Fase de Aprendizaje: Unidad 1 (Contempla Las Unidades de La 1 A La 7)

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Contenidos Temticos Ingls IV

Fase de Aprendizaje
Fase de Aprendizaje:
Unidad 1 (Contempla
las unidades de la 1 a
la 7)
UNIT 1 Past perfect
Time Clauses in the past
Congratulatory vocabulary and
UNIT 2 Wish to express hypothetical
situations in the present.
Hope to express realistic
expectations in the present.
Use of wish + stop ing structures.
Hope vs. wish
The understanding of the
disappearing d in and.
Fase de Aprendizaje:
Unidad 2 (Contempla
las unidades de la 8 a
la 15)
UNIT 3 if clauses and result clauses in
conditional sentences
Conditional sentences with the
following tense combination:
present future (1st. conditional)
Hope to express realistic
expectations about the future.
Vocabulary related to disturbing
natural phenomena, such as
global warming.
UNIT 4 Used to for habits and customary
past actions.
Verb: Miss. Miss somebody/one,
or something.
UNIT 5 Review
UNIT 6 Subject and Direct Object within a
sentence, both in active and
passive voice.
Passive voice.
Present and past tenses of the
passive voice for impersonal

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