Hayley Mexted Referee Statement 020914

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Referee $tatement
Applicants for employment as a teacher in a Queensland state school are required to inctude two
Statements in their Professicnal Folio. This staternent must be completed by professional
referees who are
able to comrnent on the applicant's demonstration of the Australian Professional Sfandards far Teachers.
lnformation about how to complete the statement is inciuded in the {nformation for Supervising and Mentor
Applicant's Nanne
Jarrod Stockman
University Name (Graduates only)
Charles Danruin University
Professional Knowledge
Know students and how they learn
Know the content and how to teach
Jarrod started to make connections between the children and
how they learn. Towards the end of his internship he was able to
connect with the students and engage them in learning. Jarrod at
times, was able to cater for the diverse range of students in the
class by using different strategies to engage and educate them.
Professional Practice
Plan for and implement effective
teaching and learning
Create and maintain supportive
and safe learning environments
As$ess, provide feedback and
report on student learning
Jarrod always seemed to be very well prepared for his lessons. He
practiced his Direct lnstruction scripts so that he was able to concentrate
on the pace and flow of the lessons. Jarrod was able to create a safe and
supportive environment in the classroom so that the children were va{ued
and engaged in learning. Janod's biggest chalienge was behaviour
management due to the varied age and nature of the children in the
classroom, He aitempted to make connections with high needs behaviour
children however these attempts were not consistent. Over the course of
Janod's internship Jarrod was able to assess student learning and make
on their results, prcviding feedback io students and parents.
rfessional Engagement
Engage in professional learning
a Ertcnqrrn{eqcinnal!'-r..r,ith
colleagues, parents/carers
and the
Jarrod participated in all professional learning at school during his rnternship.
He engaged professionally with col{eagues on a number of occasions asking
foi-acjvice and suppoii. He ciid engage vyi'(h pai"enis anci ihe cui-nmunily,
however this engagement should of occurred in the beginnrng of his internship
to heip hlm better understand the community and the setting of the remote
lndigenous community.
Hayley Mexted
School /
HopeVale State School
Relationship to
Eg. Supenrising Teacher, Colleague
Mentor Teacher
Telephone work
Date a4lagt2a14
Teachers document-

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