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Design of Water Tank

A Project Submitted
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology
In Civil Engineering


Nibedita Sahoo

MAY 2008

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Design of Water Tank

A Project Submitted
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology
In Civil Engineering


Nibedita Sahoo

Under the Guidance of
Prof. S.K. Sahoo

MAY 2008

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This is to certify that the project entitled DESIGN OF WATER TANK submitted by
Miss Nibedita Sahoo [Roll no. 10401010] in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of bachelor of technology degree in Civil engineering at the National Institute
of Technology Rourkela (deemed University) is an authentic work carried out by her
under my supervision and guidance.
To the best of my knowledge the matter embodied in the project has not been submitted
to any other university/institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Date: Prof. S.K Sahu
Department of Civil
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela - 769008

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I would like to express my profound sense of deepest gratitude to my guide and motivator
Prof. S.K. Sahu, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela for his valuable guidance, sympathy and co-operation for
providing necessary facilities and sources during the entire period of this project.

I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to all the faculties of Civil Engineering Department
who have enlightened me during my studies. The facilities and co-operation received
from the technical staff of Civil Engineering Department is thankfully acknowledged.

I express my thanks to all those who helped me one way or other.

Last, but not the least, I would like to thank the authors of various research articles and
books that I referred to.

Nibedita Sahoo
Roll No 10401010
B. Tech 8

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Chapter No. Title Page


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Storage reservoi rs and overhead t ank are used to st ore wat er, liquid
pet rol eum, pet roleum product s and simi lar li quids. The force anal ysis of
the reservoi rs or tanks is about the same i rrespecti ve of t he chemi cal
nat ure of the product. Al l t anks are desi gned as crack free structures t o
elimi nat e any l eakage.
This project gives in brief, the theory behind t he desi gn of liquid
ret ai ning struct ure (circular wat er tank with flexibl e and ri gi d base and
rect angul ar under ground wat er tank) using worki ng st ress method. This
report also i ncl udes comput er subrouti nes to anal yze and design ci rcul ar
wat er t ank with fl exible and ri gid base and rect angul ar under ground
wat er tank. The program has been writt en as Macros in Mi crosoft Excel
using Visual Basi c programmi ng l anguage. In the end, the programs are
vali dat ed wi th the results of manual calculation given i n Concret e
Structure book.

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Figure No. Title Page
2.1(a) Contraction joint with discontinuity in steel 6
2.1(b) Contraction joint with continuity in steel 6
2.2 Expansion joint 7
2.3 Sliding joint 7
2.4 Construction joint 8
2.5(a) Temporary open joint with prepared joint surface 8
2.5(b) Temporary open joint with joint sealing compound 9
2.5(c) Temporary open joint with mortar filling 9
3.1 Flexible base circular tank 44
3.2 Rigid base circular tank 45

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Table No. Topic Page
1 Permissible Concrete Stresses 12
2 Design of Circular Tank 43
3 Design of Under Ground Tank 46

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Storage reservoi rs and overhead t ank are used to st ore wat er, liquid
pet rol eum, pet roleum product s and simi lar li quids. The force anal ysis of
the reservoi rs or tanks is about the same i rrespecti ve of t he chemi cal
nat ure of the product. Al l t anks are desi gned as crack free structures t o
elimi nat e any l eakage. Wat er or raw petrol eum retaining sl ab and walls
can be of reinforced concret e with adequat e cover to the reinforcement.
Water and pet rol eum and react with concrete and, therefore, no special
treatment to t he surface is requi red. Indust rial wast es can also be
coll ect ed and processed in concret e tanks wit h few exceptions. The
pet rol eum product such as pet rol, di esel oil, etc. are likel y to l eak t hrough
the concret e wall s, therefore such t anks need speci al membranes t o
prevent l eakage. Reservoi r i s a common term applied to li quid storage
struct ure and it can be bel ow or above the ground l evel . Reservoi rs below
the ground level are normal l y built to store l arge quantit ies of wat er
whereas those of overhead t ype are built for direct dist ribution by gravit y
flow and are usuall y of smaller capacit y.

1. To make a study about the anal ysis and desi gn of wat er t anks.
2. To make a study about the guidelines for the desi gn of li quid ret aining
struct ure according t o IS Code.
3. To know about t he desi gn phil osophy for the safe and economical
desi gn of wat er t ank.
4. To develop programs for the desi gn of water tank of flexi ble base and
ri gi d base and the underground t ank t o avoid t he tedious calculations.
5. In the end, the programs are validated with the results of manual
calculation gi ven in Concrete Structure book.

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In wat er ret aini ng struct ure a dense i mpermeabl e concret e is requi red
therefore, proport ion of fine and course aggregat es t o cement should be
such as t o give hi gh qualit y concret e.
Concret e mix weaker than M20 is not used. The mi nimum quantit y of
cement i n the concrete mix shall be not less than 30 kN/m
The desi gn of t he concrete mix shall be such t hat the resul tant concrete is
suffi ci entl y impervi ous. Effi ci ent compaction preferabl y by vibration is
essent ial . The permeabilit y of the thoroughl y compact ed concret e i s
dependent on wat er cement ratio. Increase i n wat er cement ratio increases
permeabilit y, whil e concrete wit h l ow wat er cement rati o is diffi cul t to
compact. Ot her causes of l eakage in concrete are defects such as
segregation and honey combi ng. All joi nts shoul d be made wat er-ti ght as
these are potenti al sources of leakage.
Desi gn of l iqui d retaini ng struct ure is different from ordinary R. C. C,
struct ures as it requires that concret e should not crack and hence t ensil e
stresses in concret e should be withi n permissibl e limits.
A rei nforced concret e member of liquid ret aining st ruct ure is desi gned on
the usual principl es i gnoring t ensil e resistance of concret e in bending.
Addit ionall y it shoul d be ensured that tensile st ress on the liquid ret aini ng
face of the equi valent concret e section does not exceed the permissibl e
tensile strength of concret e as given in t abl e 1. For cal cul ati on purposes
the cover is also t aken int o concrete area.
Cracking may be caused due to restraint to shrinkage, expansion and
contraction of concret e due to t emperature or shrinkage and swelling due
to moi sture effect s. Such rest raint may be caused by
(i) The int eracti on between reinforcement and concret e duri ng shrinkage
due to drying.
(ii ) The boundary conditions.
(iii ) The di fferenti al conditi ons prevailing through the l arge thickness of
massi ve concret e.

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Use of small size bars placed properl y, l eads t o closer cracks but of
small er widt h. The risk of cracki ng due t o t emperat ure and shrinkage
effects may be mi ni mized by limiting t he changes in moi sture cont ent and
temperature to which the st ructure as a whol e is subj ected. The ri sk of
cracki ng can also be mini mized by reduci ng the restrai nt on the free
expansion of t he st ruct ure with long walls or slab founded at or below
ground level , restrai nt can be minimized by t he provi sion of a sli ding
layer. This can be provi ded by foundi ng the st ruct ure on a flat l ayer of
concrete wit h i nterpositi on of some mat eri al to break t he bond and
facili tat e movement .
In case l ength of st ruct ure i s l arge it should be subdi vided i nto suit abl e
lengths separated by movement j oint s, especi all y where sections are
changed the movement joi nts should be provi ded.
Where struct ures have t o store hot liqui ds, st resses caused by di fference
in temperature bet ween i nside and outside of t he reservoi r should be t aken
into account.
The coeffi ci ent of expansion due to t emperature change is t aken as 11 x
- 6
/ C and coeffi ci ent of shrinkage may be t aken as 450 x 10
- 6
for i niti al
shri nkage and 200 x 10
- 6
for dryi ng shrinkage.


