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Next Generation Sustainable Planning

The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council was created by Emiri
Decree number 23 of the year 2007 and is the agency
responsible for the future of Abu Dhabis urban environments,
and the expert authority behind the visionary Plan Abu Dhabi
2030 Urban Structure Framework Plan published September
2007. Chaired by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed
Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the
Abu Dhabi Executive Council, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning
Council defines the shape of the Emirate, ensuring factors
such as sustainability, infrastructure capacity, community
planning and quality of life, by overseeing development across
the city and the Emirate as a whole. The Abu Dhabi Urban
Planning Council ensures best practice in planning for both
new and existing urban areas.

2007 23




The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Councils primary purpose is

to deliver the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed
Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, Ruler of Abu Dhabi for the
continued fulfilment of the grand design envisaged by the late
Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and the ongoing evolution
of Abu Dhabi as a global capital city.

HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

President of the United Arab Emirates
Ruler of Abu Dhabi

The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan

Founder of the United Arab Emirates.

. .

What is the UPC?

At the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC), we initiate,
drive and support Abu Dhabis urban development strategy. We
develop strategic development plans that are transferring our
2030 Vision to physical settings, creating guiding principles
that cascade over critical projects that will shape the Emirate.
The vision is built on a comprehensive analysis of the urban
fabric, land availability and its best use, environmental issues,
mobility, infrastructure and urban services that need to be
integrated in our City Development Strategy.




The Abu Dhabis government has committed itself to direct

public policy to strengthen and develop four key priority areas:

The UPC takes an innovative

view of urban planning, taking a
range of cultural, economic and
environmental needs into account.
That means our planning is
emotional as well as mathematical,
and sensitive as well as rational.
The result is the best possible
vision for the urban development of
our Emirate.

Economic development
Social and human resources development
Infrastructure development and environmental sustainability
Optimization of Government operations.
Developing appropriate infrastructure, while preserving
the environment, forms one of the key priority areas. With
the expertise of the UPC, the government will ensure the
development of a professionally designed and well-managed
urban environment in the Emirates towns and cites,
complete with world-class traffic and transport systems.
The simultaneous development of the Regions is to keep
pace with that of the Capital it is also an important policy
priority to achieve an Emirate-wide distribution of economic
activity and associated benefits.
The Abu Dhabi 2030 Urban Structure Framework Plan,
which offers a vision for the evolution of the city over the
next 25 years, provides a blueprint for Abu Dhabis longterm success. As the first planning program of this kind and
scope within the region, the work of the UPC will become a
best-practice benchmark for future urban design within the
UAE and beyond.






Falah Al Ahbabi
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council General Manager


















Saif Ghubash
Planning Professional

The Urban Planning Council produces plans and development regulations that govern
Abu Dhabis physical environment. The Council manages the Emirates urban growth
through efficient development review and proactive facilitation of implementation in
co-ordination with out public and private sector partners
Our Mission

Yousif Al Fahim
Planning Professional

At the UPC, we are responsible for granting planning

permission for new developments. Using a highly consistent
development review process, we can make the best possible
development decisions, and apply strict regulatory controls for
developers across all their projects.

We research, design and publish large-scale planning

documents such as the Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 Urban
Structure Framework Plan, which provides a framework for
development within the Abu Dhabi metropolitan area. Similar
Plans are underway for Al Ain and Al Gharbia.

Development within Abu Dhabi is subject to rigorous

regulations to ensure that the city makes the most of
the current climate of economic and cultural growth. The
Urban Planning Council plays the lead role in reviewing and
approving developments across the Emirate. As such, all major
developments are subject to a review process which itself
forms part of a longer-term strategy for Abu Dhabis urban
development. Every developed component must fit within the
framework contained within the Plan, as well as adhering to
other government regulations, policies and guidelines.

