Meeting Minutes 2

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Thuvaaragan Kuruparan


Meeting Minutes - 2

Date 22/09/2014
Start Time 15:20
Place Oaks Park High School Room
Present Thuvaaragan Kuruparan, Hassan
Shahid, Rikhel Trivedi
Minutes taken by Thuvaaragan
End time 15:50

In this meeting, we discussed on our decision on the cast for
our production. We decided to go with a young Asian female for
our leading actress and a Brunette male for our antagonist.
We also spoke about certain camera shots which we could use in
the production even though we didnt come to a final decision on
what shots we will be certainly using.
For location, we decided to use a house and a butcher shop. This
is due to the production being based on how a butcher kidnaps
young women. In the house, we will be using both a bedroom and
the bathroom.
We decided that we would start filming on the 10
of October so
that we can finish all the pre-production work. This way we can
be 100% sure with our idea and we can film the production

Points for next meeting
Final decisions on logo
Discuss group progress on the paper work.
Pictures of location to be taken
Improve on previous work

Next Meeting 03/10/2014

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