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Ansari Asgarali G.

MBA - Marketing (Pursuing)

(M) 9409049783
Email Id: ansari.ali3393gmail.!"m
Career Objective
#ant t" $"rk $it% ra&idl' gr"$ing "rgani(ati"n $it% a d'nami! en)ir"nment t" a!%ie)e
g"al "* "rgani(ati"n $it% m' +est e**"rts.
Educational Qualifications
Masters of Business Administration MBA + Marketing !ursuing"
,.-. Institute .* Management (MBA)
/adi ,ar)a -is%$a)id%'ala'a0 /adi.
1esult $aited (t" +e !"m&leted in Ma'-2034)
Bac#elor of Business Administration
B.5.6and%i B.B.A 7"llege M"dasa.
5869 9ni)ersit'0 Patan
. Per!entage: :0.9;
Mak%dum 5ig% ,!%""l (M"dasa)
6u<arat ,e!"ndar' and 5ig%er ,e!"ndar' Edu!ati"n B"ard
Per!entage: 44.29;
Madani 5ig% ,!%""l (M"dasa)
6u<arat ,e!"ndar' and 5ig%er ,e!"ndar' Edu!ati"n B"ard
Per!entage: 44.84;
'ummer !roject)
*itle) =7"nsumer Pre*eren!e And Brand A$areness >"$ards ,a+ar ?air'
Prr"du!t in 5immatnagar 7it'@
Com+an, -ame) ,a+ar/%ant%a 7"-"&erati)e Milk Pr"du!ers 9ni"n Atd.
.inter !roject)
/unctional Area) Marketing
Com+an, -ame) ,antr" >iles P)t. Atd. (5immatnagar)
.inter !roject)
/unctional Area) Marketing
*itle) =7ust"mer Per!e&ti"n "* ,undaram 7erami! P)t.Atd@
'eminars 0 .orks#o+s
Attended #"rks%"& "n ,elling ,kills at ,/PIM7,
1anguage 2no3n
5indi0 6u<arati0 Englis%0
Com+uter 1iterac,
Mi!r"s"*t .**i!e (#"rd0 EB!el0 P"$er P"int)0 P%"t"s%"&.
>ra)elling0 Intera!ti"n $it% Pe"&le
!ersonal 4etail
4ate of Birt#) 3

Mar!%0 3993 (22'ear)
!ermanent Address) 730Madani Park-20 ?ug%ar$ada 1"ad0M"dasa.
!resent Address) B"'s 5"stel0 P%arma 7am&us0 ,e!t"r-230 6and%inagar
Gender) Male
Marital 'tatus) ,ingle
-ationalit,) Indian
Pr"*. /ruti Patel
Pla!ement 7""rdinat"r0
,. /. Patel Institute "* Management and 7"m&uter ,tudies
(MBA) E-mail Id: k r u t is k & g m a il. ! " m
7"nta!t 8".: C93-9427:92348
5ere I am de!laring t%at all t%e in*"rmati"n is trul' and rig%t as &er m' kn"$ledge.
D"urs Eait%*ull'0
Ansari Asgarali

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