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Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System

Chapter 1
Evaluation is the process of interpreting a measurement or aggregate of
measurements, by means of a specific subjective value or set of values to
determine the degree to which the measurement represents a desirable
condition. The Positive (Good) Evaluation the judgment that the measurement
conforms to our values and thus represents a desirable condition. The
egative(Poor) Evaluation the judgment that the measurement is at variance to
our value and thus represents an undesirable condition. Thus the evaluation
process implies the e!istence and use of a conte!tual system or structure of
values associated with the characteristics being measured. " #omprehensive
$tudent %aculty Evaluation involves the systematic observation (measurement)
of relevant faculty performance to determine the degree to which that
performance is consonant with the values and needs of the educational
$ystem development can generally be thought of having two major
components& system analysis and system design. 'n $ystem analysis more
emphasis is given to understanding the details of an e!isting system or
proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not
and whether the e!isting system needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is
the process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the
information to recommend improvements to the system. The term (wor)ing
together (in system definition is very important as all the components are
interrelated and interdependent and can not e!ist independently. "s the
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
definition says, these components interact with each other to accomplish a given
tas), which is actually the objective of the system. The components that
comprise a system may be the various inputs re.uired by the system, the
outcomes or the outputs of the system, the resources re.uired to ma)e the
system functional.
*ur +ady of %atima ,niversity Guidance department utili/es a manual
procedure. 't employs the uses of 0icrosoft E!cel program for inputting the
evaluation records. 't consumes a lot of time and lots of papers in conducting a
student faculty evaluation. ,navoidable errors could be encountered due to the
manual procedure. "mong these errors some students forgot to answer some
.uestions and some guidance personnel encounter some errors in inputting
records and errors of tallying the records.
" +ocal "rea etwor) technology system is the connecting of two or more
computers to common peripheral resources such as printers, fa! machines,
scanners, and centrali/ed data. The acronym +" stands for a +ocal "rea
etwor). This indicates that the networ) is contained within a single institution.
The sharing of information or resources does not re.uire phone connection to
lin) more than one based operation.
The proposed system which is the +"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity that designs to provide data for the
improvement of teaching and learning. The proponents would li)e to design a
more effective way to improve the evaluation by changing the system of *ur
+ady of %atima ,niversity for guidance department from manual procedure to
automated system. The proposed system can help the guidance to be more
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
accurate and be reliable with their records. 't also avoids some erroneous
mista)es on the results of the reports they made.
Bac-!round o. the Study
The proposed project entitled (+"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity4 is all about how the students will
evaluate their professor by using the computer. "s a student of *ur +ady of
%atima ,niversity we observed that the guidance had a hard time in counting
the evaluation form. This +"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation $ystem for *ur
+ady of %atima ,niversity is to serve as one several sources to provide data for
the improvement of teaching and learning. The +"23ased $tudent %aculty
Evaluation $ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity will give the school and the
student an easy way in evaluating the faculty members within the school
facilities. "ll the information given by the students will be treated with utmost
This +"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation $ystem for *ur +ady of %atima
,niversity will be a designed li)e an 'nternet #afe in that case before the
students can use the computer they have to wait for the administrator to open
all the computers and wait for the instructions. The students can only evaluate
one professor at a time if they tried to evaluate again the administrator will
ignore this )ind of situation.
'f the improvement of teaching and learning is the ultimate goal of a
$tudent %aculty Evalution, most faculties will want to learn how to assess the
effectiveness of their teaching and students5 learning. "lthough many faculties
are .uite capable of )nowing when students do not understand the material,
often professors do not )now how to go about discovering why students are not
learning. Therefore, the complete $tudent %aculty Evaluation project should plan
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
activities intended to help faculty 6learn how6 to assess their teaching, their
students5 learning, and the currency of their courses.
Project vervie'
This section provides an overview of the purpose, scope and objectives of
the system, the assumptions, constraints and ris) of the system, a list of project
deliverables, the schedule and budget summary, the references and the
definitions and acronyms.