2. 2. 1 MOVEMENT JOINTS. There are t hree t ypes of movement joints.
(i)Contracti on Joint . It is a movement j oint with deliberat e disconti nuit y
without i niti al gap between the concrete on eit her side of the j oint. The
purpose of this joi nt is to accommodate contraction of the concret e.
The joi nt i s shown i n Fi g. 2. 1 (a).

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Fi gure 2. 1(a)
A cont raction joi nt may be either complet e contraction joint or parti al
contraction joint. A complet e contraction joint is one in whi ch both st eel
and concret e are int errupt ed and a parti al contraction joi nt i s one in whi ch
onl y the concret e is int errupted, t he rei nforcing st eel runni ng through as
shown i n Fi g. 2. 1(b).

Fi gure 2. 1(b)
(ii )Expansion Joint . It is a j oint wit h complet e discontinuit y in both
rei nforci ng steel and concret e and it i s to accommodate either expansi on
or contraction of the struct ure. A t ypi cal expansion j oint is shown i n
Fi g. 2. 2

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Fi gure 2. 2
This t ype of joi nt requires the provisi on of an init ial gap bet ween the
adj oining parts of a structure whi ch by cl osing or opening accommodat es
the expansi on or contracti on of the struct ure.
(iii ) Sliding Joint. It is a j oint wit h complet e di sconti nuit y in both
rei nforcement and concrete and with speci al provisi on t o facil i tat e
movement i n pl ane of the joint. A t ypi cal joint is shown in Fi g. 2. 3

Fi gure 3. 3
This t ype of joint i s provided bet ween wall and floor in some cyl indri cal
tank desi gns.
This t ype of joint i s provided for convenience in constructi on.
Arrangement is made to achi eve subsequent conti nuit y without rel ative

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movement. One appli cation of these joints is bet ween successi ve lift s in a
reservoir wall . A t ypical joint is shown i n Fi g. 3. 4.

Fi gure 3. 4
The number of joints should be as small as possibl e and t hese joints
shoul d be kept from possi bilit y of percol ation of water.
A gap is sometimes l eft t emporaril y between t he concret e of adjoini ng
parts of a st ructure whi ch aft er a suit abl e i nterval and before the st ructure
is put to use, is fill ed wit h mort ar or concret e compl etel y as i n Fi g. 3. 5(a)
or as shown in Fi g. 3. 5 (b) and (c) wit h suitabl e jointing materi als. In t he
first case width of the gap shoul d be suffi ci ent t o allow t he si des t o be
prepared before fil li ng.

Fi gure 3. 5(a)

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Fi gure 3. 5(b)

Fi gure 3. 5(c)

Unl ess alt ernative effecti ve means are taken to avoi d cracks by allowing
for the additi onal stresses that may be induced by t emperature or
shri nkage changes or by unequal settl ement , movement joi nts should be
provided at the foll owing spacing:-
(a)In reinforced concret e fl oors, movement joi nts should be spaced at not
more than 7. 5m apart in two di recti ons at ri ght angl es. The wall and fl oor
joints should be i n l ine except where sli ding j oints occur at the base of
the wall i n whi ch correspondence is not so import ant.

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(b)For floors wit h onl y nominal percentage of reinforcement (small er than
the mini mum specifi ed) the concrete floor should be cast in panels wit h
sides not more t han 4. 5m.
(c)In concret e walls, the movement joint s should normall y be placed at a
maximum spaci ng of 7. 5m. in reinforced walls and 6m in unreinforced
wal ls. The maximum length desi rabl e bet ween verti cal movement j oints
will depend upon t he t ensile st rengt h of the wall s, and may be increased
by suit abl e reinforcement. When a sliding l ayer is placed at the
foundation of a wall, the length of the wall that can be kept free of cracks
depends on the capacit y of wall section to resist the fri ction induced at
the pl ane of sliding. Approximat el y t he wal l has to st and the effect of a
force at the pl ace of sli ding equal t o wei ght of hal f t he length of wall
multipli ed by the co-effi ci ent of fri ction.
(d)Amongst the movement joi nts in floors and walls as menti oned above
expansion joints should normall y be provided at a spacing of not more
than 30m bet ween successive expansi on joint s or bet ween t he end of t he
struct ure and the next expansion j oint ; all other joints being of the
construction t ype.
(e)When, however, the t emperature changes to be accommodated are
abnormal or occur more frequentl y than usual as in t he case of st orage of
warm liqui ds or in uninsul ated roof sl abs, a smaller spacing than 30m
shoul d be adopt ed that i s greater proporti on of movement joi nts shoul d be
of the expansi on t ype). When the range of t emperature i s small, for
exampl e, i n cert ain covered st ructures, or where restraint i s smal l, for
exampl e, i n certai n elevated structures none of t he movement j oints
provided in small st ructures up to 45ml ength need be of the expansion
t ype. Where sl iding joints are provi ded bet ween the wall s and either the
floor or roof, the provisi on of movement joints in each el ement can be
considered independentl y.

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2. 3. 1 Pl ain Concrete Structures. Pl ai n concrete member of reinforced
concrete liquid ret aining st ructure may be desi gned agai nst st ructural
fai lure by allowing t ensi on i n pl ain concret e as per the permi ssibl e limit s
for tension in bending. This wi ll automat icall y t ake care of failure due t o
cracki ng. However, nominal rei nforcement shall be provided, for pl ain
concrete st ructural members.
2. 3. 2. Permissible Stresses in Concrete.
(a) For resi stance to cracking. For cal culati ons relat ing to t he resist ance
of members to cracking, the permi ssibl e stresses in tensi on (direct and
due to bending) and shear shall confi rm t o the values specifi ed in Tabl e 1.
The permissi ble t ensile stresses due to bending appl y to the face of t he
member i n cont act with the liquid. In members less t han 225mm. thick and
in contact with li quid on one si de t hese permissi bl e stresses in bending
appl y also to the face remot e from t he liquid.

(b) For strength calcul ati ons. In strength cal culati ons the permi ssibl e
concrete st resses shall be in accordance wit h Table 1. Where the
calculated shear st ress in concret e al one exceeds the permissibl e value,
rei nforcement act ing in conjuncti on with diagonal compression in t he
concrete shall be provided t o t ake t he whole of the shear.

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Table 1. Permissible concrete stresses in calcul ati ons relating to
resistance to cracki ng
Permissi ble st ress i n KN/m^2 tensi on Grade of concret e
Direct Bending
M15 1. 1 1. 5 1. 5
M20 1. 2 1. 7 1. 7
M25 1. 3 1. 8 1. 9
M30 1. 5 2. 0 2. 2
M35 1. 6 2. 2 2. 5
M40 1. 7 2. 4 2. 7

2. 3. 3 Permissibl e Stresses in Steel
(a) For resistance to cracking.
When st eel and concrete are assumed to act toget her for checking t he
tensile st ress in concret e for avoi dance of crack, t he t ensile st ress i n steel
will be limit ed by the requi rement that the permi ssibl e t ensil e stress in the
concrete is not exceeded so the tensil e st ress in steel shal l be equal to t he
product of modul ar rat io of st eel and concrete, and the corresponding
allowabl e t ensile st ress in concret e.
(b) For strength cal culations.
In strength cal cul ati ons t he permissi bl e stress shall be as foll ows:
(i) Tensil e st ress in member in di rect t ension 1000 kg/ cm
(ii ) Tensil e st ress in member in bending on
l iqui d retai ning face of members or face away from
l iqui d for members l ess than 225mm thick 1000 kg/ cm
(iii )On face away from liquid for members 225mm or more
i n t hickness 1250 kg/ cm

