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Thuvaaragan Kuruparan


Meeting Minutes - 1

Date 15/09/2014
Start Time 13:25
Place Oaks Park High School Room
Present Thuvaaragan Kuruparan, Hassan
Shahid, Rikhel Trivedi
Minutes taken by Thuvaaragan
End time 13:45

At our first group meeting, we allocated each group member with
certain job and we decided on who would be the Director
(Thuvaaragan Kuruparan), Editor (Hassan Shahid) and Cameraman
(Rikhel Trivedi). After this, we went through the production
schedule and assigned each group member with specific things to
do. We did this by talking about our strengths and weaknesses.
We didnt have any trouble doing allocating the group members
with their role in the production as each member got the role
they wanted. We then came to discuss the genre and the final
ideas for our production. We chose horror as we believed that we
could be very creative with this genre. Also, another reason for
us picking this genre is because all three of us have watched
many horror films which then we could go on to get some ideas

Points for next meeting
Finalise who our main cast are
Discuss the locations
Discuss the filming dates
Decide what camera shots will be used

Next meeting date 22/09/2014

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