Purpose/ Scope/ and &jectives0
The proposed project entitled (+"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity4 is all about how the students will
evaluate their professor using the computer. 't will give the school and the
student an easy way in evaluating the faculty members ma!imi/ing the school
facilities. "ll the information given by the students will be treated with utmost
The proposed system is intended for in depth evaluation and analysis of
the e!isting manual procedure of student evaluation of *ur +ady of %atima
,niversity. The proponents will develop a user2friendly system that will enhance
the student faculty evaluation.
The proposed system is design to lessen the wor)load of the guidance
personnel in charge in the processing of the tallying evaluation records. 'n
connection with this, the system includes a database that will allow the user to
retrieve the previous summary result (bac) up).
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
%or the students will include&
Evaluate and gives comments to a faculty member.
They can7t evaluate their professors if it e!ceeds its limit on the evaluation
They can7t leave if some .uestions are not answered.
'f the student does not )now how to use or evaluate their professors the
system will have a demo that includes the procedures on how to evaluate
their professors.
%or Guidance office will include&
8uic) tabulation of Evaluation results.
They can view all the tally result.
They can print the total percentage of all the evaluation.
#an add and delete %aculty members.
#an choose the negative and positive comments before they print the final
'f the summary result present to the human resources by the ne!t
semester faculty evaluation data will be reset.
The main objective of the proposed system is to analy/e and implement
computer based information system for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity Guidance
-epartment. The study focused on the problems encountered by the guidance
with their current system. The study prioriti/es with providing a solution to the
problem of guidance department in their manual system.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
The proposed system will collect or gather all the comments or
suggestions of the students on how they thin) and feel about their
The proposed system will provide a security that the admin will only have
the right to add, edit, delete, reset, and update the whole system.
The proposed system will provide warning button to avoid not answering
some .uestions in evaluation form.
The proposed system will provide a (+ocal "rea etwor)) +"2 based
feature to easily share information accurately and it also transfer data
faster. +" (+ocal "rea etwor)) technology is low cost than others, but
the .uality of transferring data is faster.
To develop a system that will provide security in handling and managing
records and to minimi/e the time being spent in evaluating the file reports
being submitted.
Assumptions/ Constraints and 1is-s0
The proponents assume that to develop a system which helps the *ur +ady
of %atima ,niversity to implement the needs of the user.
The proponents assume that if the system will crush, it will be having a bac)2
The proponents assume to develop +"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity to provide data for the
improvement of teaching and learning.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
The proposed system will provide a (+ocal "rea etwor)) +"23ased feature
to easily share information accurately and it also transfer data faster.
't will be confidential for the %aculty members, in this proposed system,
records and files are computeri/ed and stored for accessibility and portability.
The responsibility for administering the faculty evaluation system and
implementing its procedures shall be the Guidance #ounselor or the member
of the guidance.
't will be only for the guidance counselor and the members of the guidance
will manage the evaluation.
"dministrator and authori/e personnel can only access the information from
the system
The student cannot access to the database and other features of the whole
The following ris)s in developing the proposed system are&
'n -atabase ris), the si/e of the database becomes larger.
'n personnel ris), they are willing to implement the proposed system The
user or the personnel that will use of the system does not necessarily need to
be a technical e!pert but must have academic e!perience about computer. 't
is a necessity to have an average functional literacy and most importantly the
user should be dedicated to learn how to use the system.
'n technology ris), if the !ampp release new version or in ne!t generation
they invent new software better than !ampp. The new hardware resources
would need to be employing such as computer, hub, cables and 19:;
connector and software resources such as <indows =P and P>P with 0y$8+
to support the project.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
'n schedule, how the students can go to the computer laboratory and
evaluate if they have classes.
'n process ris), how to use the system the proponents will provide a demo
for the student who do not )now how to use the faculty evaluation.