The review process is designed to:

Provide the developer with information and directions to
improve overall integration with the surrounding area
Provide the Urban Planning Council with the necessary
data to make informed decisions on development
Ensure a transparent, consistent system for all
development reviews

By overseeing development on this scale, the Urban Planning

Council ensures that growth is managed and that transport
and utility infrastructures provide for growth across the
entire Emirate. Central to this process is the principle of
sustainability, which ensures that supply and demand are
balanced based on long-term growth projections. The Urban
Planning Council liaises with other government departments,
such as the Department of Transport, the Environment
Agency, municipalities and utility providers to discuss
relevant development proposals, and to coordinate a central,
considered response to infrastructure demands.
The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council is engaged in
two primary activities reviewing and approving new
developments throughout the Emirate, and creating
infrastructure plans setting out the rules and guidelines to
which developers must adhere.
We review and approve major developments through a
dedicated development review process, which involves talking
with developers and government departments to ensure that
all relevant regulations and guidelines are adhered to.

The Urban Design and Development Review Department

is a diverse mix of highly skilled and innovative planners,
architects and urban designers. Together we work directly
with developers and their consultants to shape specific
development proposals consistent with Plan 2030. Our
critical role involves management and review of planning
development, from general ideas for how a parcel of land
may be utilised through to the specific design proposals you
see being build today. This management and development
review process requires developing effective and successful
relationships with developers, their consultants and external
agencies while clearly communicating and implementing the
vision for Abu Dhabi as a world class leader in innovative
sustainable design.
The scope of our mission includes creating a branding
strategy for Abu Dhabi and the regions of Al Ain and
Al Gharbia. The Capital District will also be branded to
communicates its position as the seat of Government within
the United Arab Emirates. We also develop sets of tailored
communication tools to promote our lasting achievements in
our various spheres of our activity.

2030 .

( 2030 )










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Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 will ensure that the Emirate will evolve into a leading, sustainable,
authentic and modern Arabic city. In addition we will champion contemporary urban
design, protect our delicate ecology and ensure that the cultural and economic need of its
citizens are never neglected
Plan Abu Dhabi 2030
Urban Structure Framework Plan

The Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 is unique in its scope and vision
for Abu Dhabis future. It lays out the framework for
development throughout the Abu Dhabi metropolitan area,
containing guidelines for all new projects. These guidelines
and policies are formed by five key principles, which are:


Plan Abu Dhabi 2030

Plan Abu Dhabi 2030

Urban Structure Framework Plan

1. Abu Dhabi will a contemporary expression of an Arab

city, which includes people living, working, and thriving
in healthy, supportive proximity
2. Abu Dhabi will continue its practice of measured growth
reflecting a sustainable economy, rather than an
uncontrolled growth
3. Abu Dhabi will respect, be scaled to, and shaped by the
natural environment of sensitive coastal and desert
4. Abu Dhabi will manifest its role and stature as a capital city
5. Abu Dhabis urban fabric and community infrastructure
will enable the values, social arrangements, culture and
mores of this Arab community
The Plan is the result of an integrated process of
consultation with local and global experts, following the
vision of Abu Dhabis Executive Council. This process
involved a number of global workshops and extensive work
with senior Abu Dhabi Government officials to define the
Plans scope and requirements.

To create the Abu Dhabi 2030 Urban Structure Framework

Plan, the UPC staged inspirational meetings with His
Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and senior
representatives of the Executive Council and Department of
Municipalities. In addition to these meetings we staged the
following incentives:

Major analysis of social, cultural and economic life in

the Emirates and the factors that are currently driving
demand for real estate
A significant environmental analysis that will help us protect
Abu Dhabis rare desert and marine ecology.
A much-needed analysis of Abu Dhabis infrastructure
and transport needs and a study of housing
requirements and settlement patterns across the city

