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Explain Isotropy and anisotropy.?

From Solid State Chemistry. Related to crystal structures.

I would like to give you a simple answer...
Isotropy:-It is one of the charecterstic of certain solids by which the properties measured has the
same value in all directions...Eg:-morphous solids !"lass#$owder%
nisotropy:-It is oe of the charecterstic of solids by virtue of which the properties such as
refractive inde&#viscosity#etc...measured does not have the same value in all the directions.Such
crystals are anisotropic
Eg:-ll crystalline solids!'aCl#$otassium dichromate crystals#Sodium 'itrite%
Other Answers (2)
In a single crystal# the physical and mechanical properties often differ with orientation. It
can be seen from loo(ing at our models of crystalline structure that atoms should be able
to slip over one another or distort in relation to one another easier in some directions than
others. )hen the properties of a material vary with different crystallographic orientations#
the material is said to be anisotropic.
lternately# when the properties of a material are the same in all directions# the material
is said to be isotropic. For many polycrystalline materials the grain orientations are
random before any wor(ing !deformation% of the material is done. *herefore# even if the
individual grains are anisotropic# the property differences tend to average out and#
overall# the material is isotropic. )hen a material is formed# the grains are usually
distorted and elongated in one or more directions which ma(es the material anisotropic.
+aterial forming will be discussed later but let,s continue discussing crystalline structure
at the atomic level.
-omogeneity. nisotropy and isotropy can depend on scale. )hile a single crystal can be
anisotropic# many crystals together can form an isotropic or homogeneous layer within an
otherwise anisotropic roc(.
answered . years ago
From /isoptrope/ which means /measuring the same/. 0ften we use the prefi& /iso/ to
mean /the same/. *hin( about those lines of e1ual pressure on the weather map. *hey are
called /isobars/.
Isotropy refers to any measurement made in any direction which is the same.
Isotropic crystal growth would allow for growth in the &# y# and 2 a&es e1ually.
nisotropy is the opposite. *echnically /an/ means /without/# and therefore means
/without the same measurement/. 0r in the case of crystals# growth would be restricted in
some direction.
34 years of teaching chemistry

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