Project (elivera&les
$a&le 101
Activity (elivera&le%E2pected
Analysis and (esi!n -esign ?@2;2A?@@
Graphic -esign ?@2@A2A?@@
(evelopment o. modules 3eta Bersion ?A2?C2A?@@
(evelopment o. the 3sers ,ser7s 0anual ?D2;2A?@@
Technical 0anual ?D2;2A?@@
Testing ?D2 C2A?@@
-ebugging ?D2 C2A?@@
$ystem Tested ?D2@D2A?@@
Project $imeline
The project deliverables and project timeline should have been completed
based on the scheduled given below.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Project Timeline
$a&le 10+
Activities 4anuary Fe&ruary 5arch
6ee- 7 1 + ) 8 1 + ) 8 1 + ) 8
#>"PTE1 '
Project *verview
#>"PTE1 ''
Project *rgani/ation
#>"PTE1 '''
0anagerial Process Plans
#>"PTE1 'B
Technical Process Plan
#>"PTE1 B
$upporting Process Plan
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Schedule and Bud!et Summary
$a&le 10)
9ard'are (escription :uantity Price per
$otal Li.e
Computer "0- $empron
@:? A.EGh/
:? @D,@CC?.?? ;AE,CF?.?? ;2G years
Ca&les ,TP #able A??
P ;.?? per
P @,???.?? A years
shielded A;
D?? P D.?? P C??.?? A2D years
$a&le 108
So.t'are (escription :uantity Price
per unit
$otal Li.e
0S 0icrosoft
<indows =P
@ ;,???.?? E?,??? ; years
P9P/5yS:L @ @D, ;?? ; years
Antivirus orton @ A,?E? AG,CG? ; years
(e.initions and Acronyms
-efinition of Terms to further understand this study, the following terms used is
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Analysis the storage of identifying, designing and implementing the system
Beta version; a pre2release version of new software often made available over
the 'nternet as freeware or shareware.
Con.identiality2 entrusted with private information and the confidence
of another.
(ata raw materials that are processed and refined to generate information.
(ata&ase ; is a system intended to organi/e, store, and retrieve large amounts
of data easily. 't consists of an organi/ed collection of data for one or more uses,
typically in digital form.
(ata Flo' (ia!ram the graphical representation of the flow of data through
an information system which can also be used for the visuali/ation of data
(e&u!!in!; -ebugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the
number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a piece of electronic
(elivera&le2 a term used in project management to describe a tangible or
intangible object produced as a result of the project that is intended to be
delivered to a customer (either internal or e!ternal).
LAN;+ocal "rea etwor) a technology system is the connecting of two or more
computers to common peripheral resources.
5yS:L - (0y $tructured 8uery +anguage) is a relational database management
system that runs as a server providing multi2user access to a number of
Net'or- architecture is the design of a communications networ). 't is a
framewor) for the specification of a networ)5s physical components and their
functional organi/ation and configuration, its operational principles and
procedures, as well as data formats used in its operation.
r!ani"ational structure is a formal and informal framewor) of policies and
rules, within which an organi/ation arranges its lines of authority and
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
communications, and allocates rights and duties. *rgani/ational structure
determines the manner and e!tent to which roles, power, and responsibilities
are delegated, controlled, and coordinate, and how information flows between
levels of management.
System $et of detailed methods, procedures, and routines established or
formulated to carry out a specific activity, perform a duty, or solve a problem.
Chapter +
Project r!ani"ation
" project organi/ation is a temporary thing. 't will only e!ist from the
projects start until its end. "ll the project team members are coming from
different organi/ations of part of the organi/ation. They will all have a temporary
assignment to the project.
Internal Inter.aces
Fi!ure +010
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
o. 9otel
nt 5!t0
y <9ead=
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
1oles and 1esponsi&ilities
Internal Inter.aces
1esponsible to read the final result given by the >1.
9uman 1esources
The one who receive the final results given by the Guidance
The one who pass the final result to the dean.
"fter the -ean read the final result heHshe also responsible to pass
the final result to the faculty member.
The one who monitor the student in evaluating their professors.
1esponsible for arranging the comments before they print the final
Guidance is responsible for ensuring consistency in the application
of the faculty evaluation process.
1esponsible for the print result of the evaluation.
The one who passed the summary result to the >uman 1esources.
1esponsible for the oversight of all aspects of the project as well as
accepting project deliverables and approving any submitted scope
change re.uests.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Guidance will indicate to the system the basic information given by
the new guidance personnel. "dministrator will allow the permission
or privileges needed to the said user.