(iv )Tensil e st ress in shear reinforcement,
For members less than 225mm thickness 1000 kg/ cm

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For members 225mm or more in t hickness 1250 kg/ cm
(v)Compressi ve st ress in columns subj ect ed to direct l oad 1250 kg/ cm

2. 3. 4. Stresses due to drying Shrinkage or Temperature Change.
(i)St resses due to dryi ng shri nkage or temperature change may be i gnored
provided that
(a) The permi ssible stresses speci fi ed above in (ii) and (iii) are not
otherwise exceeded.
(b) Adequat e precautions are taken to avoid cracking of concrete duri ng
the const ructi on peri od and until t he reservoi r is put i nto use.
(c) Recommendation regardi ng joints given in arti cl e 8. 3 and for suitabl e
sliding l ayer beneat h the reservoi r are compli ed wit h, or the reservoi r is
to be used onl y for the storage of wat er or aqueous liqui ds at or near
ambi ent temperature and the circumst ances are such that t he concrete will
never dry out.
(ii )Shrinkage st resses may however be required t o be calculat ed in speci al
cases, when a shrinkage co-effi cient of 300 x 10
- 6
may be assumed.
(iii ) When t he shri nkage st resses are al lowed, t he permissi ble st resses,
tensile stresses to concret e (direct and bending) as gi ven in Table 1 may
be increased by 33. 33 per cent.

2. 3. 5. Floors
(i)Provi sion of movement joints.
Movement joi nts should be provided as discussed in arti cl e 3.
(ii ) Fl oors of tanks resting on ground.
If t he t ank is resting di rectl y over ground, fl oor may be constructed of
concrete wit h nomi nal percent age of reinforcement provided t hat it i s
cert ain t hat the ground will carry t he l oad without appreciabl e subsidence
in any part and t hat the concret e fl oor is cast i n panels wi th sides not
more than 4. 5m. wi th cont racti on or expansion joint s between. In such
cases a screed or concrete l ayer l ess t han 75mm t hi ck shall first be placed

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on t he ground and covered wit h a slidi ng l ayer of bitumen paper or other
suit abl e mat eri al t o destroy the bond bet ween the screed and floor
In normal ci rcumstances the screed layer shal l be of grade not weaker
than M 10, where injuri ous soils or aggressive wat er are expect ed, the
screed layer shall be of grade not weaker than M 15 and if necessary a
sulphat e resist ing or other special cement shoul d be used.
(iii ) Floor of tanks resting on supports
(a)If t he t ank is support ed on walls or ot her simil ar support s t he floor sl ab
shal l be desi gned as floor in buil dings for bending moments due t o wat er
load and self wei ght.
(b)When the floor i s ri gidl y connected to the wall s (as i s generall y t he
case) the bending moments at the juncti on between the wall s and floors
shal l be t aken into account in the desi gn of fl oor together wit h any di rect
forces t ransferred to the floor from the wal ls or from the fl oor to the wall
due to suspension of the fl oor from the wall.
If t he wal ls are non-monolit hi c wit h the floor sl ab, such as in cases,
where movement joi nts have been provi ded between t he floor sl abs and
wal ls, the floor shall be desi gned onl y for the verti cal loads on the floor.
(c)In conti nuous T-beams and L-beams with ribs on the side remot e from
the liqui d, the t ensi on in concret e on t he l iqui d si de at the face of t he
support s shall not exceed the permissi ble stresses for cont roll i ng cracks in
concrete. The width of the slab shall be determined in usual manner for
calculation of the resist ance to cracking of T-beam, L-beam sections at
support s.
(d)The fl oor slab may be suit abl y ti ed to the walls by rods properl y
embedded in bot h the sl ab and the walls. In such cases no separate beam
(curved or st rai ght ) is necessary under t he wal l, provided the wall of t he
tank itsel f i s desi gned to act as a beam over the supports under it.
(e)Sometimes it may be economical t o provide the floors of ci rcul ar t anks,
in the shape of dome. In such cases the dome shall be desi gned for the

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verti cal l oads of the liquid over it and t he rat io of its rise t o its di ameter
shal l be so adjusted that the st resses in the dome are, as far as possibl e,
wholl y compressive. The dome shall be supported at its bott om on the ring
beam whi ch shall be desi gned for resultant circumferenti al tension i n
addition to verti cal l oads.

2. 3. 6. Wall s
(i)Provi sion of joints
(a)Where it i s desi red to al low the walls to expand or cont ract separat el y
from t he floor, or t o prevent moments at t he base of the wall owi ng to
fixit y to the floor, sl iding joi nts may be employed.
(b)The spacing of verti cal movement j oints shoul d be as discussed in
art icl e 3. 3 while t he maj ori t y of these joints may be of t he partial or
complet e contraction t ype, suffici ent joints of the expansion t ype should
be provi ded to satisfy the requi rements gi ven in arti cl e
(ii )Pressure on Wall s.
(a)In liquid ret aini ng st ructures wit h fi xed or fl oat ing covers the gas
pressure developed above li quid surface shall be added to the liquid
(b)When the wall of liqui d ret ai ning st ruct ure i s built i n ground, or has
eart h embanked agai nst it, t he effect of eart h pressure shall be t aken i nto
account .
(iii ) Walls or Tanks Rectangular or Pol ygonal in Plan.
While desi gning the wal ls of rect angul ar or pol ygonal concret e tanks, the
foll owi ng point s should be borne i n mi nd.
(a)In pl ane wal ls, t he li quid pressure i s resist ed by both verti cal and
horizont al bending moments. An est imat e should be made of the
proportion of the pressure resist ed by bending moments in t he verti cal and
horizont al pl anes. The di rect horizont al tension caused by the direct pull
due t o water pressure on the end wall s, shoul d be added to t hat resulti ng
from horizont al bending moment s. On l iquid ret aini ng faces, t he t ensil e

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stresses due to the combinati on of direct horizont al t ension and bendi ng
action shall satisfy t he fol lowing condi ti on:
(t/t )+ (
) ! 1
t = calcul ated direct t ensil e st ress in concrete
t = permissibl e direct tensile st ress i n concret e (Table 1)
= calcul ated t ensile stress due t o bending in concret e.
c t = permissibl e t ensil e stress due to bendi ng in concret e.

(d)At the verti cal edges where the walls of a reservoi r are ri gi dl y joi ned,
horizont al rei nforcement and haunch bars should be provi ded to resi st the
horizont al bendi ng moments even i f the wall s are desi gned to withst and
the whol e load as verti cal beams or cant i lever without l at eral support s.
(c)In t he case of rect angul ar or pol ygonal tanks, t he side walls act as t wo-
way sl abs, whereby the wall is continued or rest rained i n the horizontal
direction, fixed or hi nged at t he bottom and hinged or free at the top. The
wal ls thus act as thin pl at es subj ect ed tri angul ar loading and wi th
boundary condit ions varyi ng bet ween full rest raint and free edge. The
anal ysis of moment and forces may be made on the basis of any
recognized met hod.
(iv) Walls of Cylindri cal Tanks.
While desi gni ng walls of cyl indri cal tanks the following poi nts should be
borne in mind:
(a)Walls of cylindri cal t anks are either cast monolithi call y with the base
or are set in grooves and key ways (movement joints). In eit her case
deformation of wall under i nfluence of l i quid pressure is rest ricted at and
above the base. Consequentl y, onl y part of the t ri angular hydrost ati c load
will be carri ed by ring t ension and part of the load at bot tom wi ll be
support ed by cantil ever action.
(b)It is di fficult to rest ri ct rot ati on or settlement of the base slab and it is
advisabl e to provi de verti cal reinforcement as i f the walls were full y fixed
at t he base, i n addi t ion t o the reinforcement required to resist horizontal