Guiding Principles

Overview in numbers

We will take responsibility for our actions and will be
held to our promises
We will build our capabilities and influence through
cooperation with our constituencies
We will strive to be visionary and forward thinking
and drive the delivery of efficient services to our
We will reward and advance our people on the basis of
We will be open to new ideas and to build a base of
knowledge to develop capabilities
We will continuously strive to distinguish ourselves by
delivering results and services of world-class quality.
We will achieve the highest standards if professionalism,
through courtesy, respect and dedication, in all our
interactions and in delivering our services

2007 - Baseline
930,000 residents
1.8 Million annual tourists
~180,000 residential units
2013 - Five Year Projection
1.3 Million residents
3.3 Million annual tourists
251,000 residential units
2.0 Million residents
4.9 Million annual tourists
251,000 residential units
3.1 Million residents
7.9 Million annual tourists
686,000 residential units


Vision 2030
The year 2030 represents an important milestone for the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Baseline growth assumptions reveal
that Abu Dhabi could achieve tangible levels of economic
diversification by that time.
Economic diversification is common and fundamental to the
governments stated priority areas. The government wishes
to see the creation of higher value employment opportunities,
especially for Nationals, and maximize the participation of
men and women in the workforce. To encourage investment
and entrepreneurial activity, the Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 will
contribute by enhancing the business environment.
Today, Abu Dhabi is a thriving commercial and cultural
centre. Although rapid population growth and urban sprawl
pose key challenges for the future from the erosion of
the traditional Emirati lifestyle and unplanned development
in natural areas, to traffic congestion and shortages of
affordable housing.

Yaser Al Nuaimi
Associate Planner

The work of the UPC is to manage social, environmental

and economic development to ensure a balance and aims to
create a stronger sense of community and cultural identity
across the city. As a result, it will deliver new and higher
levels of social cohesion and wellbeing.
The UPC takes an innovative view of urban planning, taking
a range of cultural, economic and environmental needs into
account. That means our planning is emotional as well as
mathematical, and sensitive as well as rational. The result is the
best possible vision for the urban development of our Emirate.
In that respect, the UPC has developed its own Community
Sustainable Responsibility (CSR) concept under the name
of Estidama CSR 2030 initiative. The plan intends to
develop compliance regulations through indexes tailored
to the 4 pillars of the Estidama program (Environmental,

Economic, Social & Cultural) ESCR 2030 will provide

guidance on processes needed to successfully comply with
the predefined indexes while an overarching framework to
promote and complement Plan Abu Dhabis vision through its
sustainable guiding principles.
In doing so, we are laying the foundations for a socially
cohesive and economically sustainable community that
preserves the Emirates unique cultural heritage. This
foresight to plan for our infrastructure ahead of time is a key
example of our visionary governance.
Plan 2030, which is majestic in scope and delicate in its
details, filters all planning decisions through environmental,
social and economic criteria. This approach helps to protect
our natural resources and ecology, integrating nature
and humanity in a harmonious way and fostering future
economic development.

We are promoting an inspiring vision for the

future based on a unique political vision,
environmental leadership, sustainable
and controlled economic development, cultural
inspiration and social symbiosis. This vision
will help us move from resource dependence
to a diversified economy and from unplanned
urban development to carefully considered
evolution. Culture and community will
remain at the forefront as urban structures
are designed for the people of our city.





. 2030







Ibrahim Al Hmoudi
Associate Planner




























Salem Al Qassimi
Associate Planner

We cherish our environment because it is an integral part of our country, our history
and our heritage. On land and in the sea, our forefathers lived and survived in this
environment. They were able to do so only because they recognized the need to conserve it, to
take from it only what they needed to live and to preserve it for succeeding generations.

The late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan

Estidama: A new mind-set

Estidama, which means sustainability in Arabic, is an
initiative developed by the Abu Dhabi UPC conceived to
imbue a new mind-set that promotes the concept of living in
harmony with our culture and environment while conserving
our way of life so that future generations can benefit from
our wise choices.

