP Evaluation:

1. This article that Ive found was written on September 20th, 2014. No, this article has not
yet been updated.
2. The article relates to my topic because it relates to the future of our virtual reality through
the Oculus Rift, a more improved way for people to experience or learn new things
through a virtual way.
3. The author of this article is Michael Gorman. Yes, I believe that he is qualified to write
this article because when I clicked on the link for his name it showed that he is the Editor
in Chief of the websites articles.
4. I dont think that this article was tested for accuracy but the author does have a hands-on
view of the virtual headset with photos.
5. This article was written to inform the reading about the device and to give a brief demo
and their perspective on how well they thought the device worked.

For the two scholarly articles Ive used keywords Oculus Rift to find my results on the
CCBC databases. The database that Ive used was called EBSCOhost. The reasoning for my
choice of that database was because most of articles on the database were technology related and
about the environment. I feel as though the Oculus Rift would change and shape the way the
culture interactions with each other and the way we learn as an environment if the headset were
to succeed as expected.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
DeVon Richards


Between the internet and journal articles I think that the journal articles were way easier to
access and way more organized so far as obtaining the information on the Oculus Rift. The time
that it took to find the information was faster for the journal than the internet. I had to go through
a few articles in order to find something to use through the internet where as the journal articles
had exactly what I needed with all of the sources to back up the information. The internet articles
seemed to be a bunch of blogs but the journal articles seemed to have creditable authors with
experience within the field.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
DeVon Richards


Basulto, D. (2014, September 26). Oculus Rift could transform the way we view the news.
Retrieved from

Gorman, M. (2014, September 20). New Oculus Rift prototype brings out the best in virtual
reality. Retrieved from

Rosedale, P. (2014, July 1). A new generation of virtual reality will compete with the physical
world. Retrieved from

Shin, L. (2014, September 26). Oculus Rift in the classroom: Immersive education's next level |
ZDNet. Retrieved from

Assignment 1: Information Literacy
DeVon Richards


Parkin, S. (2014, May 1). Thirty years after virtual-reality goggles and immersive virtual worlds
made their debut, the technology finally seems poised for widespread use. Retrieved from

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