"dministrator or the guidance personnel is the one who can only
access the complete module of the system.
The one who receive the evaluation results answered by the
students given by the >uman 1esources.
1esponsible to evaluate their professors and 1esponsible to
observed (measurement) of relevant professors performance to
determine the degree to which that performance is consonant with
the values and needs of the faculty members.
Chapter )
5ana!erial Process Plans
This section defines the plans for project start2up, the wor) plan, the
project trac)ing plan, ris) management plan and project closure plan.
Start;up Plan
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
"ll information of this project came from the collected data and
re.uirements of the intended project users7 interviews, actual company
observation. 'nformation was also gathered from verifying all the company7s
documents to determine the proposed systems re.uirements.
$a&le 10*
System (eveloper 5onthly ) 5onths
A $ystem "nalystH1esearcher A;,??? E;,???
@ $ystem -esigner ;,??? @;,???
@ Programmer A;,??? E;,???
$otal La&or Cost# 1,*/,,,!
1egina $ilva, #hester 3arry ($ystem "nalyst) 2 1esearches problems, plans,
solutions, recommends software and systems. Program coding, compiling and
lin)ing. Training of personnel on proper usage of information systems developed.
#abutaje Balery, #athryn 1amos (1esearcher) I Gathers information that is
needed to finish the project. <ho performs research, the search for )nowledge
or in general any systematic investigation to establish facts.
1esource Ac@uisition
This section specifies the plan for ac.uiring the resources other than
personnel needed to successfully complete the project. The researchers were
individually assigned for their contributions to ma)e this proposed system
possible. 't is very important to determine and document the financial
e!penditure operation being done by the stall. 't is also a necessity to determine
the activities needed to be done for the proposed system and its alternatives to
monitor its progress.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
The $tudent %aculty Evaluation will not be completed without the
cooperation of the guidance and the guidance personnel of the company. They
are responsible for giving ade.uate resources as well as the beneficiary of the
proposed system. 1esources mentioned are all very important factor needed for
the development of the system.
Project Sta.. $rainin!
Though the proposed system the researchers will develop is user2friendly, the
researchers will provide trainings for the feasible user, most li)ely for the
guidance personnel. 'n this phase, the researchers will train the user how to
utili/e the system and perhaps let them )now some possible solution for simple
problems. The researchers will provide them user manual that they can loo) if
ever they need to.
The e!isting guidance personnel of *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity will undergo
training within D to ; days. The training should focus on P>P, 0y$8+ and ="0PP
version A.A.@.:.php used in the major parts of the system and 0J$8+ used as
the database. ,pon beginning the project, all e!isting guidance personnel will
attend a seminar about the technology that will be used in the *ur +ady of
%atima ,niversity for D to ; days. They need to study on how the system will
wor)K they must also be computer literate. The >ead of the guidance will also
be re.uired to learn the specific system.
6or- Plan
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
To gather the necessary data and information needed in the study, the
group used developmental type of research, which uses the following methods&
" formal or informal meeting between a two group of people for
purpose of obtaining information about something in particular. The
interview is successful tool in advertising research
The researchers interviewed the *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity
guidance department 0r."ngel, "/or on how they conduct a student
faculty evaluation and also with regards to the summary report.
To converse or gather information with target user of the proposed
system regarding the guidance profile and history of their manual
procedure of evaluating the faculty members.
-ocument "nalysis
The group gathered the forms used in their 0anual Project $tudent
%aculty Evaluation $ystem to collect some important information needed
in developing the new system +"2based student %aculty Evaluation
't is a systematic investigation including research development, testing
and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generali/ed
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
To better understand the scope and bac)ground of the e!isting system,
the group conducted a research using the internet. 1elated information
about the e!isting system was gathered to conceptuali/e the new
"n activity which interacts with memory and re.uires sensitivity and
responsiveness to the physical world.
6or- Brea-do'n Structure
$a&le 10A
6BS 7 $as- Name Start Finish
@.?.Project 0anagement
@.@ Project 'nitiation.
