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The Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon is a reptile found on Indonesian islands, including
Komodo and Western Flores. Its scientific name is Varanus komodoensis.
The Komodo Dragon is the largest living lizard in the world.
Komodo Dragons live on a sandy and rocky desert-like ground with a small
pool of water and some small plants at the zoo.
On the Indonesian Islands, they live in the grassy savannahs and monsoonal
The Komodo Dragon has a large tail and powerful legs which enables it to
swim through water.

Komodo Dragons eat any type of meat. They have serrated teeth which lets
them eat deer, pigs, buffalo and smaller dragons. They track their prey using
smell. Komodo Dragons give their prey a deadly bite-which contains venom
and bacteria- if they dont kill their prey with an immediate attack. They can
take down large animals like a water buffalo and are ambush hunters. In a
single meal, they can eat up to 80% of their body weight.
Komodo Dragons are the longest and heaviest lizards, with a length of up to
3 metres and a weight of over 80 kilograms.
The Komodo Dragons skin is covered with scales. It feels wrinkled, bumpy
and dry.

Komodo Dragons are tropical
lizards and dont like the cold, so
on wintery days and cool nights,
they may decide to shelter in their
heated burrow for warmth. At the
zoo, they have artificial heaters.
They can move quickly over short
distances. When they fight, they
do so in an upright position.
Komodo Dragons like to sleep and

Komodo Dragons are threatened by the poaching of them and their prey.

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