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PMDC NEB Exam Step I SEQs Conducted By DOW on 8th January 2012

Q1: Embryological explanation of sacrococcigeal teratoma? What are the derivitives of

Neural Crest Cell?
Q2: Write a summary of ABO system of Blood Group.
Q3: Microscopic structure of a Lamellar Bone ...
Q4: Define Carpel tunnel syndrome? What are the branches of Radial Nerve in Arm
and Forearm?
Q5: Classify Calcium Channel Blockers? Therapeutic uses of Calcium Channel
blockers? Toxic effect of Calcium channel blockers.
Q6: What are the components of Reflex Arch? What is withdrawl reflex?
Q7: What are the lung volumes and lung capacities? What is functional residual
Q8: Define Atherosclerosis? Etiological Factors of Atherosclerosis? What is the
pathogenesis of Myocardial Infarction?
Q9: Classify Food? What are macronutrients and micronutrients?
Q 10: Classify Vitamins? What is the function of fat soluble vitamins?
Name few disorders caused by Vitamin D?
Q 11: Define Cholesterol? How cholesterols are important for the integrity of
reproductive cell biology?
Q 12: Name anti-malarial drugs which are Blood schizonticides? What is the
therapeutic use of Chloroqine? What are side effects of chloroquin on Eye?
Q13: Define Bruises? What is chemical Antidot?
Q14: What is the function of PMDC?
What are the privileges of registered Medical Practioner?
Q15: How you can prevent and control of Epidemic?
Q16: Prevention of Mother - Child transmission of HIV?
Q 17: What are the Morphological appearances of inflamed Appendix? What would be
the microscopic features of appendix on biopsy?
Q 18: A 64 years old women fall on ground 2 hours back and brought to emergency with
clinical feature of severe pain on movement of leg. When the leg abducted and
externally rotated ,a pain slight relieved. What is the possible diagnosis regarding
What could be other possible diagnosis of injury?
Why leg was laterally rotated? Q19: Define Following regarding ECG 1).P-Wave 2.)P-
R Interval 3.)QRS Complex 4).Q-T Interval 5).S-T segment 6).T-Wave
PMDC NEB MCQs For Step I Conducted By DOW on 8th January 2012 a hypertensive patient which of the following will least likely to reduce the
a. calcium intake b. potossium intake
c. moderation in alcohol d. weight loss e.increase in physical activity
2. an example of acute inflammation is
a. pneumonia b. tuberculosis c. sarcoidosis d encepalitis pakistan aedes egypti mosquito transmit
a. dengue b. yellow fever c. leshmaniasis d. Japanese encap
4.for BCG vaccination which of the following is the true option
a. BCG is not fully protective in adults and it is a live attenuated vaccine is protective in chlldren c. it is a live attenuated vaccine d. produce passive
5. for the para folliculer cells in thyroid and the parathyroid cells, best explanation is
a.calcitonin and pth 6. in a conflect b/w two equally competence medical witness the
court will fallow a.the witness who seen the injured in the begining
b. the witness who favour in defence
c. the witness who seen the injured in the end 7. if the vertical length of a window will
increase the what will happen in the light / shadows coming thru it?????????
8.the privilages of a register medical practioner is
a. can advertise in news paper b. can volunteerly appear in court
9. in younger children tetracyclin is not used bcz
a. it is hepatotoxic b. cause bone calcification a child with bloody diarrhea which of the following organism will be in the stools
found in stools lab exam. a. e.coli b. shegilla c. compylobacter the adrenal gland minerelocorticoids comes from a. zona fasiculata b. adrenal
cortex c zona glumerolosa d. adrenal medulla e. zona reticularis
12. the size of particle to cause pneumoconiosis
a. 0.5 to 3 micron b. 4 to 7 micron c. 10 to 12 micron
13. a patient with bradykinesia, this is dscrebed as
a. cerebeller lession b levey bodies c. pakinsonism d. substensia nigra
14. an abnormality in cordination movment is termed as
a. atexia b. cerebeller lession c.Dysdiadochokinesia
15. long term memories stored in which part of the brain
a.thalamus b. cerebellum c. cerebral cortex d hippocampus
16)chop wound in???? a)revolver.. b)short gun
17)cookie cutter in fire arm injury????
18)warm antibody in hemolytic anemia???
19)zona glomerulosa secrete???
20)erythropoitin is secreted from???
21)swoollen bleeding gums in ??? a) scury b)vitamin d def........
22)bp 120/80 mean arterial pressure is?????
23)4rth pharyngeal arch ?????
24)muscle used in walking??
25) Complication of successful treatment of thrombophebitis
a)rupture b)infection c)thrombus formation
26).incubation period of HCV
a. 7 days b. 20 days c.50 days d.30 days e.10 days
27).enlargement of the prostate cells usuaally arise from
a. periurethral area b. periphral area c. transitional zone
28) a pateint with only HBsAg positive will be called carrier if
a.HBsAg positive for more then 6 months
29).if a persons BP is 120/90, the mean arterial pressure will be
a. 10 b. 30 c. 20 d.120 e.90
30). in deafness , garment is inserted in the ear in
a. conductive type of deafness b.senserineural type c. presbycuses
31) ECG shows no P wave, where is the pace maker
a. ventricle b. AV node c.atrium d. purknje fibers e.bundle of hs
32).patient may present with lucid interval in
a. subdural hematoma b. extradural heamatoma c. sub archnoid hemorrhage
33). which of the following increase plasma level of phenytoin a. pinicillin
PMDC NEB Step I SEQs Conducted By DOW on 13th May 2012
1) surgeon observe swelling at sacral region of neonate,meninges and spinal cord
protude through it? Anomaly name and background
2) shoulder dislocated in downward direction,after that patient is unable to abd and lat
rotate his arm,which nerve is damage?.
3)proteins? Function in body?
4)water borne diseases,their prevention and control?
5) valporic acid mechanism and side effects?
6)thyroid hormones functions in body?
7) bomb explosion cause what kind of injury to one's body?
8)define muscles,their types?. 9)what kind of duties of doctor while handling poisoning
10)define neoplasia types,mucanious cyst adenocarcinoma?
11)histology of normal liver?
12)diff between acute and chronic inflammation n their mediators?
13)angio tensin aldosterone mechanism?
14)define tonsillitis and give name of AB u vlcan give?
15)what is enzyme? name important digestive enzymes
16)what is sterilization and disinfection? name some disinfectants
17)what are the anomalies of sternocleidomastoid muscle?
18)i what is Rh blood group? ii what is erythroblastosis fetalis?
19)write the names of will you prevent it in a community?
20)what is immunity? what are its types?
Collected from different websites , BY Sajjad Ul Hadi

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