@.@.@ Project -efinition
@.@.A $tart ,p and +oo)ing for
a company
@.A Project Planning @.A.@ Guidance 'nterview
@.A.A "ctual *bservation
@.A.D -etermine the Guidance
@.A.: Process 0odel
@.A.; -ata 0odel
@.A.F %inali/e Guidance
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
@@.A@.@? @@.A@.@?
@.D $ystem -esign @.D.@ -efine Technical
@.D.A -efine $ystem
@.D.D -evelop Technical
@.D.: -evelop Test Plans
2.0 Hardware A.@ Prepare 3udget
A.A #anvass >ardware
A.D Purchase
A.: -elivery
A.; $et up
3.0 Software D.@ Prepare 3udget
D.A Purchase
D.D 'nstall
Schedule Allocation
The researchers prepared a Gantt chart to be followed and that will serves
as our calendar for daily activities. This project schedule is a big help for
researchers to be more organi/ed and discipline regarding their time.
'n the planning phase of this study, the group wor)ed out the things that
are needed to be done. Each group member has its own responsibilities to hold
so that everyone is participating as well as to finish the documents in the given
deadlines. This also includes preparation in case unwanted problems occur.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
$a&le 10B
+,1, +,11
(ec 4an Fe& 5arch
10Inception 1eports
1evie' System
(esi!n <Intervie'=
(ata&ase (esi!n
Prototype screens
Be!ins Construction
Front Pa!e
3pdate 5eetin!
$rainin! and
(eadline Project
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
1esource Allocation
The proposed system will be maintained on a daily basis and the
members will report the activities to the team leader on a daily basis so that
information can be )ept current. "fter completing the course the system will
undergo for improving of their faculty evaluation system. The proponents will
need to update the content regularly to )eep system content current fresh, they
will change the content or add. The proponents should also chec) for the
contents. #ontent should be logical and easy to understand. P>P codes will be
used in implementation. The project uses P>P and 0J$8+ ($tructured 8uery
Bud!et Allocation
$a&le 10C
Supplies E2penses :uantity Cost
1eam Bond Paper @ Php D??.??
In- @ Php @,???.??
Ball Pen @ bo! Php G?.??
Folders @F Php A:?.??
Pencil : Php AG.??
$otal Php 1/A8C0,,
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Project $rac-in! Plan
1e@uirements 5ana!ement
The proponents re.uirements includes the customi/ing their reports the
progress and changes of the project re.uirements.
<e also include process of determining and assuring the effects of the
specifications, diversity on product scope and .uality. "llocation and
property of ris) factors.
'n the disposition of management processes, we privately change
precisely the performance of the formations and usage of change of
control panel.
<e comprehend the trace ability, prototyping and connect the impact and
reviews evaluation in according of re.uirements management.
Schedule Control
The proponents are spending their free time on the project before the
deadlineK the proponents also spend lot of effort to achieve their goal but it
depends on the schedule. The proponents focus in the system to be able to be
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
:uality Control
The proposed system is wor)ing properly. The proponents will ma)e sure that
there is no error and the system is @??L wor)ing. $pecify the .uality control
activities by )nowing the procedures in using the following purposes&
To be able to )now the )nowledge, s)ills and e!perience of the person.
To be able to verify if the system is wor)ing properly.
To be able to chec) the system before it will give to the school.
The descriptions which will be used to display the result of a research and
in.uiry will be provided together with the project5s formal documentation.
1ecords that are written in the documentation will be comprised of a recogni/ed
output and conclusion. $ignificant report will also give the proponents an idea
about the flow of the system. The proponents will specify status of each tas) for
the development of the project management. "naly/ing the needed progress for
the system is re.uired in order to accomplish a sufficient report.
1is- 5ana!ement Plan
The proponents )new that there are some factors that might affect the
proposed system and they understood the collision this may cause. The
proponents included in their project schedule time to develop the alternative
solution if unwanted problems occur. The proponents gathered lots of
information for them to wor) on the proposed system properly. 'f ever loosely
defined re.uirements, difficulties in estimating the time and resources re.uired
for the software development, dependent on the individual s)ills and
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
re.uirements due to changes in university needs can be encountered during the
project schedule or the .uality of the software being developed by the group,
they can assure that they are all e.uipped with information and solutions.