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ring t ension for hinged at base, conditi ons of walls, unl ess the appropri at e
amount of fixit y at the base is est ablished by anal ysis with due
considerati on to the dimensions of t he base sl ab the t ype of j oint between
the wall and sl ab, and , where appli cabl e, the t ype of soil supporti ng the
base slab.
2. 3. 7. Roofs
(i) Provision of Movement joints.
To avoid t he possibilit y of sympatheti c cracki ng it is import ant t o ensure
that movement joint s in the roof correspond wi th t hose in the walls, i f
roof and walls are monolit hi c. It, however, provisi on i s made by means of
a sli ding joint for movement bet ween the roof and the wal l
correspondence of joints i s not so important.
(ii )Loading
. Fi eld covers of li quid ret ai ning st ructures should be desi gned for gravit y
loads, such as the wei ght of roof slab, eart h cover if any, li ve loads and
mechani cal equi pment. They should also be desi gned for upward load if
the liquid retaining structure is subject ed to int ernal gas pressure.
A superfi ci al load suffi ci ent t o ensure safet y with the unequal intensit y of
loading which occurs during the pl aci ng of t he earth cover shoul d be
allowed for i n desi gning roofs.
The engineer should speci fy a loadi ng under these t emporary conditi ons
whi ch should not be exceeded. In desi gni ng the roof, allowance should be
made for the t emporary condition of some spans loaded and other spans
unloaded, even though i n t he fi nal st at e the load may be small and evenl y
distribut ed.
(iii )Water ti ghtness. In case of t anks i ntended for the st orage of wat er
for domesti c purpose, the roof must be made wat er-ti ght. This may be
achi eved by limiti ng the st resses as for t he rest of the t ank, or by the use
of the covering of t he wat erproof membrane or by providi ng slopes to
ensure adequate drai nage.

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(iv) Protection agai nst corrosion. Protection measure shal l be provided
to the undersi de of the roof to prevent it from corrosion due to
2. 3. 8. Mini mum Rei nforcement
(a)The mi nimum rei nforcement in walls, floors and roofs in each of two
directions at ri ght angl es shall have an area of 0. 3 per cent of the concret e
section in that direct ion for sections up t o 100mm, thi ckness. For sections
of t hickness great er than 100mm, and less than 450mm the minimum
rei nforcement in each of the two di recti ons shall be linearl y reduced from
0. 3 percent for 100mm thi ck section t o 0. 2 percent for 450mm, thi ck
sections. For secti ons of thickness greater than 450mm, minimum
rei nforcement i n each of the t wo directions shall be kept at 0. 2 per cent.
In concret e sections of thickness 225mm or great er, t wo layers of
rei nforcement st eel shal l be placed one near each face of the section to
make up t he mini mum reinforcement.
(b)In special ci rcumstances floor sl abs may be const ruct ed with
percentage of rei nforcement less than speci fi ed above. In no case t he
percentage of reinforcement i n any member be l ess than 015% of gross
sectional area of t he member.
2. 3. 9. Mini mum Cover to Reinforcement.
(a)For liquid faces of part s of members either in contact wi th the li quid
(such as inner faces or roof sl ab) t he mi nimum cover to all reinforcement
shoul d be 25mm or the di amet er of t he main bar whichever is grat er. In
the presence of t he sea water and soils and wat er of corrosi ve characters
the cover should be i ncreased by 12mm but this additional cover shall not
be taken into account for desi gn cal culat i ons.
(b)For faces away from liquid and for parts of the st ructure nei ther in
contact with the liquid on any face, nor enclosi ng t he space above t he
liquid, t he cover shal l be as for ordinary concret e member.

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For smaller capaciti es rect angular tanks are used and for bi gger capaciti es
circular t anks are used . In ci rcul ar t anks with fl exible j oint at the base
tanks wall s are subj ected to hydrostat ic pressure . so t he tank wall s are
desi gned as thin cyl i nder. As the hoop t ension graduall y reduces t o zero at
top, t he reinforcement is graduall y reduced t o minimum rei nforcement at
top. The main rei nforcement consist s of ci rcul ar hoops. Verti cal
rei nforcement equal to 0. 3% of concret e are is provided and hoop
rei nforcement is ti ed to t his reinforcement.
Diamet er=D=#(Q * 0. 004) / ((H - Fb) * 3. 14)
Where Q=capacit y of the wat er tank
H=hei ght of the wat er t ank
Fb=free board of t he water tank
Thi ckness of dome = t=100mm
Li ve load = 1. 5KN/m

Self wei ght of dome = (t / 1000) * uni t wei ght of concret e
Finishes load= 0. 1KN/m

Tot al l oad = li ve load + self wei ght + fi nishes load
Cent ral rise= r =1m
Radi us of dome = R= ((0. 5 * D) ^ 2 + r ^ 2) / (2 * r)
cosA = ((R - r) /R)
Meridi onal t hrust = (total load * R) / (1 + cosA)
Circumferenti al thrust = tot al load * R * (cosA - 1 / (1 + cosA))
Meridi onal st ress = meridional thrust / t
Hoop st ress = ci rcumferenti al thrust / t
Reinforcement in bot h di recti on = 0. 3 * t* 10
Hoop t ensi on = meri dional t hrust * cosA * D * 0. 5

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Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_t opringbeam hoop t ensi on / Ts
Cross section area of top ri ng beam
= (hoop t ensi on / PST di rect ) - (m - 1) * As_t opringbeam
HTi = 0. 5 * (w * (H - i ) * D)
Asi = HTi / Ts
Where, HTi =hoop tension at a depth of i from t he top
Asi =hoop reinforcement at a dept h of i from the t op
HT = 0. 5 * (w * H * D)
t = 0. 001 * (HT1 / PSTdirect - (m - 1) * As)
Where, t=thi ckness of the wall
HT=hoop tension at t he base of t ank
PSTdirect =permissi ble stress due to direct tension
As=hoop reinforcement at base
Asv = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10
Where, Asv= verti cal reinforcement of the wall
t=thi ckness of the wall
Thi ckness of base =150mm
Minimum rei nforcement required=(0. 3/100)*150*1000mm

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The desi gn of ri gid base ci rcul ar t ank can be done by the approximat e
method. In t his method it is assumed that some portion of the tank at base
acts as cantil ever and thus some load at bottom are t aken by the canti lever
effect. Load i n the top portion is taken by the hoop t ensi on. The
cantil ever effect wi ll depend on the dimension of the t ank and t he
thickness of the wal l. For H
/Dt bet ween 6 to 12, the canti l ever portion
may be assumed at H/3 or 1m from base whi chever i s more. For H
bet ween 6 to 12, the cantil ever portion may be assumed at H/ 4 or 1m from
base whi chever i s more.
Diamet er=D=#(Q * 0. 004) / ((H - Fb) * 3. 14)
Where Q=capacit y of the wat er tank
H=hei ght of the wat er t ank
Fb=free board of t he water tank
Thi ckness of dome = t=100mm
Li ve load = 1. 5KN/m

Self wei ght of dome = (t / 1000) * uni t wei ght of concret e
Finishes load= 0. 1KN/m

Tot al l oad = li ve load + self wei ght + fi nishes load
Cent ral rise= r =1m
Radi us of dome = R= ((0. 5 * D) ^ 2 + r ^ 2) / (2 * r)
cosA = ((R - r) /R)
Meridi onal t hrust = (total load * R) / (1 + cosA)
Circumferenti al thrust = tot al load * R * (cosA - 1 / (1 + cosA))
Meridi onal st ress = meridional thrust / t
Hoop st ress = ci rcumferenti al thrust / t
Reinforcement in bot h di recti on = 0. 3 * t* 10

