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Nauman Khan Pathan

MBA - Marketing (Pursuing)

(M) +917405267913
Email !" naumank#an356$gmail%&'m
Career Objective
(o achive a challenging position and respectabale position In an organisation
Where I am able to Contribute accorading to my Skill.
Educational Qualifications
Masters of Business Administration MBA + Maretin! "Pursuin!#
)%*% Patel nstitute +, Management - .'m/uter )tu!ies (MBA)
*a!i )ar0a 1is#2a0i!#3ala3a4 5an!#inagar
6esult 2aite! (t' 7e &'m/lete! in Ma3-2015)
Bachelor of Business Administration
B%8%5#an!#i B%B%A .'llege M'!asa%
895: :ni0ersit34Patan
Per&entage" 64%3;
Mak#!um 8ig# )&#''l (M'!asa)
5u<arat )e&'n!ar3 an! 8ig#er )e&'n!ar3 E!u&ati'n B'ar!
Per&entage" 62%29;
Mak#!um 8ig# )&#''l (M'!asa)
5u<arat )e&'n!ar3 an! 8ig#er )e&'n!ar3 E!u&ati'n B'ar!
Per&entage" 63%=5;

(ummer Project*
+itle* >.'nsumer Pre,eren&e An! Bran! A2areness ('2ar!s )a7ar ?air3
Prr'!u&t in 8immatnagar .it3@
Com,an- Name* )a7ar*#ant#a .'-'/erati0e Milk Pr'!u&ers :ni'n At!%
.inter Project*
/unctional Area* Marketing
Com,an- Name* 6egent 5ranit' n!ia At! (8immatnagar)
.inter Project*
/unctional Area* Binan&e
+itle* >6ati' Anal3sis ', )ar0'!a3a )a#akari Bank P0t At!@
(eminars 0 .orsho,s
Atten!e! C'rks#'/ 'n )elling )kills at )*PM.)
1an!ua!e Kno2n
8in!i4 5u<arati4 Englis#4
Com,uter 1iterac-
Mi&r's',t +,,i&e (C'r!4 ED&el4 P'2er P'int)4
(ra0elling4 ntera&ti'n 2it# Pe'/le4
Personal 3etail
3ate of Birth* 2

Be74 1992 (223ear)
Permanent Address* 1514 6asula7a! )'&iet3 ?ug#ar2a!a 6'a!4M'!asa%
Present Address* B'3s 8'stel4 P#arma .am/us4 )e&t'r-234 5an!#inagar
4ender* Male
Marital (tatus* )ingle
Nationalit-* n!ian
Pr',% *ruti Patel
Pla&ement .''r!inat'r4
)% *% Patel nstitute ', Management an! .'m/uter )tu!ies
(MBA) E-mail !" k r u t is k / $ g m a il% & ' m
.'nta&t 9'%" +91-942769235=
8ere am !e&laring t#at all t#e in,'rmati'n is trul3 an! rig#t as /er m3 kn'2le!ge%
E'urs Bait#,ull34
NaumanKhan Pathan

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