The purpose of Estidama is to create a new sustainability

framework that will direct our course and also allow
adaptation as new understanding evolves. This is a process
that will require openness and full commitment to identify
appropriate solutions (with appropriate defined as a balance
of environmental, economic, social and cultural issues).

Built on the four pillars of environment, economy, society and

culture, Estidama supports sustainable living and resources by
working closely with communities, organisations, businesses
and policy-makers to further encourage responsible decision
making that moves Abu Dhabi and our region towards global
sustainability leadership.

Projects that achieve Estidama adhere to the following three

key characteristics:

More than just a sustainability programme, Estidama is the

symbol of an inspired vision for governance and community
development. It promotes sustainable principles in every
aspect of our community and nurtures lifestyle-enhancing
initiatives for the people of Abu Dhabi today taking a longer
term view for the next generations.
The paramount purpose of Estidama is to create a new
sustainability framework that will direct our course and
also allow adaptation as new understanding evolves.
The ultimate goal deeply engraved in Estidamas DNA is
to achieve higher levels of sustainable design and practice
by getting the design process right from the beginning.
The overriding aim of Estidama is to advocate for
sustainable planning and living as the essential ingredient
to Plan Abu Dhabi 2030s long term success, while
making a positive difference for our future generations.
The ultimate aspiration of Estidama is to set a new
global sustainability benchmark that will eventually be
embraced by other forward-thinking nations around the
world in order to safeguard the future of our planet.

Utilize a systems based approach to look at

communities, developments and buildings holistically,
rather than in isolation from one another
Commit to sustainability targets that must be achieved,
along with those that are desirable - all within a
responsible economic framework
Use of an Integrative Design Process (IDP). This process
promotes cooperation and collaboration between
all stakeholders to attain synergy in the process of
planning, design and construction

The driving force of Plan Abu Dhabi 2030

Make Abu Dhabi the sustainable Arab Capital

Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 is designed to help Abu Dhabi filter

and respond to current and future development needs,
establish a planning culture and introduce strong guiding
principles for new development. This Urban Structure
Framework Plan is first and foremost grounded in the cultural
and environmental identity of Abu Dhabi.

Environmentally and economically responsible design is

most effectively achieved through a collaborative approach
between urban planners, architects, engineers, developers,
agencies and ultimately end users. Further sustainable
development will be difficult to achieve by simply following
a green building checklist or tacking on green-technologies
in a piece meal fashion.

The citys population may grow to three million or it may

exceed five million by 2030. Estidama was conceived to
support the realisation of Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, to ensure
sustainable practices encompassing building and community
design are embedded into the culture rather than enforcing
it through a set of governmental regulations and standards.

E as the first letter in Estidama is driving the key meanings

that sharpen its overall philosophy and are fully integrated
in its four pillars. EIDP is an Evolving sustainability concept
which Engages each member of the community with its
guiding principles from Early stages by Encompassing a
variety of issues and providing appropriate sustainable
solutions to implement.

At UPC Estidama plays a critical role in building the Abu

Dhabi 2030 Vision. It provides Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 a
practical and meaningful set of tools to help to become a
benchmark for sustainable development internationally.
With Estidama, the UPC has decided to go beyond existing
sustainable initiatives by enforcing clear procedures and
clarifying responsibilities that are crucial to support its
vision. With the recent recognition as one of the top 10
sustainable cities of the future by Ethisphere Institute, a
US based think-tank that researches and promotes good
government and social responsibility by corporations, Abu
Dhabi is certainly on the right path to transforming itself
into the sustainable capital of the Arab world.
We need you to help to make Abu Dhabi
A City that understands sustainability
A City that understands that building and community
design is an important part of sustainability
A city that views Estidama as a catalyst to make this
happen - making a difference for coming generations
A city that accepts and trusts Estidama as a positive and
essential initiative - here to enhance the overall quality
of life, whilst conserving environmental resources
A city that welcomes Estidama regulations, because
Estidama reflects the values and ideals of our nation.