The following ris)s in developing the proposed system are&
(ata&ase ris-#
The results of the evaluation will save in the database, but after a year
they permanently delete the records to prevent database collapse.
The records in database are done by saving all the important
informationHrecords. The proposed system needs to store great numbers of
data, it is utmost important to have a bac) up and have secondary storage of
data and reports for bac) up purpose and safety of records in case of
corruption off data happened.
-ata will be ensured to be )ept safe from corruption and to help ensure
Personnel ris-#
The Guidance #ounselor will train a hired person A to D days to familiari/e
the flow of the systemK if this hired person will resign they will find first a
replacement before heHshe permanently resigned.
The user of the system does not necessarily need to be a technical e!pert
but must have academic e!perience about computer. 't is a necessity to have
an average functional literacy and most importantly the user should be
dedicated to learn how to use the system.
$echnolo!y ris-#
The proponents will continue updates the system and adding features,
regarding on upcoming new version of ="0PP. the proponents need replace the
e!isting and adopt the new version. The proponents need to adjust for the
upcoming software.
Schedule ris-
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
The guidance counselor could as) permission to the professor if heHshe
can give e!tra time for the evaluation before heHshe dismisses the class.
The students can go to the computer laboratory and evaluate if they have
Process ris-#
The student will be immediately learned on how to use the system.
The system might hang if the user doesn7t )now what they7re doing. The
proponents provide a user manual to help them how to use the system.
The plan of this proposed system is to have an easy way in evaluating the
professors of the school.
The proponents will provide a demo for the student who does not )now
how to use the faculty evaluation.
Project Closeout Plan
The proponents are doing their best to finish the system. They learned
that it ta)es months to create a system and it is also hard to do it. The
proponents are still doing their part to be able to finish the proposed system.
The proponents )new that if the system will be successfully wor)ing it will be
easy to the student and to the school to have their evaluation.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Chapter 8
$echnical Process Plan
Process 5odel
'n this study, the proponents used <aterfall 0odel. The waterfall model is
the classic model of software engineering. 3ecause the model emphasi/es
planning in the early stages, it catches design flaws before they develop. "lso,
because the model is document and planning intensive, it wor)s well for projects
in which .uality control is a major concern.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Fi!ure +0+
Feasi&ility The researchers interviewed the *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity
guidance department 0r."ngel,"/or on how they conduct a student faculty
evaluation and also with regards to the summary report.
1e@uirements analysis and speci.ication To better understand the
scope and bac)ground of the e!isting system, the group conducted a
research using the internet. 1elated information about the e!isting
system was gathered to conceptuali/e the new system.
(esi!n and Speci.ication the proponents use php and mys.l language
for the propose student faculty evaluation system for *ur +ady of %atima
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Codin! 5odule $estin! To create program for student faculty evaluation
system we use php and mys.l we also use the notepad cMM for the typing
of the codes.
Inte!ration and system testin! is the phase in software modules are
combined and tested as a group. 't occurs after unit testing and before
system testing. $ystem integration testing is the process of verifying the
synchroni/ation between two or more software system.
(elivery and 5aintenance the proponents will deliver the proposed
system to the company and if the user will implement the proposed
system the proponents will maintain the system.
System .lo'
The system will provide a list of names of faculty members were the
administrator is the one who7s going to conduct an evaluation in the laboratory
were the students going to evaluate their professors. 't7s a +"2based procedure
were all the student can evaluate at the same time so it7s going to be an easy
for them , after they evaluate, its automatically saved in the database were the
guidance counselor have the right to chec) the results of the evaluation were
they can also print the final results.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
Pro!ram Flo' Chart
Fi!ure +0)
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
Invalid input
List of
List of
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
5ethods/ $ools and $echni@ues0
'n evaluating the professors, the guidance counselor will select the name
of the professor whom the students will evaluate. The student can only evaluate
their professor onceK they can7t choose any professor they want because only
the guidance counselor can do it.