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Hoop t ensi on = meri dional t hrust * cosA * D * 0. 5
Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_t opringbeam hoop t ensi on / Ts
Cross section area of top ri ng beam
= (hoop t ensi on / PST di rect ) - (m - 1) * As_t opringbeam
Assume the t hickness of the wall =t = 0. 15m
Find t he value of H ^ 2 / (D * t )
(i) 6 < H ^ 2 / (D * t ) < 12
Cantil ever hei ght =H/ 3 or 1m (whi ch ever is more)
(ii ) 12 < H ^ 2 / (D * t) < 30
Cantil ever hei ght =H/ 4 or 1m (whi ch ever is more)
Maximum hoop t ensi on=pD/ 2
Where, p=w*(H-cantil ever hei ght)
w=unit wei ght of water
Area of steel required=maximum hoop t ension/
s t

Maximum bendi ng moment = 0. 5 * (w * H) * (cantil everht ^ 2) / 3
Effecti ve dept h=t -40mm
Area of steel required=maximum bending moment/ (j*effective depth*
s t
Dist ribution st eel provided = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10
Thi ckness of base =150mm
Minimum rei nforcement required=(0. 3/100)*150*1000mm

Reinforcement in top ring beam =As_t opringbeam hoop t ensi on / Ts

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The tanks l ike puri ficati on t anks, Imhoff tanks, septi c t anks, and gas
holders are built underground. The desi gn pri nci pl e of underground tank
is same as for t anks are subject ed to i nt ernal water pressure and outside
eart h pressure. The base is subj ected to wei ght of wat er and soil pressure.
These t anks may be covered at t he top.
Whenever there is a possibili t y of water t able to rise, soil becomes
saturat ed and eart h pressure exert ed by saturat ed soil should be t aken int o
considerati on.
As the ratio of the l ength of t ank to its breadth is great er than 2, the long
wal ls wi ll be desi gned as canti levers and the t op port ion of t he short walls
will be desi gned as slab support ed by long wal ls. Bot tom one met er of the
short wal ls will be desi gned as canti lever slab.

Assuming lengt h is equal to the t hree times of breadt h.
Area of t he t ank = Q / H
B =# (area of t ank / 3)
1. fi rst consideri ng t hat pressure of saturat ed soil acti ng from outside and
no wat er pressure from insi de, calculate t he depth and over all depth of
the walls.
2. Cal cul at e the maximum bending moment at base of long wall.
3. Cal cul at e the area of st eel and provi de it on the out er face of t he wall s.
4. Now consideri ng wat er pressure acting from inside and no earth
pressure acting from outsi de, cal culat e the maximum water pressure at
5. Cal cul at e the maximum bending moment due to water pressure at base.

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6. Cal cul at e the area of st eel and provi de it on the inner face of t he wall s.
7. Dist ribution st eel provided = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10
1. Bottom 1m acts as cantil ever and remaini ng 3m act s as sl ab support ed
on long walls. Cal culat e t he wat er pressure at a depth of (H-1) m from
2. Cal cul at e the maximum bending moment at support and centre.
3. Calcul ate the corresponding area of steel requi red and provide on the
out er face of short wall respectivel y.
4. Then the short walls are desi gned for condition pressure of sat urat ed
soil acting from outside and no eart h pressure from i nsi de.
Base sl ab is check agai nst upli ft.
Desi gn of base i s done.

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2.7.1 Design of Flexible Base and Rigid Base Circular Tank

Sub circular_fl exible_ri gid()

Dim Q As Doubl e ' capacit y of the tank i n lt.
Dim H As Doubl e ' dept h of t he wat er t ank in m.
Dim Fb As Double ' free board of the t ank in m.
Dim D As Int eger ' di ameter of the t ank i n m.
Dim dsqr As Doubl e
Dim HTi As Doubl e ' maximum hoop t ensi on at im from top in N/m^2
Dim HT1 As Double ' maximum hoop t ensi on at 1m from t op
Dim Asi As Doubl e ' area of st eel requi red at im from top
Dim w As Doubl e ' densi t y of wat er in N/ m^3
Dim Ts As Doubl e ' t he permi ssibl e stress in reinforcemnt
Dim AST As Doubl e ' all owabl e stress in t ensi on
Dim fck As Doubl e ' the compressive strength of concret e
Dim PSTdi rect As Doubl e ' permi ssible tension st ress direct i n N/mm^2
Dim PSTbendi ng As Double ' permissibl e tension st ress bending
Dim m As Doubl e ' modul ar rati o of concret e
Dim t As Doubl e ' thi ckness of wall
Dim Asv As Doubl e ' verti cal rei nforcement
Dim Asvf As Doubl e ' vertical reinforcement on each face
Dim n As Int eger ' no. of rows
Dim diareinf As Int eger ' di ameter of the reinforcement in mm
Dim Sv As Int eger ' spacing provided per m.
Dim verti calSv As Integer ' spaci ng provi ded per m on each face (vertical )
Dim AraSv As Doubl e ' area of one bar
Dim assumedt As Doubl e ' assumed t hi ckness of the tank
Dim Hsqrbydt As Doubl e
Dim cantil everht As Double ' ht of cantil ever port ion

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Dim maxht As Doubl e ' maximum hoop t ension in ri gid base t ank desi gn
Dim maxhtast As Doubl e ' area of st eel required due to hoop st ress
Dim spaci ng As Integer ' spacing of st eel on both face due t o hoop stress
Dim maxbm As Double ' maximum bendi ng moment i n cantil ever port ion
Dim maxbmast As Doubl e ' area of st eel required for cant ilever port ion
Dim dst As Doubl e ' distribut ion st eel
Dim percentrei nf As Double ' percentage of di stributi on st eel
Dim dst_spaci ng As Int eger
Dim t _roof As Doubl e ' thi ckness of roof
Dim li veload As Double ' live load on dome
Dim sel f_wt As Double ' sel fwt of dome
Dim fini shes As Double ' wt of fini shes
Dim t otal_load As Doubl e ' tot al l oad on dome
Dim r As Int eger ' central rise of the dome
Dim rad_dome As Doubl e ' radi us of dome
Dim cosA As Doubl e
Dim mer_thrust As Double ' meridional t rust
Dim ci rc_thrust As Double ' ci rcumferent ial t hrust
Dim mer_st ress As Doubl e ' meridional stress
Dim hoop_st ress As Double ' hoop st ress
Dim ast _dome As Doubl e ' area of st eel in dome
Dim hoop_t ensi on As Doubl e ' hoop t ensi on in dome
Dim ast _topringbeam As Doubl e ' area of steel in top ri ng beam
Dim d_base As Double ' depth of base slab
Dim ast _sl ab As Double ' minimum reinforcement provided in slab
Dim deff_wall As Doubl e ' effecti ve dept h of the wall
Dim ast _cant As Double ' area of steel provided on cantil ever porti on

w = 10000
Ts = 100

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Sheet2. Cel ls. Cl ear
Sheet3. Cel ls. Cl ear

Q = Sheet1. Cell s(2, 2)
H = Sheet1. Cell s(2, 3)
Fb = Sheet1. Cells(2, 4)
fck = Sheet1. Cells(2, 5)
m = Sheet 1. Cells(2, 6)
diareinf = Sheet1. Cells(2, 7)
AraSv = (3. 141 * di arei nf ^ 2) / 4

If fck = 15 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 1
PSTbendi ng = 1. 5

