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Kaye Alyssa T.

Enriquez 9/20/2014
NSTP 1 3:00-6:00 pm Mrs. Melviny Mique
On September 12, 2014 we got the opportunity to help a local community by
planting Mangrove Trees. Along with other NSTP classes, we set off at around 6 a.m. to
the location of our mangrove planting activity which is in Barangay Cot-cot, Lilo-an.
Before planting the mangrove plants, we were given a lot of information about
mangroves: their characteristics, how to properly plant the saplings, the effects of
natural disasters on the coastal areas, as well as the importance and impact of
mangrove reforestation on the local environment and community.
I learned that mangroves are well known to contribute to the ecological balance
of the coastal area by providing food, shelter and environmental protection for the
marine organisms and even humans living near the shore. Since our country
experiences a lot of typhoons, the mangroves provide protection to the neighborhoods
in coastal areas by acting as a buffer or a shield against the sea which reduces the
destructive effects of waves. Aside from environmental protection, mangroves also help
the local economy and livelihood of the people. Their roots act as a home to various fish
and seashells plus they also provide food to smaller marine species which the local
people could sell and earn money from as a source of income.
Mangrove planting was a very gratifying and memorable activity. For most of us,
it was our first time to participate in such an activity. I actually enjoyed the whole
experience of walking in the mud and planting the mangroves. It was very interesting to
learn about this unique plant and it was fulfilling to be able to give back and help out the
environment and the community on a local scale at the same time enjoying the trip with
my blockmates. After this experience, I realized the importance of taking small steps to
help the environment and how even small activities such as planting a few dozen
mangroves can have bigger impacts. Despite the challenges we experienced (like
walking in knee deep mud or stepping on sharp shells and other objects) the activity
was a rewarding experience.

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