The proponents used P>P language and 0J$8+ -atabase. P>P is
(P>P >yperte!t Preprocessor) is scripting language used to create dynamic <eb
pages. <ith synta! from #, 9ava and Perl, P>P code is embedded within >T0+
pages for server side e!ecution. 't is commonly used to e!tract data out of a
database and present it on the <eb page. THA??? and ,ni! <eb servers
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
on Form
Invalid input
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
support the language, and it is widely used with the 0J$8+ database. P>P was
originally )nown as 6Personal >ome Page.6
The proponents use a local area networ) technology system +ocal "rea
etwor) technology system is the connecting of two or more computers to
common peripheral resources such as printers, fa! machines, scanners, and
centrali/ed data. The acronym +" stands for a +ocal "rea etwor). This
indicates that the networ) is contained within a single institution. The sharing of
information or resources does not re.uire phone connection to lin) more than
one based operation.
The student can easily evaluate their professors. The evaluation system
can help the guidance counselor by counting the total results.
The evaluation system needs one room with computers and with a
<indows =P operating system and a ="0PP. The system will be a +"2 3ased a
+ocal "rea etwor) technology system that connecting two or more computers
to a server. The proponents will conduct a testing before it will be given to the
,niversity to ensure that the system is fully wor)ing. The system will be
administered by the guidance counselor.
Fi!ure +08
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
System $estin! <Path analysis=
The proponents will conduct a testing before it will be given to the
,niversity to ensure that the system is fully wor)ing.
#"$E @& Lo! In
Path Num&er Path Status
1 @,A,D,; Tested and 1unning
+ @,A,:,@ Tested and 1unning
Fi!ure +0* Sho's the system testin! o. lo! in
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
Log in
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
#"$E A& Evaluation
Path Num&er Path Status
1 @,A,D,:,; Tested and 1unning
+ @,A,D,:,F Tested and 1unning
Fi!ure +0A Sho's the system testin! o. Evaluation0
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
3ser Acceptance
'n user acceptance, usually the end users who will be using the
applications test the application before Oaccepting7 the application. The guidance
staff will test the system if it is similar in manual evaluation. The proponents
focus on the functionality and the usability of the application rather than the
technical aspects.
Additional Plans
(ata Conversion
't employs the uses of 0icrosoft E!cel program for inputting the
evaluation records. 't consumes a lot of time and lots of papers in conducting a
student faculty evaluation. ,navoidable errors could be encountered due to the
manual procedure. "mong these errors some students forgot to answer some
.uestions and some guidance personnel encounter some errors in inputting
records and errors of tallying the records.
System $ransition Plan
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
The flow of the system will undergo an automated manner which will be
operated by the administrator and other guidance personnel. The proposed
system will generate the data to be stored, retrieved, accessed, and modified to
be able to attain an accurate and systemati/ed structure. "dministrator can
manage all the tas)s to ensure the security and privileges on this system.and if
the there is no !ampp in the ne!t generation the proponents will change !ampp
to a new release of new langauge and the proponents will used it for a faculty
evaluation system.
Product Installation
The proposed system re.uires having a otepadMM and =ampp.otepadM
M is a free source code editor and a otepad replacement that supports several
languages. 't is easy to use than a simple notepad because it has a number,
which becomes a guide, beside it can simply locate the errors. =ampp is a free
pac)age that includes an easy2to2set up web server ("pache), database server
(0y$8+) and server2side scripting language (P>P). $etting up a local "0P
("pache, 0y$8+, P>P) environment has typically re.uired configuring the
different applications to wor) on their own and then to wor) with each other.
The proponents will encompass a set2up or e!e file so that the said company will
easily install the otepadMM and =ampp.
Special Facilities and E@uipment Speci.ication
19:; connector as a medium, communications among computer into a
networ)ed wor)station will allow users to share resources whether it is hardware
or software. 'nteractionsHcommunications between computers resolve a faster
turnaround of inputs and outputs, an accurate storage of data, consistent
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
operations, and having a resourceful wor)station. Tools are ensured by
implementing the necessary means on establishing a networ) technology.