ElseIf fck = 20 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 2
PSTbendi ng = 1. 7

ElseIf fck = 25 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 3
PSTbendi ng = 1. 8

ElseIf fck = 30 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 5
PSTbendi ng = 2

ElseIf fck = 35 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 6
PSTbendi ng = 2. 2

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ElseIf fck = 40 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 7
PSTbendi ng = 2. 4

End If

' desi gn of fl exible base
dsqr = (Q * 0. 004) / ((H - Fb) * 3. 14)
D = Sqr(dsqr)
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 1). Value = "DIAMETER in m"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 1). Value = D
i = 0
n = 2
Asi = 0
If i < H Then
HTi = 0. 5 * (w * (H - i ) * D)
Asi = HTi / Ts
Sv = AraSv * 1000 / Asi
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 3). Value = "AT DEPTH IN m FROM TOP"
Sheet2. Cel ls(n, 3). Value = (H - i )
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 4). Value = "SPACING OF REINFORCEMENT PER 1m
Sheet2. Cel ls(n, 4). Value = Sv * 2
i = i + 1
n = n + 1
GoTo increment:

ElseIf i >= H Then
HT1 = 0. 5 * (w * H * D)

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t = 0. 001 * (HT1 / PSTdirect - (m - 1) * Asi )
Asv = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * (t - 100) / 350) * t * 10
verti calSv = AraSv * 1000 / Asv

End If

Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 2). Value = "THICKNESS in mm"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 2). Value = t
ON EACH FACE in mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 5). Value = verti calSv
Sheet3. Cel ls(1, 1). Value = "DIAMETER in m"
Sheet3. Cel ls(2, 1). Value = D

' desi gn of ri gi d base tank
assumedt = 150
Sheet3. Cel ls(1, 2). Value = "THICKNESS in mm"
Sheet3. Cel ls(2, 2). Value = assumedt
Hsqrbydt = H ^ 2 / (D * assumedt )
If 6 < Hsqrbydt < 12 Then
If H / 3 > 1 Then
cantil everht = H / 3
ElseIf H / 3 <= 1 Then
cantil everht = 1
End If

ElseIf 12 < Hsqrbydt < 30 Then
If H / 4 > 1 Then
cantil everht = H / 4
ElseIf H / 4 <= 1 Then
cantil everht = 1

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End If

End If
maxht = w * 2 * (H / 3) * (D / 2)
maxhtast = maxht / Ts
spacing = AraSv * 1000 / maxhtast
Sheet3. Cel ls(1, 3). Value = "AT DEPTH IN m FROM TOP"
Sheet3. Cel ls(2, 3). Value = (H - cantil everht )
Sheet3. Cel ls(1, 4). Value = "SPACING OF REINFORCEMENT PER 1m
Sheet3. Cel ls(2, 4). Value = spaci ng * 2

st = 150
cbc = fck / 3
m = 280 / (3 * cbc)
k = (m * cbc) / (m * cbc + st)
j = 1 - k / 3
qcrack = 0. 5 * k * j * cbc
maxbm = 0. 5 * (w * H) * (cantil everht ^ 2) / 3
deff_wall = assumedt - 40
ast_cant = maxbm * 10 ^ 6 / (j * st * deff_wall)
Sheet3. Cel ls(5, 1). Value = "Ast in cant il ever porti on i n mm^2"
Sheet3. Cel ls(5, 2). Value = ast _cant

' dist ribution st eel
percent_rei nf = 0. 3 - 0. 1 * (assumedt / 1000 - 0. 1) / 0. 35
dst = percent_reinf * 0. 15 * 1000 * 1000 / 100
dst_spaci ng = AraSv * 1000 / dst
Sheet3. Cel ls(7, 1). Value = "DISTRIBUTION STEEL"
Sheet3. Cel ls(7, 2). Value = dst

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Sheet3. Cel ls(8, 1). Value = "SPACING OF REINFORCEMENT PER 1m
Sheet3. Cel ls(8, 2). Value = dst_spacing * 2

' desi gn of dome shape roof
t_roof = 100
livel oad = 1. 5
sel fwt = (t_roof / 1000) * 24
finishes = 0. 1
total _load = liveload + selfwt + fini shes
r = 1
rad_dome = ((0. 5 * D) ^ 2 + r ^ 2) / (2 * r)
cosA = ((rad_dome - r) / rad_dome)
mer_thrust = (tot al_l oad * rad_dome) / (1 + cosA)
circ_thrust = tot al _load * rad_dome * (cosA - 1 / (1 + cosA))
mer_st ress = mer_t hrust / t_roof
hoop_st ress = ci rc_t hrust / t_roof
ast_dome = 0. 3 * t_roof * 10
Sheet2. Cel ls(10, 1). Val ue = "DESIGN OF ROOF"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 1). Val ue = "CENTRAL RISE in m"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 2). Val ue = r
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 1). Val ue = "THICKNESS in mm"
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 2). Val ue = t_roof

' desi gn of t op ring
hoop_t ensi on = mer_thrust * cosA * D * 0. 5
ast_topringbeam = hoop_t ension / Ts
ac_topri ngbeam = (hoop_t ension / PSTdi rect) - (m - 1) * As_t opri ngbeam
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 1). Val ue = "REINFORCEMNET IN DOME i n mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 2). Val ue = ast_dome
Sheet2. Cel ls(15, 1). Val ue = "DESIGN OF TOP RING BEAM"

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Sheet2. Cel ls(16, 1). Val ue = "c/s AREA OF RING BEAM in mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(16, 2). Val ue = ac_topri ngbeam
Sheet2. Cel ls(17, 1). Val ue = "REINFORCEMENT IN RING BEAM in
Sheet2. Cel ls(17, 2). Val ue = ast_t opringbeam

d_base = 150
ast_sl ab = (0. 3 / 100) * 150 * 1000
Sheet2. Cel ls(20, 1). Val ue = "DESIGN OF BASE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(21, 1). Val ue = "DEPTH OF SLAB in m"
Sheet2. Cel ls(21, 2). Val ue = d_base
Sheet2. Cel ls(22, 1). Val ue = "REINFORCEMENT in mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(22, 2). Val ue = ast_slab

End Sub

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2.7.2 Design of Underground Tank
Sub underground_t ank()

Dim Q As Doubl e
Dim H As Doubl e
Dim angle As Doubl e
Dim densit y As Double
Dim w_wat er As Doubl e ' unit wt of wat er
Dim w_soil As Double ' unit wt of soil
Dim area_t ank As Doubl e
Dim Fck As Integer ' charact eri sti c st rengt h of concrete
Dim cbc As Int eger
Dim m As Int eger
Dim k As Double
Dim j As Doubl e
Dim qcrack As Double
Dim L As Double
Dim B As Doubl e
Dim p As Double ' earth pressure
Dim Ka As Double ' coeff of eart h pressure
Dim maxBM_longwall As Doubl e ' maxm B. M at base of long wal l
Dim maxBM_longwall_soil As Double
Dim deff As Double ' effective depth required for wal l
Dim avgd As Doubl e ' average t hi ckness of wall
Dim d As Int eger ' provided depth of the wal l
Dim steel_long_inner As Doubl e ' area of steel provided on inner side of
long wall
Dim steel_long_outer As Doubl e ' area of steel provided on out er side of
long wall
Dim dist r_long As Doubl e ' dist ribution st eel in long wall

