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To, Date: 17

October, 201
The Branch Manager
Standard Chartered Bank
Akbar Chowk Branch
Sir Mada!,
S"b#ect: Request for opening a New
$ith re%erence to the abo&e !entioned '"b#ect, !( na!e i'
Muneeb Ghafar S0 Abdul Ghafar and ) a! intere'ted in
o*ening a new C"rrent Acco"nt with (o"r re*"ted bank. +a&ing
!( own b"'ine'' o% On,ine Marketing ) a! 'tating a,, in%or!ation
re-"ired on B"'ine'' Letterhead.
) a! enc,o'ing the re-"ired .,,ed a**,ication %or! and other
doc"!ent' a' *er the ora, en-"irie' !ade ear,ier. )t wo",d be
high,( a**reciab,e i% (o" initiate the *roce'' a' 'oon a' *o''ib,e.
Thank /o".
0nc,o'"re': 11 A Co!*,eted A**,ication 2or!.
21 A Co*( O% C3)C.
41 A Co*( O% Addre'' 5roo% 67ti,it( Bi,,1.
81 A Che-"e %or 9'.::::::::::

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