$rainin! Plan
Though the proposed system the researchers will develop is user2friendly,
the researchers will provide trainings for the feasible user, most li)ely for the
guidance personnel. 'n this phase, the researchers will train the user how to
utili/e the system and perhaps let them )now some possible solution for simple
problems. The researchers will provide them user manual that they can loo) if
ever they need to. The training plan will outline who will deliver the training, and
when and where your apprentice or trainee needs to go to receive the structured
component of the training. The proponents will conduct training so that the
guidance staff )nows how to do. The training will ta)e three (D) to five (;) days
it will be held in the ,niversity. The proponents will discuss who is responsible
for the delivery or assessments of each competency, how the system will flow,
and when will the system be updated.
Product 5aintenance and Support Plan0
The system will provide a continuing and updating were the administrator
can chec) if the system is still wor)ing it includes editing, adding and clearing.
"ll the current data will be saved at the database and it will be used as bac)2up
storage of the data in case the results deleted in the database to assure safety.
0ovement of programs from the development portion of the $tudent %aculty
Evaluation $ystem will be controlled by the guidance personnel. The system will
ensure that programs will have user2friendly controls and will be easy in terms
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
of trac)ing of records and changes. The researchers will use easy process of the
programs. They will also provide plans and guidelines. "ll changes,
enhancements and other modification re.uests to the system will be handled
through the published change control procedures.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
*ur +ady of %atima ,niversity Guidance department utili/es a manual
procedure. 't employs the uses of 0icrosoft E!cel program for inputting the
evaluation records. 't consumes a lot of time and lots of papers in conducting a
student faculty evaluation. ,navoidable errors could be encountered due to the
manual procedure. "mong these errors some students forgot to answer some
.uestions and some guidance personnel encounter some errors in inputting
records and errors of tallying the records.
The proposed system which is the +"23ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem for *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity that designs to provide data for the
improvement of teaching and learning. The proponents would li)e to design a
more effective way to improve the evaluation by changing the system of *ur
+ady of %atima ,niversity for guidance department from manual procedure to
automated system. The proposed system can help the guidance to be more
accurate and be reliable with their records. 't also avoids some erroneous
mista)es on the results of the reports they made.
The proponent7s proposed system is to upgrade the manual procedure of
*ur +ady of %atima ,niversity Guidance -epartment to ma)e the operation and
evaluation in the guidance faster and reliable. 'n search of ideas and
instruments, the proponents made observation on the operation of the e!isting
manual procedure of *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity guidance department,
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
interviewed the guidance head for the bac)ground of the evaluation process,
interviewed with the guidance personnel for the details about the flow of the
operation in the evaluation process and search for the best information that
would fit to the proposed system for the benefit of *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity
guidance department.
The proponents therefore conclude that in upgrading manual procedure
into an automated system will have a big difference and can be more convenient
to use. The student faculty evaluation system will collect or gather all the
comments or suggestions of the students on how they thin) and feel about their
professors. The student faculty evaluation system will provide a security that the
admin will only have the right to add, edit , delete, reset, and update the whole
system. The student faculty evaluation system will provide warning or message
bo! to avoid not answering some .uestions in evaluation form. The student
faculty evaluation system will provide a (+ocal "rea etwor)) +"2 based
feature to easily share information accurately and it also transfer data faster.
+" (+ocal "rea etwor)) technology is low cost than others, but the .uality of
transferring data is faster. To develop a system that will provide security in
handling and managing records and to minimi/e the time being spent in
evaluating the file reports being submitted. #onduct of student faculty
evaluation can be be lessen of consuming lots of time for tallying of records and
paper for answering evaluation form.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa
4 4

Project Plan LAN Based Student Faculty Evaluation System
To all future developers that will enhance the proponents system, the
proponents recommended to enhance the system ability install anti2virus to
detect viruses to avoid system crash and to avoid the system being affected of
the viruses. To all future non2developers that will use proposed system, the
proponents recommended to use the +" 3ased $tudent %aculty Evaluation
$ystem to resolve their problem for manual procedure of there guidance faculty
evaluation in which the proposed system are more accurate, user friendly and
efficient to use.
r!ani"ation# *ur +ady of %atima ,niversity $itle%Su&ject# $oftware Engineering
President -r. #aroline $. Enri.ue/, Ph. -
Approved By#
0r. "delino 1acusa

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