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Dim maxBM_short_cent re As Double ' bending moment at centre i n short
wal l
Dim maxBM_short_support As Doubl e ' bending moment at support in
short wal l
Dim t _short As Double
Dim t _avlbl e As Double
Dim T As Double ' t ension in short wall
Dim steel_short As Double ' area of st eel al ong short wall
Dim steel_short_support As Double ' area of st eel at support short wall
Dim steel_short_cent re As Double ' area of st eel at cent re short wall
Dim drct_comprsn As Doubl e ' di rect compressi on due t o long wal l
Dim Leff As Double
Dim Beff As Doubl e
Dim wt_l ong As Double
Dim wt_short As Doubl e
Dim wt_base As Double
Dim wt_eart h_proj ection As Doubl e
Dim upward_pr As Doubl e
Dim downward_pr As Doubl e
Dim fric_res As Double
Dim submrgd_earthpr As Doubl e
Dim t ot_fri c_res As Double
Dim up_pr_1m As Doubl e
Dim slf_wt As Doubl e
Dim net _up_pr As Doubl e
Dim wt_wall_proj As Doubl e
Dim R As Doubl e ' reaction
Dim d_base As Double ' thi ckness of base
Dim steel_base_support As Doubl e ' st eel in base
Dim BM_edge As Doubl e
Dim dist r_base As Doubl e

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Dim a As Doubl e
Dim t ot_pr_1mwall As Doubl e
Dim assumed_d_roof As Doubl e ' thi ckness of roof slab
Dim sel fwt As Doubl e ' selfwt of roof sl ab
Dim li vewt As Doubl e ' live l oad on roof slab
Dim fini shes As Double ' finishes load on roof
Dim t otal_load As Doubl e
Dim maxBM_roof As Doubl e ' maxm BM on roof slab
Dim ast _roof As Double ' rei nforcement of roof sl ab
Dim dst_roof As Doubl e ' dist ribution rei nforcement of roof sl ab
Dim d_roof As Double
Dim deff_roof As Doubl e
Dim bm_short_support As Doubl e
Dim bm_short_centre As Doubl e
Dim as_short_support_out er As Doubl e
Dim as_short_cent re_out er As Double

Sheet2. Cel ls. Cl ear

Q = Sheet1. Cell s(2, 1). Value
H = Sheet1. Cell s(2, 2). Value
angle = Sheet1. Cells(2, 3). Val ue
w_soil = Sheet1. Cell s(2, 4). Value
w_wat er = Sheet1. Cells(2, 5). Value
Fck = Sheet 1. Cells(2, 6)

If Fck = 15 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 1
PSTbendi ng = 1. 5

ElseIf Fck = 20 Then

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PSTdirect = 1. 2
PSTbendi ng = 1. 7

ElseIf Fck = 25 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 3
PSTbendi ng = 1. 8

ElseIf Fck = 30 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 5
PSTbendi ng = 2

ElseIf Fck = 35 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 6
PSTbendi ng = 2. 2

ElseIf Fck = 40 Then
PSTdirect = 1. 7
PSTbendi ng = 2. 4

End If
st = 150
cbc = Fck / 3
m = 280 / (3 * cbc)
k = (m * cbc) / (m * cbc + st)
j = 1 - k / 3
qcrack = 0. 5 * k * j * cbc

area_t ank = Q / H
B = (area_t ank / 3) ^ 0. 5
L = 3 * B
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 1). Value = "LENGTH"

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Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 1). Value = L
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 2). Value = "BREADTH"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 2). Value = B

' l ong wall
' t ank full and no soil pressure
maxBM_longwall = (w_wat er * H ^ 3) / 6
deff = Sqr((maxBM_longwall * 6 * 10 ^ 6) / (1000 * PSTbendi ng))

d = deff + 10
steel_l ong_inner = maxBM_longwall * 10 ^ 6 / (j * deff * st)
avgd = (d + 150) * 0. 5
distr_long = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * (avgd - 100) / 350) * 1000 * avgd / 100

' soil pressure onl y no wat er pressure

a = 3. 14 * angl e / 180
Ka = (1 - Sin(a)) / (1 + Si n(a))
p = w_wat er * H + (w_soil - w_wat er) * Ka * H
maxBM_longwall _soil = (p * H ^ 2) / 6
steel_l ong_outer = maxBM_longwall _soi l * 10 ^ 6 / (j * (d - 50) * st )

Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 3). Value = "THICKNESS"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 3). Value = d
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 4). Value = "LONG WALL"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 4). Value = "STEEL ALONG INNER SIDE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 5). Value = steel _long_i nner
Sheet2. Cel ls(3, 4). Value = "STEEL ALONG OUTER SIDE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(3, 5). Value = steel _long_outer
Sheet2. Cel ls(4, 4). Value = "DISTRIBUTION STEEL"

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Sheet2. Cel ls(4, 5). Value = dist r_l ong

' short wall
' t ank full no eart pressure
maxBM_short_centre = (w_wat er * (H - 1) * B ^ 2) / 16
maxBM_short_support = (w_wat er * (H - 1) * B ^ 2) / 12
t_short = Sqr((maxBM_short _support * 6 * 10 ^ 6) / (1000 *
PSTbendi ng))
t_avlbl e = 150 + (d - 150) * (H - 1) / H
If t_short > t _avlbl e Then
GoTo xyz
ElseIf t _short < t_avlble Then
steel_short = (maxBM_short _support * 10 ^ 6) / (st * j * t _short )
T = w_wat er * (H - 1)
steel_short_support = (maxBM_short _support * 10 ^ 6 - T * 0. 25 *
t_short ) / (st * j * t_short) + (T * 10 ^ 3) / st
steel_short_cent re = (maxBM_short_cent re * 10 ^ 6 - T * 0. 25 * t_short) /
(st * j * t _short ) + (T * 10 ^ 3) / st
End If

Sheet2. Cel ls(6, 4). Value = "SHORT WALL"
Sheet2. Cel ls(7, 4). Value = "STEEL ALONG INNER SIDE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 4). Value = "AT SUPPORT"
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 5). Value = steel _short _support
Sheet2. Cel ls(9, 4). Value = "AT CENTRE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(9, 5). Value = steel _short _centre

' t ank empt y & earth pressure outsi de
drct_comprsn = w_wat er * H + (w_soi l - w_wat er) * Ka * H
bm_short _support = (drct _comprsn * B ^ 2) / 12
as_short_support_outer = bm_short _support * 10 ^ 6 / (j * st * t_short)

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bm_short _centre = (drct_comprsn * B ^ 2) / 16
as_short_cent re_outer = bm_short_centre * 10 ^ 6 / (j * st * t_short)

Sheet2. Cel ls(7, 6). Value = "STEEL ALONG OUTER SIDE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 6). Value = "AT SUPPORT"
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 7). Value = as_short _support_out er
Sheet2. Cel ls(9, 6). Value = "AT CENTRE"
Sheet2. Cel ls(9, 7). Value = as_short _cent re_out er
Sheet2. Cel ls(10, 6). Val ue = "DISTRIBUTION STEEL"
Sheet2. Cel ls(10, 7). Val ue = di str_long

' assume 30cm proj ection and 40cm as base t hickness
' check agai nst upli ft
prj = 0. 3
Leff = L + 2 * d / 1000 + 2 * prj
Beff = B + 2 * d / 1000 + 2 * prj
wt_long = 2 * (Leff - 2 * 0. 3) * (avgd / 1000) * 24 * H
wt_short = 2 * B * (avgd / 1000) * 24 * H
wt_base = Leff * Beff * 0. 4 * 24
wt_eart h_proj ection = 2 * (Leff + B + 2 * avgd / 1000) * w_soil * H * 0. 3
upward_pr = Leff * Beff * (H + 0. 4) * 10
downward_pr = wt _l ong + wt_short + wt _base + wt _earth_projection

fri c_res = 0. 15 * (upward_pr - downward_pr)
submrgd_earthpr = (w_wat er + (w_soil - w_wat er) * Ka) * (H + 0. 4)
tot_pr_1mwall = submrgd_earthpr * (H + 0. 4) * 0. 5
tot_fri c_res = 2 * (Leff + B + 2 * avgd / 1000) * tot_pr_1mwall
If tot _fri c_res > fri c_res Then
Sheet2. Cel ls(1, 6). Value = "PROJECTION"
Sheet2. Cel ls(2, 6). Value = prj

