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Name ___________________ Outsiders Quick Exploration Project

Group Members _________________________________

Introduction -- A Quick Exploration is a research tactic. Rather than listening to us give
you the inormation! you "n# it an# present it to the class.
$. Get the group assignments rom Ms. Gaines.
%. Research using the &ebsites liste# on Mrs. 'ackson(s )ibrary *log.
+. Either han#&rite notes or make a ,or# #ocument to keep track o your
inormation -both o &hich you &ill turn in as part o your gra#e..
/. ,hen complete! e#it the notes an# make sure you have ans&ere# all o the
important 0uestions. 1his means you(ve ans&ere# at least the 2&hat!3 the 2&hy!3
an# the 2ho& you kno&.3 4se textual examples.
5. 6re#it any sources you use# outsi#e o the sources provi#e# on Mrs. 'ackson(s
7. 6omplete your graphic organi8er #uring the other groups( presentations. 1his is
important because you &ill use this throughout the rea#ing o the novel. -)ike &e
#i# &ith 9ropp..
1he ollo&ing are topics or your 0uick exploration. 6hoose the one that interests you the
Gangs -choose one.
o Girl gangs
o *oy gangs
:ocial Net&orking
Questions to Answer
$. ;e"ne the topic in your o&n &or#s. Remember< you &ill teach your classmates! so
make sure your #e"nition is easy to un#erstan# an# remember.
%. ,hat types o people are most likely to =oin the group you are stu#ying>
+. ,ho is most likely to be a?ecte# by the group you are stu#ying>
/. ,hat is the hierarchy o that group> -@ierarchy is grouping people accor#ing to
their status..
a. ,ho are the members> ,hat are their roles>
b. ,ho is in a lea#ership role> ,hy #o they get to be in that role>
c. ,hy are others not lea#ers>
#. ,hat is the socioeconomic status o your group> @o& #oes economic status
a?ect the members o your group an# ho& they might behave> Give
reasons or your ans&ers.
5. ,hat are the e?ects o membership in your group>
a. @o& is the group as a &hole a?ecte#>
b. @o& is the in#ivi#ual a?ecte#>
c. @o& is the school! neighborhoo#! or community a?ecte#>
7. Ain# an interesting anec#ote about your group that you can share &hen you are
teaching the class. 1his &ill help them remember &hat you are teaching them.
B. Cut o all o your research an# rea#ing! list the "ve most important acts that your
classmates nee# to kno&. Remember< you are their source o inormation on this
topic so think critically an# careully about &hat is most important.
Name ___________________ Outsiders Quick Exploration Project
Group Members _________________________________

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