By creating new tools, resources and procedures crucial

to the 2030 vision, UPC is going beyond other sustainable
development initiatives around the world. It is creating
a new sense of responsibility and it is demonstrating an
approach that transcends normal departmental barriers to
achieve a vision of a harmonious, diversified society that
remains culturally rich.
Estidama at Environment 2009
(ADNEC Abu Dhabi)










Abdulla Ahmed
Saif Ghubash

A Global Capital

A Connected Capital

An Educational Hub

The work of the UPC will ensure that Abu Dhabi evolves into a leading, sustainable,
authentic modern Arabic city. In addition, we will champion contemporary urban design,
protect our delicate ecology and ensure that the cultural and economic needs of citizens
are never neglected
Lets design your Capital
Over the last 20 years, we have seen Abu Dhabi change
out of all recognition. Today, vibrant business districts rub
shoulders with quiet residential streets and our worldleading retail parks, five-star beach resorts and unique
natural wonders attract visitors from all over the world.
Benefiting from massive, ongoing investment in education,
construction, technology and industry, ours is truly a rising
star among the worlds capital cities.
The political vision of the UPC ensures that our
developments are at the cutting edge of urban planning.
Whats more, it demonstrates our commitment to protecting
our cultural assets and nurturing Arab/Muslim community
living. Drawing on the expertise of leading urban planners
from the UAE and all over the world and the vision of our
leadership, the UPC instils the virtues of social responsibility
across the capital and strives to deliver a living environment
that is beautiful as well as authentic and modern.
As the Emirate of Abu Dhabi continues to rise as an open
and diversified competitive economy, the Abu Dhabi UPC
is asserting its role in paving the way to create a leading
modern, authentic and sustainable Arab city that responds to
the evolving needs of its people.

Yaser Al Nuaimi
Saif Ghubash

Yaser Al Nuaimi
Saif Ghubash
Abdulla Ahmed









Be part of our team




Developing a city needs to go beyond building and be

centred on the individual and their emotions. UPC strives for
urban development concepts aimed at placing the individual
at the forefront of urban planning. Everything must start by
understanding work and living experiences and placing them
in a wider context.




Drawing on the unrivalled knowledge and experience of

talented people, the UPC helps the Emirate meet the many
development challenges of the 21st century. By fostering
a new planning culture and taking a strategic view of
urban evolution, we aim to increase the standard of living
for people, maximize our political influence in the region
and globally, and ensure that the natural environment is
protected both now and in the future.






Today, in a knowledge society context, we know that urban

planning priorities have shifted progressively, from a focus
on real estate operations, to the design of flexible and agile
knowledge and communications environments. Making
Abu Dhabi a knowledge-intensive environment Capital
requires a new approach to urban development where
the management of business innovation, corporate work
cultures and urban dynamics are all taken into consideration.
The UPCs challenge is to create urban environments where
people and ideas, not only real estate, generate value.

The UPC has developed the Abu Dhabi 2030 Urban Structure
Framework Plan to optimise the citys development through
a 25-year program of urban evolution. In doing so, we
are laying the foundations for a socially cohesive and
economically sustainable community.
UPCs ultimate goal is to develop a Capital that will assist
its growing role as a global economic centre, one which
shows it has the ability to transform itself to meet the
needs of tomorrow. As a result of the hard work of previous
generations, Abu Dhabi is now in a strong position to move
ahead with its economic and social objectives. By 2030,
Abu Dhabi will be even more successful, as a result of sound
leadership and the ongoing commitment of the Emirates
people towards our vision.
Our ambition with you is to deliver a Capital that will make a
difference to the next generation. The making of our worldclass city is on the right track.
As a team the UPC is defining the shape of Abu Dhabi. We
ensure factors such as sustainability, infrastructure capacity,
community planning and overall quality of life. We oversee
development across the city and the Emirate as a whole by
playing our role as a comprehensive platform to initiate and
maintain dialogue between the government, the residents
and our business partners.

