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8Ln SCC8A1LS - lAnC

!"#$%& (&)$**+ (1862-1918)

uanseuses de uelphes !"#$ &"'()*'+ ,##- .

,&-.+ !/0&"" (1897-1963)
1he 1ldes of Manaunaun !"#$ /0"'' 1"2+0 3'4'5*+

1#$.23& 4#5&" (1874 - 1937)
SonaLlne - ll. MouvemenL de menueL

1he Snow ls uanclng from Chlldren's Corner

6&.7&2 8./9/:2&5 (1891 - 1933)
vlslons luglLlves

LsLampes agodes

olssons u'or !"#$ 1$64'+ ,##- 11

une 8arque Sur L'Ccean !"#$ 72"#2"+

8en SocraLes ls a London based classlcal/conLemporary planlsL, lmprovlser, composer and Leacher, wlLh a speclal afflnlLy for muslc
of Lhe 20Lh cenLury. AL Lhls year's 8rlsLol 8lennlal he ls collaboraLlng wlLh Lhe uowslng lor WaLer collecLlve, Lo presenL a serles of
plano muslc LhaL evokes Lhe ldea of waLer ln all lL's forms. 8en wlll be respondlng Lo Lhe arLlsL's curaLlon of Lhe space, halfway
Lhrough Lhe seLup of Lhe 8'*9 :';-#5254 exhlblLlon. lrom 1200-1800 hours, he wlll lmprovlse alongslde Lhe arLlsLs, uslng Lhe vlsual
sLlmull of Lhe exhlblLlon and lL's connecLlon Lo waLer, drawlng on speclflc reperLolre LhaL relaLes Lo Lhe Lheme, lnLroduclng and
curaLlng fragmenLs of muslc Lo be performed laLer, and explorlng Lhe connecLlons beLween Lhese Lwo dlsclpllnes meeLlng aL a
common concepL.

1hen, followlng Lhls sponLaneous and lnLenslve exLended performance, aL 7pm 8en wlll lead Lhe exhlblLlon aLLendees Lhrough an
lllusLraLed reclLal of 'waLer muslc' for plano. Pe wlll demonsLraLe how muslc wenL Lhrough slgnlflcanL changes aL Lhe Lurn of Lhe
cenLury and sLarLed Lo Lake on Lhe characLerlsLlcs of waLer, amongsL oLher Lhlngs. 1he programme wlll cenLre around Lhe lrench
composer Claude uebussy, who evoked more Lhan anyone ln hlsLory Lhe muslc of naLure and Lhe organlc, fluld naLure of waLer. Also
feaLured ls Penry Cowell, whose use of Lone clusLers creaLed greaL Lldes of sound, Sergel rokoflev, ln a sulLe of dream llke pleces,
and uebussy's successor Maurlce 8avel.

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