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Author: Dr. Shehzad Amin

Marketing, Management & Research Consultant

Brand activation is a natural step in the evolution of brands. When all the
necessary brand strategies are implemented, companies just need to execute
them across the organization and in the total offer towards the customer.

Brand activation is looking deeper into the possibilities within the brand, its
strategy and position to find assets that have relevant long-term
consequences for the whole company.

Brand Activation can be defined as A marketing interaction between
consumers and the brand, where consumers can understand the brand
better and accept it as a part of their lives.

Brand Activation Principles

To activate brand demand, we have to ignite the passion of the
consumer with the power of a big idea.

There is a need to emotionally connect the brand with the consumer at
the right time, in the right place and in the right way, thus motivating
consumer commitment.

By turning insight into action, the brands reason to believe becomes
more acceptable and understanding, and the opportunity to purchase
becomes more promising.

Activating Demand for Shell VPower
Strategy: Partnership with Ferrari Cars
o Extrinsic: Ferrari partnership
o Intrinsic: Cleaning properties of the brand.
Result: Brand experience worked to educate and build deep,
meaningful relationships between the Shell VPower and the Consumer.


Activating Demand for Domestos
Strategy: Brand activation in hygienic venues (Clinics followed by
homes of targeted communities)
o In-home presentation (for spontaneous awareness)
o Clinic presentation (to drive purchase intention)
Result: Research showed that the clinic and in-home presentations
were more effective when recalling the message of cleaning and germ
killing (versus that of television).

Marketing to Activation

Successful companies evolved with peoples changing needs. They listen to
their consumers and perceive them as individuals with specific preferences
and needs. They see persons with individual values, not a mass of
manipulated consumers.

Achieving a sale or persuading a person to act in a desired manner is the
ultimate purpose of all promotions. A pull strategy is recommended when the
manufacturer assumes the primarily responsibility for generating demand for
the product or service.

The manufacturer must target advertising and sales promotion efforts
primarily at the ultimate consumer to stimulate the demand at that level. The
expectation is that consumers will demand the product from the retailer who,
in turn, will demand that the wholesaler make it available.

It is important to understands the consumer decision making process in the
targeted segment. One has to monitor each stage of the Hierarchy Of Effects
Model, i.e.

Awareness: The ability of the consumer to recall the brand
Knowledge: The ability of consumer to recall the important attributes of brand
Liking: The attitude of the consumer towards the product
Preference: The degree to which a consumer feels more positive about the product
Conviction: The likelihood that the consumer will purchase the product
Purchase: The acquisition of a product or service


Role of Brands

Companies are increasingly getting dependent on their brands as competitive
weapons. Brands have become the carrier of the emotional value proposition
towards the consumers. They symbolize specific competence that builds up
the companys competitive advantage.
Thus, brands must rise up to the challenge of giving meaning to the
companys whole relationship with its consumers.

It has been noticed that brand works fine when they;
They simplify everyday choices (for basic necessities)
They reduce risk of complicated buying decisions (for Technology
based products)
They provide emotional benefits (for personal care products)
They offer a sense of community (for image related products)
They create a relationship (for long-term trust products)
They create accessibility (for convenience products)

Effective Activation Starts with a Defined Brand

Brand positioning describes the marketing opportunities of conquering a
specific position in the mind of the target audience. This position must have
strategic advantages towards competitors in order to be profitable.

Avis We try harder
By positioning the brand as the second brand in the car rental market, Avis
gave meaning to why they had to work harder than its worst competitor to
please their customers.

Apple Computers Think different
Gave meaning to the bite in the apple; to a different operative system and,
later on, a different approach to product design.

DSA Brand Activation Model

In todays postmodern society, merely offering supreme product features
on a functional or emotional level is not sufficient. While the basic idea
about active brands is to execute the brand in other terms than marketing,
the real value lies in the opportunities it creates. Most fundamentally, brand
activation contributes in creating trust between the customer, the society and
the brand (i.e. company). And trust is one of the key factors to create loyalty
between consumers and brands.


The following DSA Brand Activation Model explains the complete activation
process. It explains the complete activation process from manufacturer to
trial generation followed by experience, resulting in customer loyalty.

The model explains, customer loyalty can be established once the product
trail is generated and added with the brand experience which customer is
exposed to by getting involved in various brand activation programs.












Consumer Linkage

Interactive channels
Brand Loyalty
Customer Retention
Brand Equity
DSA Brand Activation Model
Interactive channels

Activation Measurement

It becomes very difficult for marketer to gauge the performance of various
brand activations due to their subjective nature. One of the frequently asked
question asked by marketers how can I quantify the benefits of brand

DSA Brand Activation model provides a measuring formula to measure the
effect of brand activation. The formula is written in a most simplistic manner
to be used. It explains, that the product trial is a result of number of
exposures or contacts created by different means multiplying it by the
percentage of acceptance level of exposed population.

It further elaborates that each trial has to experience the product atleast
three times and then shall be multiplied by the sum of percentage level
recall of brand activation and/or association.

To illustrate lets assume that a company runs a sales promotion through
couponing, leaflets, kiosk operation and door to door contacts (n1 + n2 + n3
+ n4). Altogether they created 10,000 contacts. The level of acceptance of
customers for these efforts were 20 percent.


P(n1+n2+n3) x A = T

P(2,000 + 2,000 + 1,000 + 5,000) X 0.2 = 2,000 Trials

P(n1+n2+n3) x A = T

3T x (bE1 + bE2 + bE3) = E

Pn = Number of exposure or contacts through product awareness, information &
A = Acceptance level of exposed population (Percentage)
T = Trial generation / Productivity
bE = Association level with brand (percentage)

In addition to that company wish to create brand loyalty and conducted two
activation program where brand experience and association was developed.
It was noticed that the first activation program left a recall value of only 5
percent whereas, the later program had an amazing result of 25 percent

3T x (bE1 + bE2 + bE3) = E

3(2,000) x (0.05 + 0.25) = 1800 loyal customers

Elements of a Successful Activation Plan

Situation analysis. Identify key issues, key opportunities, key
shareholders and any important trends.

Identification of resources. Staff, time, budget, etc. Create a
marketing team that is representative of all stakeholders.

Competitive analysis. Identify any competition, such as another major
event that will also be of interest to the target audience.

Goals. Identify attendance and awareness level goals.

Identification of target markets. Identify groups of individuals to
whom the activity could be successfully promoted.

Development of plans for reaching each target market. Develop a
strategic plan for promoting the activity to each identified target

Development of evaluation tools. Measure the success of your
program during and after the activity. Include short-term and long-term
measurable outcomes.

What Brand Activation Can Do

It Enhance the effectiveness of the traditional modes of communications as
they can be more focused to a particular target market. Brand activation is a
versatile tool that can be customized to cater to the communications needs
of specific industries. It can act as a logical and impactful end to an
advertising campaign when there is a need to shift to a new campaign
involving a different promotional mix.

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