Abdulla Al Sahi
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council
Deputy Director Corporate Services

Build your future

Today to 2015
Work to regenerate certain areas of Abu Dhabi is already underway. This
includes projects to enhance city streets, take parking underground and
introduce shading devices for pedestrians. By starting these efforts at
the earliest opportunity, we can maintain the competitiveness of the old
downtown as new developments begin elsewhere.
Within this timeframe, the UPC will also deliver the structural framework
for our proposed transport networks and road infrastructure. The new
Capital Business District and Capital District will also be developed during
this period, as will Yas Island, Saadiyat Island, Al Raha Beach, Al Mena, Al
Suwwah and Al Reem Island.
The construction of Emirati housing is also a key priority across the city.
Proposed construction work in the Capital District, Al Mena, Al Reem,
South Hudariyat, and Saadiyat Islands, will increase the availability of
Emirati housing before 2015 and reduce waiting times significantly.

2015 and beyond

Initiatives planned for post-2015 are primarily concerned with
accommodating our rapidly expanding economy and population. Higher
density housing will be developed along the Airport Road transit corridor,
industrial areas will be ramped up, and existing areas will be populated to
their maximum comfortable limits.
Beyond this, further development will flesh out the full extent of the
urban structure framework. This will be carefully managed to avoid the
emergence of disparate development sites, maximize the cohesion and
continuity of the urban fabric, and comfortably accommodate the growth
trends that we are experiencing.












Find out how were creating a sustainable future

Be part of our success

Our priority is to have top quality people who can live up to the
demanding expectations of our exciting and ambitious mandate to
ensure the on-going evolution of the emirate and global capital city
of Abu Dhabi.
The UPC offers you the opportunity to work with highly talented
individuals in the world of urban planning, development and design a team that is truly local and global. Keeping company with the best
opens you up to challenging assignments and projects that support
the evolving 2030 Abu Dhabi plan. Within our organization we have
opportunities in our Strategic Planning and Review Division and our
Corporate Services and Communications Divisions.
New solutions demand a team from a varied set of backgrounds
to be put together to deliver UPCs wide range of expertise. We
invest in talented people, constantly enhancing their knowledge and
participate actively in multiple best practice forums. The Human
Resources department is responsible for identifying, recruiting and
developing high quality individuals both UAE nationals (from graduate
entry to experienced professionals) and international candidates with
specific skills and experience relevant to our work.
To achieve this Human Resources has four main areas of focus:

Targeted Recruitment, Advertising, Selection (interviews /
assessment tools) Job Interview, Job related tests, The main areas of
recruitment activity are:
Planning Policy, Urban Design, Architecture & Engineering
Transport, Infrastructure, Environment, Sustainability, Corporate
Services Which Includes Human Resources Finance, General Services
& Procurement, IT and communications.

Performance Appraisal.
The performance management process aims at recording the
assessment of an employees performance over a certain period. It
is a tool to relate improvement in performance to career growth and
rewards. The processes are objective and support our training and
development activities.

Training & Career Development

The UPC provides its employees with specialized training courses
each in his/her field of expertise. This comes from its strong belief
in improving staffs performance and takes into consideration their
career and future endeavours. In addition and as part of the UPCs
management development, we also provide appropriate activity
(academic and practical) for selected employees to develop their
management skills and competencies.

Compensation & Benefits

We provide highly competitive packages, which are frequently
re evaluated in line with market trends. In addition, VIP medical
insurance, life insurance and vacation airfare are all included.
Our ultimate goal is to provide added value expertise that challenges
established approaches and business practices in order to maintain
UPC at the forefront of urban planning to ensure we have a team
with the latest knowledge and expertise.

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Be Part of the team shaping the future development of the nation

62221 .

Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council

P.O.Box 62221
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Design: Brand Faith - Abu Dhabi

Tel: +971 2 409 6000

Fax: +971 2 443 2903

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