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Chapter 7 Muscular System

Major functions:
1. Movement of the body
2. Maintenance of posture
3. Respiration
4. Production of body heat
5. Communication
6. Constriction of organs and vessel
7. Contraction of heart


Skeletal muscle
-Constitutes approx. 40% of body
-Attached to the skeletal system
-Striated muscle because of
transverse bands or striations

Four Major Functional Characteristics:
1. Contractility- ability of skeletal to
shorten with force
2. Excitability- capacity of skeletal
muscle to respond to a stimulus
3. Extensibility- skeletal muscles stretch
4. Elasticity- ability to recoil to their
original resting length

Connective tissue coverings
Epimysium (muscular fascia)-
surrounds muscle
Perimysium- surrounds muscle
Endomysium- surrounds muscle

Muscle Fiber structure
Muscle fiber
- single cylindrical fiber, with several
nuclei located at its periphery
- largest human muscle fibers (30cm
and 0.15mm in diameter)
- cell membrane of the muscle fiber
Transverse tubules
- tube-like invaginations
- occur at regular intervals along the
muscle fiber and extend inward
- connect sarcolemma to
sarcoplasmic reticulum
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
- highly organized smooth
endoplasmic reticulum
- has high concentration of Ca

Sarcoplasm- cytoplasm
- threadlike structures extend from
one end of muscle fiber to the other
- consists of two major proteins:
o Actin
o Myosin
- joined end to end to form myofibrils

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