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ElseIf t ot_fri c_res <= fri c_res Then
prj = prj + 0. 1
GoTo abc
End If

desi gn of base
up_pr_1m = (H + 0. 4) * w_wat er
net _up_pr = up_pr_1m - 0. 4 * 25
wt_wal l_proj = avgd * H * 25 + H * w_soil
R = 0. 5 * (net _up_pr * (B + 2 * avgd / 1000) - 2 * (avgd / 1000 * H * 25
+ H * w_soil * prj ))
BM_edge = 0. 5 * (net_up_pr * prj ^ 2) + (w_soil - w_wat er) * H * (H /
0. 3 + 0. 2) * 0. 5 - 0. 5 * w_soil * H * prj ^ 2
d_base = Sqr(BM_edge * 10 ^ 6 / (qcrack * 1000))
steel_base_support = BM_edge * 10 ^ 6 / (j * d_base * st)
distr_base = (0. 3 - 0. 1 * d_base / 350) * 1000 * d_base / 100

Sheet2. Cel ls(6, 1). Value = "BASE THICKNESS"
Sheet2. Cel ls(6, 2). Value = d_base
Sheet2. Cel ls(7, 1). Value = "REINFORCEMENT"
Sheet2. Cel ls(7, 2). Value = steel _base_support
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 1). Value = "DISTRIBUTION STEEL"
Sheet2. Cel ls(8, 2). Value = dist r_base

' Desi gn of roof
assumed_d_roof = 100
sel fwt = assumed_d_roof * 25 / 1000
livewt = 1. 5
finishes = 0. 1
total _load = selfwt + livewt + fi nishes
maxBM_roof = t otal _load * B ^ 2 / 8

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d_roof = Sqr(maxBM_roof * 10 ^ 6 / (qcrack * B * 1000))

If assumed_d_roof / 2 > d_roof Then
ast_roof = maxBM_roof * 10 ^ 6 / (j * d_roof * st )
dst_roof = 0. 15 * 10 * d_roof
Sheet2. Cel ls(10, 1). Val ue = "DESIGN OF ROOF"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 1). Val ue = "THICKNESS in mm"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 2). Val ue = d_roof + 20
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 1). Val ue = "REINFORCEMNET IN ROOF in mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 2). Val ue = ast_roof
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 1). Val ue = " DISTRIBUTION STEEL IN ROOF
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 2). Val ue = dst_roof

ElseIf assumed_d_roof < d_roof Then
deff_roof = assumed_d_roof - 20
ast_roof = maxBM_roof * 10 ^ 6 / (j * deff_roof * st )
dst_roof = 0. 15 * 10 * assumed_d_roof
Sheet2. Cel ls(10, 1). Val ue = "DESIGN OF ROOF"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 1). Val ue = "THICKNESS in mm"
Sheet2. Cel ls(11, 2). Val ue = assumed_d_roof
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 1). Val ue = "REINFORCEMNET IN ROOF in mm^2"
Sheet2. Cel ls(12, 2). Val ue = ast_roof
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 1). Val ue = " DISTRIBUTION STEEL IN ROOF in
Sheet2. Cel ls(13, 2). Val ue = dst_roof
End If

End Sub

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3.1 Design of Circular Tank with Flexible and Rigid Base
Capacit y= 500000Li tres.
Depth of the t ank = 4m
Compressive strengt h of concrete= M20
Free board= 0. 2m
Diamet er of bars used= 16mm
Table 2

Diamet er i n m 13 13
Thi ckness of walls i n mm 260 212. 767
Thi ckness of roof in mm 100 100
Cent ral rise of roof i n m 1 1
Reinforcement in dome i n mm^2 300 300
Cross section area of top ri ng beam 228. 73
Reinforcement in ri ng beam 2744. 711
Depth of base sl ab in mm 150 150
Reinforcement in base sl ab 450 450
Spacing of hoop rei nforcement per
1m at dept h m from t op in mm

4 140 154
3 200 206
2 300 310
1 618
Spacing of verti cal reinforcement
per 1m in bot h faces in mm
220 353

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Theoreti cal Program val ues
Thi ckness in mm 150 150
Reinforcement in cantilever portion 1284 823. 6
Hoop rei nforcement spacing on each
face i n mm
130 232
Spacing of dist ributi on st eel on
both face in mm
429 428. 57

Flexibl e base ci rcul ar tank
Fi gure. 3. 1

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Rigid base ci rcul ar tank
Fi gure. 3. 2

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3.2 Design of Underground Tank
Capacit y= 192m

Depth of the t ank = 4m
Compressive strengt h of concrete= M20
Free board= 0. 2m
Diamet er of bars used= 16mm
Angl e of repose of soil= 30 degree
Unit wei ght of soil = 16KN/mm

Unit wei ght of water= 10KN/ mm

Length (m) 12 12
Breadth (m) 4 4
Thi ckness of wall (mm) 650 624
Steel along i nner side (mm
) 1390. 52 1325. 846
Steel along out er side(mm
) 1777. 7 1700. 875
wal l
Dist ribution st eel(mm
) 867. 34 843. 66
Steel along i nner side
at support(mm
1145. 45 1011. 8544
steel along inner si de
at cent re(mm
995. 453 808. 876
Steel along out er side
at support(mm
1367. 325 1299. 19
Steel along out er side
at cent re(mm
1050. 478 974. 394
wal l
distribut ion st eel (mm
) 967. 45 843. 66
Base t hickness (mm) 400 373. 38
Reinforcement in base (mm
) 3547. 56 3289. 62

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Dist ribution st eel in base (mm
) 834. 59 721. 82
Proj ection in bot h si de of wall (m) 0. 3 0. 3
Roof thi ckness (mm) 100 62. 125
Reinforcement in roof (mm
) 433 1484. 57
Dist ribution st eel in roof(mm
) 150 63. 187

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Storage of wat er in the form of tanks for drinki ng and washi ng purposes,
swimmi ng pool s for exercise and enjoyment , and sewage sediment ati on
tanks are gaini ng increasi ng i mport ance in the present day li fe. For small
capacit ies we go for rectangular water t anks whil e for bi gger capaciti es
we provi de circul ar wat er t anks.
Desi gn of water t ank is a very t edi ous met hod. Particul arl y desi gn of
under ground wat er tank involves l ots of mat hemati cal formulae and
calculation. It is also time consuming. Hence program gives a sol ution to
the above probl ems.
There is a littl e di fference bet ween the desi gn values of program to that of
manual calcul ation. The program gives the l east value for the desi gn.
Hence desi gner should not provide l ess t han the val ues we get from t he
program. In case of theoreti cal calcul at ion desi gner init iall y add some
extra values to the obtai ned val ues to be in safer si de.

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! Dayaratnam P. Desi gn of Reinforced Concret e St ructures. New
Del hi. Oxford & IBH publ icati on. 2000
! Vazi rani & Ratwani . Concret e St ructures. New Delhi. Khanna
Publishers. 1990.
! Sayal & Goel . Reinforced Concret e St ructures. New Del hi. S. Chand
publi cation. 2004.

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